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    Young Justice Season 3: An Unexpected Return

    Sam Register, President, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Digital Series recently announced that a third season of Young Justice, an abruptly cancelled animated television show that aired on Cartoon Network from 2010-2013 is currently in production. Fans have continued to show much support since its cancellation, fighting to revive the show, and Register acknowledged the fans "rallying cry for more episodes" in the press release. Recount the events of the first and second seasons of the show and explore why it had such a loyal fan following and garnered critical acclaim. Also, look into how fans reacted to the controversial cancellation and the events that led up to its unexpected return.

    • I would also add to the research of this topic how former superhero shows like Justice League, and Justice League: Unlimited, along with Teen Titans and its cancellation in late 2006 helped pave the path for Young Justice and its fan base. – Steven Gonzales 8 years ago
    • From a gendered standpoint, there was a lot of controversy from the network following cancellation due to poor toy sales and too many female viewers. Perhaps this is an angle an author would like to take when viewing this topic, particularly how female fans may have contributed to the return of the series. – SarahKnauf 8 years ago

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    Sure. Some of my favorites are Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolf Man, and Creature from the Black Lagoon. There are also quite a few sequels to those films as well if you are interested.

    Vague Horror: The Scariest Kind of Horror

    Very cool article. Seeing the different paths that two successful writers traversed was very interesting. I completely agree that natural talent allows someone the potential to be a successful writer, and learning about writing is what hones their skills and makes them an actual writer.

    Can you Teach Someone how to Become a Writer?

    The more vague and subtle the horror is, the more our minds push to understand the terror; and there are few things scarier that what we imagine in our own minds. The classic Universal horror movies did an excellent job of suggesting horror to create a vision in the viewer’s mind that was more terrifying than anything they could have depicted on-screen.

    Vague Horror: The Scariest Kind of Horror

    Seeing extremely dangerous villains get out of prison, however they do it, time after time certainly gets a bit ridiculous. Although, I think the revolving door of prisons and super-prisons can be justifiable if there are plausible reasons behind the villain’s departure. Simply having a villain escape is a bit weak, but something like an orchestrated and motivated break-out is more convincing and grounds the event in some semblance of reality. I do agree that it is necessary to have villains frequently escape because too many “great” villains would be lost to the confinements of prison.

    What Should Happen To Captured Super Villains?