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    Nintendo Switch: Revolutionary or another Nintendo Bust?

    Following the poor sales of Nintendo’s Wii U, how will the Nintendo Switch fare in the console gaming war, taking into consideration it is attempting to add portability to the console gaming world much like the Wii U? Will this be another nail in Nintendo’s console coffin, or will it bring them back to the forefront of the console wars?

    • I think that there are myriad of factors to discuss including the level of third party support for the device, the battery life of Nintendo Switch, how it will be perceived by mainstream consumers, will there still be nintendo 3ds games or this the end the nintendo's handheld line, etc. – SeanGadus 8 years ago

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    Very interesting topic of exploration.

    Admittedly, I hated the whiny Malfoy from the start (a good sign of a well-developed enemy,) but I grew to respect him as the crisis of conscience emerged. That said, he never sticks out in my mind looking at the saga as a whole. Your article, however, has caused me to reassess where his character lands on my radar within the series.

    Very thought provoking article. It makes me want to write characters with the same sort of depth.

    Thank you much.

    Why Draco Malfoy is one of the Most Underrated Characters in 'Harry Potter'

    This is definitely a great topic for exploration and discussion.

    Obesity often is a genetic or deep-seated issue caused by stress, trauma, etc. To rule out overweight people in any area of life, or otherwise, would be rather insensitive and narrow-minded.

    Speaking to the argument against a plus-sized hero being able to do as much, in the case of Faith aka Zephyr (since she seems the most relevant), her abilities are psionically driven. Meaning, her powers are derived mentally so the physicality question becomes rather inconsequential.

    Thank you for writing this.

    One slight edit. While there is a plus-sized superhero named Faith who appeared first in JLA #69 (2002), I believe you were actually speaking of the Valiant comics hero Faith Herbert (aka Zephyr) who first appeared in Harbinger #1 Children of the Eighth Day (1992). She has since appeared in the Harbinger reboot in 2012, when Valiant came back, and, most recent, her own series, Faith, this year.

    Overweight Superheroes and Supervillains

    Very nice, well-researched article.

    I enjoyed the show the first time I saw it. Admittedly, I didn’t see it until I was in college and the DVDs came out. Saturday nights in high school were movie nights for me. If only my friends and I had tuned in…

    Freaks and Geeks: One Season, 17 Years of Cultural Influence