Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor II
10 Anticipated Manga-induced Changes for the New Sailor Moon Anime | |
![]() I agree, Rini/Chibiusa was a much more complex character in the manga. I read the manga after watching the Black Moon Arc in the anime and I think having her powers awakened as she changes from Black Lady to her normal age was a very nice touch too. | 10 Anticipated Manga-induced Changes for the New Sailor Moon Anime |
![]() Thanks! You should definitely take advantage of the Kodansha reprint of the manga as well so you can catch up on everything. | 10 Anticipated Manga-induced Changes for the New Sailor Moon Anime |
![]() Thanks. I am a bit nervous to see what they come up with too but just the promise that it will follow the manga is enough for me to start a countdown for the premiere. | 10 Anticipated Manga-induced Changes for the New Sailor Moon Anime |
![]() I actually prefer dubbed anime due to the fact that I can enjoy the story and animation without having to read through some awkward translations of the dialogue. Sure at times some of the performances by the voice actors may fall flat but more often than not the dubs can be just as compelling and authentic as the subbed originals. Case in point Vic Mignogna in Full Metal Alchemist and Ouran High School Host Club. | Sub or Dub? Voice Acting and Authenticity |
![]() I agree with many of the points you raised. Glee as an early concept was great and showed potential of becoming even greater during Season two with the introduction of new characters such as Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson. However, I feel that in its cheesiness and lack of focus (in terms of character development and story) has managed to follow in the same vein as Degrassi: The Next Generation which started to tackle issues such as homosexuality, sex, pregnancy, suicide and self harm with uncensored honesty and realistic optimism but later turned to recycling story lines becoming a bad teenage soap opera. Even the characters that you once found endearing from the original cast have become so unlikable that it becomes difficult to remain invested in the story. It is definitely time for the show to end. | 4 Reasons Why Glee Should be Cancelled |
![]() I actually went to see this movie expecting to hate it. I even made sure to not pay full admission price as I felt it would not be worth the money. Suffice to say I was shocked to find this film to be as great as it is. Granted I am a 90’s kid so my heart remains loyal to the 2D Disney animated films, however the story which parodies the Disney stereotype and story format manages to bring some “new” ideas of love in terms of other kinds of relationships including one of equality and consent in regards to Anna and Kristof. That said, my only qualm is that film focused on Anna when Elsa should have been the central protagonist, after all this was a story about how she gives herself permission to let go of her fear and be free to be herself. | Frozen: Why Disney’s New Film Is One Of Their Best |
I also enjoy the transformation sequences and even watch them on YouTube from time to time, but I think that having new transformation sequences would be nice just as long as they are sparse. If only to make the battles a bit “realistic”.