Ryan Errington

Ryan Errington

Contributing writer for The Artifice. I have a deep interest in films, television and the arts.

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The Need for Independent Cinemas

What is the importance and reasons for independent cinemas which show diverse films in comparison to commercial cinema chains?

  • The importance of independent cinema is to show real world content or explore imagination to the extreme; as in opposition to the antithesis of mainstream movies which caters to the average audience and keeps them in their comfort zone. Independent cinema has the ability to expand the mind and heart without compromising its integrity in exchange for monetary compensation. One could also look at examples of independent films made with artistic integrity and exploded into mainstream media. – Venus Echos 10 years ago
  • Independent Cinema also allows for marginalized populations to have access to equipment to be able to tell their own stories and have their voiced heard. It also allows for subversive themes and experimental styles to emerge. – CassDM 10 years ago

Art Galleries as a Learning Experience

How can art galleries make a person understand art's intentions and help their critical judgement?


    The Benefits of Public Broadcasters

    As Public Broadcasters are not funded by commercial and/or private companies, this would mean that they offer unbias coverage and more in-depth programming of specific topics. Are they any other benefits or maybe cons regarding Public Broadcasters?


      The Importance of a National Cinema

      Why is it important for countries to have a strong, national cinema oppose to screening imported foreign films?

      • One factor that I know of is that many people have national pride. Some people also do not like reading subtitles (as silly as that sounds, my father feels that way: "why can't they just make it with English?"). Those might be useful things to explore. – Nicole Wethington 10 years ago
      • To be able to self-represent on the global cinematic stage, to recount national histories, economic reasons, to be able to fulfil national interests in terms of themes, topics, settings, actors, etc. Just a few suggestions! – CassDM 10 years ago

      Is Children's Television Educational?

      Is there a reasonable argument that children's television educational? Or if it is not, how can children's television be made educational?

      • It may also be of interest to explore the idea of: does children's television need to be educational - if so - to what degree does it need to be educational (What do you want children to learn)? Young children's shows are often educational, teaching various subjects such as math and the alphabet; however, with older children's and preteen television, this does shift. The programming seems to shift to situational and social problems that characters may face. Now does children learning from social situations provide them with a type of awareness valuable to their development or should more academics, such as, math and science be added? – Schmerica11 10 years ago
      • A better question is: should it be? – T. Palomino 3 years ago

      The Most Effective Photography Subjects

      What have been the best subjects photographers have focused on and why?


        Most Influential Musicians and Bands

        A subjective topic, how and why have certain musicians and bands influenced others in various areas

        • This would be a really really wide topic! For anyone interested, maybe focus it on a specific genre like rock, jazz, soul, pop... – Rachel Elfassy Bitoun 10 years ago
        • Would love to see this materialize and agree with Rachel, you could steer this in literally any direction. Inconspicuous choices would fare best, methinks. – Luke Stephenson 10 years ago
        • I would agree with Rachel Elfassy Bitoun. I have a hard enough time defining the genre of music that I specialize in (contemporary new music). Narrow it down to a specific genre, and go from there. – simonmacleod6 10 years ago

        Slow TV: A New Phenomenon

        Slow TV programs from Europe, where there is little production and simply contains what the camera sees. Examples include a canal trip and log fires. Is there any relevant to such programming?

        • Ryan, not familiar with Slow TV but I would think by the examples you used that this would be a great program for say mood settings, like mood music. This could be in the back ground at a dinner party or say light mediation. Slow TV would not demand attention as do many mainstream TV programs. So perhaps different manners in which to put on these Slow TV shows could be examined. – Venus Echos 10 years ago

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        Latest Comments

        Ryan Errington

        I understand what you mean. Dedicated gamers would rather go it alone and complete a game in their own time rather than be guided.

        Video Game Walkthroughs and Gaming Culture
        Ryan Errington

        To be honest, there can be some fan-fiction which is quite ridiculous and nothing more than silly fantasies. Hence 50 Shades of Grey.

        Fanficton: A Practice in the Art of Storytelling
        Ryan Errington

        Quite an intriguing article. You have managed to capture the appealing qualities of Woodman’s work in your writing.

        The Art of Francesca Woodman: Haunting, Evocative, Personal
        Ryan Errington

        Depends on how one defines art, after all it is very subjective. Though I do like art that represents a clear message.

        Banksy: The Elusive Street Graffiti Artist
        Ryan Errington

        I found putting a draft to one side till the next day helps, it makes you better able to see what corrections and/or amendments are needed.

        Attention Writers: The Myth of Writer's Block
        Ryan Errington

        Very true. In knowing the Oscar winners are decided by a small committee, who are never held accountable, makes one question the Oscars’ integrity.

        The Academy Awards: A Popularity Contest or a Reward for Serious Artistry?
        Ryan Errington

        Games are certainly more rewarding when you are allowed to explore its narrative complexity, making you more involved.

        Silent Hill 2: A Pinnacle in Gaming Symbolism
        Ryan Errington

        I believe the “American scene” is a concept that can only be redefined every generation. For example you mentioned Twain and Hemingway, who wrote in different centuries. Times changed significantly between their writings.

        Does The Beat Generation Still Matter?