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    "The Perks of Becoming a Wallflower" and the Theme of Identity

    Stephen Chbosky’s 1999 novel presents the theme of identity with a protagonist, Charlie, who struggles to find himself during freshmen year of high school. This article would demonstrate the protagonist’s lack of identity throughout the entire book and the revelation which made him learn about the dangers of lacking identity.

    • I'm not quite sure what you mean. Can you be more specific about what you mean about "the dangers of lacking identity?" To my understanding, and I realize my reading of the novel is different from others' readings, Charlie has an identity, but that identity is changing throughout the novel. Now whether we view that identity as being distinct, that is up to an interpretation, but I would like to see this article nonetheless. – Matt Sautman 8 years ago
    • As mentioned by the previous commenter, can you be more specific as to what "the dangers of lacking identity" means? I read the book as a coming-of-age novel where Charlie learns more about himself and those around him. What exactly are the "dangers" caused by a "lack of identity," especially in adolescence? – AaronJRobert 8 years ago
    • This is an extraordinary book. Love to see any articles about it. – Sean Gadus 6 years ago
    • Im not sure that Charlie actually "lacks identity" as you say, he does try to find himself as would any other freshman would be but a big part of his identity is dealing with normal school life along Side his depression and memories from his past. – JustEllieWillDo 5 years ago

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    I totally agree with this article, even in a general sense. As writers, and as people, we have the tendency to be apprehensive and try to make our creations a certain way, but in the end, we end up becoming paralyzed. Although I do not meditate or practice zen buddhism, I do like the lessons writers, and all people, can take from the application.

    Using Zen Philosophy to Improve Creativity and Overcome Writer’s Block

    I agree with the points in your article. I just wish Lucas and Corrine were well-known authors, or at least they were more explicitly recognized as authors.

    Can you Teach Someone how to Become a Writer?

    Great article. I do agree with what you said about how Freaks and Geeks lacked a lot of modern day elements such as Britney Spears, but I think there’s one instance where Freaks and Geeks was culturally relevant: Lindsay’s characterization. Lindsay is a character who epitomizes the teen angst of the 90s. Sure, the show takes place in 1980, but Lindsay’s personality fits in with the teen angst motif of the 90s. And if that motif died by then, Daria (which aired 1997-2002), a show which also has an angsty protagonist, would be irrelevant at the time as well.

    Freaks and Geeks: One Season, 17 Years of Cultural Influence