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    It's All in the Name: The Importance of Names in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    Analyze how the names of each of the characters in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (Charlie Bucket, Augustus Gloop, Mike Teavee, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregard, Willy Wonka, and so forth) reflect the characters' roles in the movie. Explore the way in which the names hint at each of the characters' defining characteristics, how the names directly relate to the themes present in the story, what ultimately happens to each character.

    • This topic makes me so happy. Besides the obvious (Mike TEAVEE, Willy WONKa), I found the name Veruca Salt absolutely fascinating. Although all I know of Verruca is that it's a wart on the sole of the foot (just like Willy Wonka said, actually), I've wondered if Dahl just wanted to name a character something unpleasant, or if there's another significance. Salt, however, has always reminded me of the Indian Salt Tax. It was a very very expensive commodity at one point (this is what led to the Salt March in India), and could that be a reference to how rich the Salts were? Gloop phonetically is a very obvious reference to gluttony, and Violet literally violet at the end, but I haven't been able to come up with much else for the other characters. It should be interesting to see what the comments here throw up! – JayBird 8 years ago
    • There are some scholars and linguists who have wrote papers on Dahl’s neologisms and wordplays. Besides the names of the kids who won the golden tickets, the names of Wonka’s rivals are also very meaningful. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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    I think you described the essential role of music to convey emotion in film perfectly! Sometimes the most defining characteristic of a film or TV show is its music. For the longest time my friend and I knew that Tarzan was our favorite Disney film, but when I asked her if she would still love the film as much without the Phil Collins soundtrack, she had to seriously think about it.

    The Importance of Scoring in Films

    I’m glad you mentioned Slade in your article when talking about Robin’s defining characteristics! Robin’s interactions with him definitely revealed a lot about his character, and allowed Robin to develop as a character as well.

    Teen Titans: Reinventing the Teenage Archetypes

    I like how you highlighted many of the important aspects of the island setting in Peter Pan! A lot of its characteristics tie in with the general appeal of a miniaturized world of adventure for the child to easily navigate, and Disney definitely made sure that Neverland became the epitome of childhood fantasy.

    Peter Pan: The Seven Standards of Disney