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    Is Gaming the Future of Films? Or are Films the Future of Games?

    As Games have evolved, they become more and more cinematic. Cutscenes that are directed using filmaking knowledge, and interactive series such as 'The Walking Dead' and 'The Wolf Among Us' are essentially interactive choose-your-own-adventure films. So my question is this- as Films yearn to draw the audience in more and more through interactivity, will they start to become much like games- or is the age of games over? Is the future of CoD an interactive action film with occasional quick-time segments?

    • Awesome topic. You should use the game Night Trap to show how games and movies can interact. – TheTylerHudson 9 years ago
    • I've actually thought about this myself. It's almost like both, film and games, are missing something. In games, we are slightly deprived of a filmmaker's vision, but that vision or voice can sometimes steer people away. On the flip side, some viewers are intrigued by a filmmaker's vision more than they the film's subject matter. In film, we are unable to physically interact. Being able to physically interact versus a filmmaker drawing you into his/her film might be an interesting angle. It almost seems like there is no reason why we, the viewer, aren't granted the opportunity to be a part of a film. Having that interaction might be what gives the viewer a true connection with a film and its subject matter. Further, games aren't as linear as they once were. Some games have multiple endings, while others have no defined ending. – MDanielewski 9 years ago
    • This is an incredibly interesting topic. Games and films are both consistently in the eye of society, and the both of them can be seen as partners of the other. So many of these things can slide seamlessly into the other, which could spark a pretty decent debate. Personally, I think the majority of society likes the idea of seeing a game follow a film, because then they can live with and as the characters they fell in love with during the movie. – briannahardy 9 years ago
    • This is an interesting topic and I would say that games might outlive films. Cinematic displays and the filmmakers vision are constantly being incorporated into games; Halo and Final Fantasy are excellent examples of this. It's interesting because both fields are dynamic, yet games seem more likely to wither than film, as film seems to be a constant staple of popular culture. Yet, if gaming integrates more elements of film into its production, it almost seems desirable that people could choose to interact with cinematic games more in the long run, whereas film is not interactive. If anything a merger of the two mediums could be interesting, such as Scorsese directing the new Halo. – JamesNeff 9 years ago

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    Although I love most this list, I feel like To the Moon and Thomas Was Alone should be higher on here. To the Moon is one of the saddest games I’ve ever played, but simultaneously one of the most beautiful. Whenever I hear “Everything’s Alright”, I can’t help but break down and realize my own mortality- nothing inspires me to seize that day like realizing that this might be the only chance I have. Thomas Was Alone, on the other hand, was a genuine gem. I’m not sure I laughed as hard at any game than at Claire’s entrance- and I literally had to stop playing when John started hoping that he wouldn’t die last so that he wouldn’t have to be alone. Both of these games are fantastic indie games, and just games in general- and need to be played by more people.

    Another recent game with some fantastic emotional scenes is Telltale’s comedy/drama ‘Tales From the Borderlands’. Episode 4 in particular had a ton of emotional keys it hit, such as a character wondering what a ‘home’ actually is, someone saying goodbye to a friend for possibly the last time, and one of the most emotional video game character deaths I’ve ever seen. It’s definitely worth a look- you’ll laugh, you’ll feel, you’ll scream at your computer, all that jazz.

    Thanks for the list- it’s nice to see a list of emotions in games. Be well!

    10 Video Games You Weren’t Expecting To Make You Cry

    The thing I find is the case with many of these viciously difficult games (Dark Souls, Super Meat Boy, and so on) is that they don’t actually teach you mechanics. They tell you how to move, and how to attack, and let you do the rest. Many of the deaths at the beginning of the game is discovery. Learning how to utilize a roll, or a way to use your environment against your foes- and as you learn this, the beginning areas of the game become much simpler. Then, you’re thrust into the more difficult areas of the game, where you’re forced to hone your skills more and more, using repetition to learn the way your enemies move- going step by step until you finally manage to make it to the next challenge. Then, you die again- and continue to fight your way through the area.

    It keeps us hooked because we feel like we’ve learned- that now we’ll be able to get past that minotaur on the bridge- that we’ll be able to jump over that next obstacle. We’re hooked because we’re confident in ourselves- and that’s the beauty of this game. I leave the game thinking “Wow- I’m really good at games”, even after having died more times than I could count. It’s fantastic design.

    Dark Souls: What Makes Gamers Endure the Pain?

    I find the end of Deathnote’s second season fascinating- mostly because of what it sets up in the third. Some people hate the third season because L is gone, but I personally love it. While the first two seasons are about the battles between L and Light, the third season is about Light finally going insane. Near is nowhere near as smart as L- but Light still loses in the end. Mistakes he made come past to attack him, and he becomes abusive to Misa, who he’s now using as a toy and a tool. While in the first two seasons, Light and L are morally ambiguous, Light is certainly the villain in the end- and I think that’s why people don’t like it.

    Another great anime is Akame Ga Kill. Though the beginning is rather boring and predictable, there are some fantastic scenes as the plot progresses. It’s also wonderfully emotional, as about 80% of the main characters all die- and even the villains have some emotional death scenes. It does have a little bit more sexualization than I’d like, but the emotion in many of the scenes is just fantastic.

    Awesome list, though- it’s good to see people talk about Fullmetal Alchemist: Brootherhood. That anime remains one of my favorite to this day.

    Anime for Dummies: What Starters Should Watch