I am simply a lover of a good story (no matter the way it is conveyed).
Junior Contributor I
An Analysis of Indie Board Games and What Makes Them PopularThere are quite a number of board games out there (some entertaining and some a headache). However, we see indie games pop up all of the time. There are even hobby shops dedicated to selling and introducing board games to their general area. Interestingly enough, these games do not seem to have the same media presence that more commercial board games enjoy (anything by Hasbro, for example), yet some games have become incredibly popular. Why is this? What makes them so much fun to pick up and play? Is this all handled by enthusiastic tabletop gamers who make it their only mission to bless the world with the games that they love? It is worth exploring the indie board game world as a whole and it is worth looking at what makes them popular, despite their powerful competition. Maybe this topic is just one more enthusiastic tabletop gamer's attempt to bless the world with indie board games.
Gundam for Newcomers: Traits To Look Forward To | |
![]() I agree. This movie definitely felt more like a Batman movie that happened to involve Superman. I can’t say that it upset me, though. I have always enjoyed Batman a bit more. Though, following Batman’s “investigation” (so to speak) may have been what kept the movie from being tossed all over the place; as you said, the movie was rather “packed.” I suppose one coherent story is better than multiple bits of other stories. | Batman Vs Superman: What Went Wrong? |
![]() For me, the characters make the series; it is important (for me, at least) to see characters that are “within grasp,” so to speak. Sure, super-confident/powerful characters are nice to see, but they do not seem to provide as much depth. On the other had, characters like Shinji, certainly have a way of making viewers/readers uncomfortable (not to mention frustrated). Good read. | The Endings of Evangelion: Exploring Shinji Ikari |
Read this article on a whim, and found it funny how true it is. I’ve kept up with various Gundam series’ and never actually took the time see these reoccurring themes (aside from the, generally, believable futuristic technology). Now I’ll likely end up looking for them in each subsequent series I watch.