

My name is Connor Blue Harrison, a 24-year-old from Gainesville, Florida currently completing an M.S. in Journalism at Boston University.

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When CGI Wasn't Taken for Granted: How Groundbreaking Effects in Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park Informed their Narratives

Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) and Jurassic Park (1993) are considered landmark films in regards to their special effects; the T-1000 and the dinosaurs were considered ambitious projects modeled around still-new computer generated imagery. Two decades later, it feels that the modern summer blockbuster uses these effects to a fault rather than to intimately inform the narratives as was the case in those two films. Have filmmakers taken CGI for granted?

  • I think this a fascinating topic! These two films (T2 and J Park) were on the forefront of the technological cutting edge for their time (they still look and feel amazing today) and have informed how CGI and other special effects are used within movies. Very relevant and important topic for the current film landscape and movie making process. – SeanGadus 8 years ago
  • I would say that yes in many cases it has but in the case of Dr. Strange for example it was cgi done right and allowed a movie about a comic some worried would fail when put on the big screen to actually succeed. Since its depictions of magic through cgi was impressive and allowed the narrative to be told without being wacky. – NickC 8 years ago
  • This is a great topic, because after learning how much movies today use a green screen, it just makes me sad. In some cases, like NickC referencing Doctor Strange, CGI really makes a movie great, but honestly, it's not needed one hundred percent of the time. – Leweasel 8 years ago

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The show, as you point out, receives so much criticism for it’s portrayal (of everything brutal), so I find a feminist angle to be very refreshing. I hate Cersei, but love that she won (and Dany as well).

How A Feminist Watches Game of Thrones: Power Is Power

I had a grad school friend that loved HIMYM, definitely going to share it with them. The idea of a narrator (and focal point) of the overarching plot not being the protagonist is incredibly fascinating to me.

How I Met Your Modern Sitcom: Rethinking Love & Relationships

Really enjoyed this article. People theorize Breaking Bad a lot, but I’ve never seen such a thorough investigation of the objects and imagery as it informs the undercurrent of the plot.

Objects in Breaking Bad: If Things Could Talk