

Hi! My name is Coleton, and I have a fever that can only be cured by more cowbell and writing. Interested in comics, movies, games and more!

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    Should Comic Book writers change the sexuality of existing characters or create new LGBTQ characters?

    During the past couple years, Comic Book writers for both Marvel and DC have tried to make their characters more accessible to minority audiences, such as members of the LGBTQ community. In doing so, some writers have changed the sexuality of existing characters; while others have invented new characters. Discuss the pros and cons of both sides and suggest your own solution to this ongoing issue in comics.

    • I believe that there was at least one gender-swapped universe in the DC universe. The only con that I (personally) can think of is that it messes with tradition and if they were to do something like a gender swap then the entirety of a universe would make more sense than just a couple of characters. Another slightly pedantic con would be what to call these "new" heroes: Batman to Batwoman and vice versa would be incredibly confusing for example. As for inventing new character that are part of the LGBT community, this should be the way to go. Every community and social circle needs role models and even if some don't agree with it, times are changing, it is happening and it is good that it is. Sidenote: Could also mention the recent legalisation of same sex marriage in the US. – Jamie 10 years ago
    • I don't think it's okay to gender or race swap a character, because like Jamie said it messes with tradition. Sure, minorities might get a new role model but who are the ones who dedicate themselves to going to see movie adaptations of comic books in the first place? The die hard fans who read them, those who are going for the tradition. I'm not one of those people but I know some who are, and when my friend found out they were making the Human Torch black and adopted in their next movie, he was really upset. Not only does it messes with who the entire character was (him and his sister being biologically related, blonde, white, and blue eyes) it takes away the role model other non-minorities used to love (no matter how many they may already have to choose from). Rather than change certain popular characters to fit into a more racially diverse world, why don't the production companies just choose to make entire movies focused on the minority heroes they already have? I'd love to see a live action movie of Cyborg from DC, he was my favourite. That being said, the Human Torch is a much more drastic change than Nick Fury was, because in that instance they chose a character I didn't know beforehand. Maybe it's a balance of how integrated their race is with the character's identity and how well known they already are to casual fans? – Slaidey 10 years ago
    • I don't think they should. I'd love to see some more LGBQT characters, but I think changing the sexuality of preexisting characters can make some fans feel alienated. The point is to make people feel like there are heroes that relate the their personal struggles, and changing that narrative can take away from someone who related to the previous character as they were. Instead I think it would be more effective to make new characters. It would feel more genuine and add more layers to the comic universe as a whole. – SomeOtherAmazon 9 years ago

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    Wonderfully written! It is also interesting to think about the dangers of spoilers when the show is still in production – otherwise known as news leaks. Case in point: actor Jason Statham (Crank, The Expendables) was recently being considered for the role of Bullseye in Season Two of Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix. However, once the casting announcement was “spoiled” prematurely, fans were very excited. This excitement led to Statham’s agent asking for more money from Marvel. Due to this, negotiations broke down and Statham is no longer being considered for the part.

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    You know, I never realized up until now just how truly isolated Thor was in that movie, you made an excellent point. Hopefully they will expand much more in Thor: Ragnarok. I think they tried to fit too much into Age of Ultron. None the less, I still rather enjoyed the film.

    Avengers vs. Age of Ultron: Evolving the Superhero Team

    It’s disappointing to hear that the new Zelda game will be delayed even further due to the shortcomings of the WiiU. While I have always loved the Zelda games, I find the franchise itself needs to push itself even further. I always feel like I’m doing the same thing when it comes to Zelda games. This is not necessarily a bad thing, since the Mario franchise is always the same – yet I love it. However it would be nice to see the Zelda world take bolder steps, such as the “player’s choice” mentioned in this article. I think it would be interesting to entertain the thought of making it similar to the Karmic system from the Infamous games. I’d love to have the option to take Link down a villainous path.

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    While I loved Carrie Kelley in The Dark Knight Returns, I don’t think this is the right time to introduce a female Robin. The way Snyder seems to be creating this version of Batman, it seems he’s a character that plays things very close to the chest. To me, this means any Robin would have to be a foster child of Bruce Wayne. To my knowledge, Wayne has never officially adopted a female (although I could be wrong). I do not wish to see them deviate from the comics any further (which I feel they did in Man of Steel). Personally, my favourite Robin has always been Tim Drake. I would not be against a female Robin in the future, but I’d like to see the other Robins be set up first.

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