

A Windsor based actor, writer, and board game fan. Soon to be Toronto based.

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Dissecting the Tropes of the First Person Gaming Narrative: The Stanley Parable

Using The Stanley Parable, look into the tropes used and satirized by the Narrator and game designers to give a unique user experience. How did breaking the fourth wall, the illusion of choice, and the use of comedy challenge the notion of traditional gaming narratives?


    Disability in Comics -- And How Disability Can Be Strength

    Explore the relationship between physical/mental/emotional disabilities and powers in superhero history. How and when does a disability create the parameters for the hero's powers. To further this argument, delve into the role of personifying disabilities as strengths and what effect does that have on those who read comics but live with those disabilities?
    Simple examples – Daredevil's skill set is dependent on his blindness. Whereas Hawkeye's deafness does not necessarily create the parameters for his abilities. What are the differences to these approaches?

    • Barbara Gordon/Oracle could also be discussed. – Emily Deibler 9 years ago
    • Sometimes disability is addressed negatively as in the person had a physical limitation or a loved one had a limitation and getting the person healed was a motivation to discover an antidote for the physical challenge. But maybe your take sounds different from what I am writing about here. – Munjeera 9 years ago
    • It's how the character deals and struggles with their disability. In spite of their shortcomings they prove that with resolve and determination anything can be overcome. – RadosianStar 9 years ago

    Canada in American Media

    Explore the role that Canada has in American Media, pulling from film, television, comics, and any other medium that you choose. How is the Nation viewed internationally? If you so choose, how is the nation viewed by other international media outlets (BBC, anime, etc.)? Some examples to pull from include John Oliver, South Park, xkcd, and That 70s Show.

    • Great topic. It might help to have a section devoted Canadian-made TV shows, such as SCTV and Chilly Beach, that respond to (and ultimately ridicule) these stereotypical depictions by over-blowing them even further than the American shows for comic effect. – ProtoCanon 9 years ago
    • Due South would also be relevant to Proto's point. – Munjeera 9 years ago

    Death Note: The Positive Effects of Kira's Global Genocide

    Explore the ways in which Light Yagami's plan for the human race was effective. With the sheer number of criminals dying, what were some of the positive changes that the world saw? In what way could these changes have been sustained if Light was able to maintain sanity through the transition? Find the good in Yagami's fall from grace.

    • I believe the title Deathnote is generally written as "Death Note." Otherwise great topic (though possibly controversial) about a great show! – Connor Gregorich-Trevor 9 years ago
    • I think the show was pretty clear about how Kira's work created change. Known criminals were removed and future criminals deterred but in the long run it was doing all this through fear. There will always be bad people and with Kira's influence around they would just learn to be smarter about their actions: do crime in secret and not get televised. I think the real question is, would this world have been sustainable? Would it just create worse "villains"? I personally wonder whether Light would have started adding bias to his selections (politicians etc.) and how that would be received by the populace? – Slaidey 9 years ago
    • It was pretty clear that Light was not entirely sane from the beginning, the very first episode of the anime has him declaring himself God. There might be something to be said about the benefits of Light's approach, but that's a very subjective topic. – BoomBap 9 years ago
    • If you want to argue in favour of Light's plan, it might be worth looking at real-world information on the effects of the death penalty and/or vigilantism on crime rates, since that's essentially what the Death Note was. It's one thing to argue that something was helpful in a fictional world, but drawing real-world parallels could make for a more full analysis. – ElijahBassett 9 years ago

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    Thanks! Your words are kind – for what it’s worth, since writing I have picked up Runaways (thanks to recommendations here, and BKV’s name, obviously), and I am absolutely loving that so far.

    Brian K. Vaughan's Characters: From Lost to Saga

    I actually have not read Runaways yet, but I suppose it is time to look into that!

    Brian K. Vaughan's Characters: From Lost to Saga

    I also think We Stand on Guard needed more time to really delve into the ideas it was exploring. The whole story in 6 issues felt a bit crammed to me. I think it needed 10 or 12, and then it could have taken its time and explored the characters a bit more.

    Brian K. Vaughan's Characters: From Lost to Saga

    Having read the article, and seeing why I like him, who/what else would you recommend?

    Brian K. Vaughan's Characters: From Lost to Saga

    I’d be interested in your opinion of Oh Shenandoah (3.5) if you’ve kept up with the show.

    4 Elements 'The Newsroom' Must Change for Season Two

    Oh, absolutely. That’s why it is important for them to keep pushing out loveable, action packed Iron Man movies and dark, brooding Daredevils. They are stretching the genre to include way more than it used to, and hoping that that will keep the genre alive.

    I hope so as well.

    Is Watching the Entire Marvel Cinematic Universe Necessary?

    I got in as far as your spoiler tag, and by then you had convinced me to pick it up and read it. So maybe I’ll come back to this article sometime soon.

    What Lost at Sea can Teach us About Anxiety and Depression

    Seeing the surge of superhero movies and TV shows (though moreso TV shows) has been wonderful as someone who is a fan of comics. While it doesn’t really feel like we’ve ever taken a real break from superhero movies (in my lifetime), the shows, the world-building that is being done right now is wonderful, both from a marketing standpoint, and a fanboying standpoint.

    I would like to see a bit more diversity and open-mindedness in the portrayals. Give us Hawkeye – Matt Fraction’s storylines, where Clint is Deaf and Barney is in a wheelchair. There are still a lot of ways for the genre to improve.

    Superhero Live Action Shows: Conventions and Evolution