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    Richard Linklater's Slacker today

    Analyse how Richard Linklater's debut film Slacker reflects the attitudes of slacker culture (e.g. lack of motivation, the attitude of detachment, disregard for authority and traditional attitudes). Use that as the springboard for a larger discussion of how Gen-X slacker attitudes influenced independent filmmaking from the 90s (Clerks is a good example of a 90s slacker film) to the present day.

    • More details and context coulp be helpful. – Beatrix Kondo 1 year ago

    Music video films

    When music videos were introduced, they were merely another form of consuming songs. Music is capable of telling a story just as a film can, and both media involve time (a linear progression from beginning to end) as central to their stories. Artists like Daft Punk and Fall Out Boy, however, have demonstrated the coalescence of music and video to an extreme conclusion. Songs do not have to follow a specific concept or recurring cast of characters-like a concept album would-but the two groups' music videos demonstrate the power to have all the songs on an album tell a story. Those self-contained story parts within music videos can then be released as a single feature-length film.

    Analyse the function of the music video as a storytelling medium, using Daft Punk's 'Interstella 5555' (based on the album 'Discovery') and Fall Out Boy's 'The Youngblood Chronicles' (based on 'Save Rock and Roll'), along with any other examples of films constructed from individual music videos you might be able to think of.

    • You could also look at Kpop videos like 1NB's "Stalker," where the song doesn't even start until halfway through the video. – OkaNaimo0819 4 years ago

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    You’re on point with the parallels between Oompa-Loompas and post-emancipation indentured labourers. In the first edition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Oompa-Loompas were depicted as a tribe of African pygmies from “the very deepest and darkest part of the African jungle where no white man had been before.”

    Apparently, the book’s initial publishers didn’t consider the racist undertones because they considered this portrayal part of a “very English fantasy.” Make of that what you will.

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: A Capitalist Dystopia

    I don’t think it’s polytheistic religions. If Debs is counting a lack of salvation is a defining feature of his idea of “paganism”, that doesn’t exactly match with Hinduism-a polytheistic religion which promises the possibility of achieving a higher purpose if you do the right things.

    How Cosmic Horror Made Paganism Great Again

    I totally agree with what you said about no such thing as a politically correct history. Just because a work of fiction has blind spots in its approach to groups or issues-obvious or implicit biases, a lack of equanimity in how compassion is extended, and the way that certain characters are utilised-doesn’t mean that we should shield future generations from them. If it weren’t for modern writers being aware of the problems you’ve described with BSC, we most likely would not have had the attempts at inclusion and diversity that are reported to be in the upcoming Netflix show. Still, I suppose we can’t let nostalgia blind us to those faults in works from the past either. It’s good to ask questions.

    PS This article makes me want to check out The Babysitter’s Club as 21-year-old zoomer. Maybe I’ll track down the movie or one of the graphic novels sometime 🙂

    The Baby-Sitters Club: Classic, Problematic, or Both?

    You have made some very good examinations about how Tarantino self-conciously emphasises an aestheticised kind of violence in his films. The references to pulp stories and pastiches of existing film genres definitely add a new layer to films that supposedly “glorify” violence.

    I do think your argument could have been more well-strucutred, however. You say that Reservoir Dogs reveals how violence is an escape from the pressures of modern society by grafting typically negative examples of black criminality onto a white cast. But then you never bring up black criminality again during that part of the essay.

    I know this essay is two years old, but I wanted to join in because I do love Tarantino.

    Tarantino Speaks Out: Police Brutality vs. Cinematic Violence