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    What's new in Young Adult Literature

    We've read the Hunger Games, The Divergent Series, and The Maze Runner series, but what's next? What new adventures are in store for young adults? Essentially this will just be an article listing some recently published Young Adult novels that people can add to their reading lists. Preferably it'd be nice if the writer has read these books.

    • There are many similarities between these series, and I do believe that the next generation of Young Adult Books cannot come soon enough. I am a 20 year old who has a different taste in literature, and am working on some books that also are different from the trend of today. The differences are simple. Less focus on the romance, or a rinse and repeat story line, and more focus on what I can contribute as future inspiration for other aspiring authors. I am not writing a book, I am creating a universe. And I create this universe with the hope that it will inspire someone else to do the same. – Thomas 8 years ago

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    Although I have not watched all the anime that are listed in this article I do think Death Note and Naruto are good ones. I’d even add Inuyasha, School Rumble, and Gravitation to the list. I’d also add maybe one for a girls/drama category like Super Gals or Peach Girl.

    Anime for Dummies: What Starters Should Watch

    I’ve never been a big Malfoy fan, and I’m still not, but I do agree with what this article is trying to say. Everyone grows up differently. Some people have pressure from their family to be a certain way, some have families who could care less what they did, and some grow up in a loving household. Unfortunately for Malfoy he didn’t have friends like Ron and Hermione to make him see the good in the world.

    Why Draco Malfoy is one of the Most Underrated Characters in 'Harry Potter'

    Interesting article. I’ll be honest and say that I wasn’t a big fan of Gone Girl when I saw it in the theaters mainly because I didn’t really like the ending, but I do agree with the themes that you mentioned in your article. I also don’t think that people should just assume that just because Amy lied about a lot of these things in this film that that is what all women do. I mean let’s face it, Nick wasn’t an angel himself, but of course because he didn’t devise a crazy plan to fake his own death people don’t look at all the things he did.

    What The Audience Got Wrong About "Gone Girl"