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    The unfortunate rise of Beta gaming and the abuse of DLC

    Beta gaming and early access play have become a mainstream ploy within the video games industry that is used to generate publicity and garner public opinion before a game is 'fully released'. However, as recently exampled by the Anthem debacle beta gaming and early access play present a host of problems for games designers and indeed the gaming public. These issues are heightened and compounded by marketing campaigns that present early access video games as a mostly finished product and foster an expectation that early access offers an advantage over other players who opt to purchase after the official release date. This article examines why beta gaming has become prevalent in modern gaming and why the abuse of DLC has led to some games being released that otherwise would be considered incomplete.

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      Latest Comments

      Thank you Yasmine for your very insightful article. Synchronicity has certainly come into the mainstream within paranormal research and in some ways is displacing the ‘populist’ materialist theories. I was unaware of the immense influence of Carl Yung concerning this topic and now that I have read your article I am keen to find out more.

      Carl Jung on Synchronicity and the Esoteric

      What an insightful article and how wonderfully written. I do wonder as the next generation of consoles and video games come to the fore what myths developers will delve into. I think we have only just begun to see what is possible with games like God of War and the Assassins Creed games. Perhaps in 10 years VR will take us into something impossible to envision today. What then will we make of Geralt of Rivia’s baths….

      The Witcher Series: The Mastery of Adaptation

      What a wonderful article, thank you so much for this work.

      I sincerely believe that the arts has so much more to teach in today’s world. Perhaps in the modern world we place to much value on the five empirical senses and forget that emotion and and a sense of being are an integral part of what it is to be a human. Creative writing is certainly a vulnerable exercise and opens up the writer and indeed the reader to an ethereal experience that can all to easily be taken away. However, through persistence and a little stubbornness I believe creative writing and an engagement with the wider arts community allows us to see the greater world, a world where humanity is a shared experience and we each have a stake in its future. For all their wonderful contributions, STEM subjects are nothing if not for the creative minds which have advanced our knowledge of the the world. Only by appealing to our elemental experiences can we see through the clutter of the modern world and beyond our immediate self. In doing so, I believe that we create a more thoughtful society and indeed a better humanity.

      Creative Writing is the Sincerest Form of Reality