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    Promoting Healthy Relationships

    Pop-culture is infamous for questionable portrayal of romance. What does a healthy relationship look like and what pieces of fiction do a good job at portraying it? A recent good example I can think of is Violet and Tony in The Incredibles 2. While we have yet to see the relationship take off, the fact that he is attracted to her for her confidence sends a positive message. By working on herself first and being strong and independent, Violet was able to attract a nice guy. I think we need more media that sends that message of self-fulfilment being an important ingredient in a healthy relationship.

    • Good. The usually is girlfriends fighting or couples yelling, since it fits an image of TV drama. A normal relationship where friendship or love matter in healthy ways is an interesting topic. Can TV handle this and find it interesting enough to attract and hold viewers? – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago
    • Love this. Love the idea that relationships do not need to be abusive, unhappy, or negative in any way to be interesting. Hollywood's frequents portrayal of unhealthy relationships--what kind of message is that really sending to kids and young adults? – Eden 6 years ago

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    The Breakfast Club example becomes more unsettling when you consider the actor bullied his co-star in real life too as a way of staying “in character”. The Han Solo example has always bugged me too. Just about every romantic movie seems to portray continuous harassment of the disinterested as romantic and admirable. The revelation that sketchy things have been going on behind the scenes of our entertainment really makes one wonder,

    The Dark Side of Romance in Movies

    very interesting piece. When I picked up on the pattern of an antagonist for each book, I presumed the final one would be Voldemort. I was surprised, but at the same time instantly saw it as fitting, that you instead chose death. Death is arguably the true main antagonist of the series, all Harry’s problems began with the death of his parents, but his mother’s love helped him conquer death at the beginning and would do the same at the end. Fear of death is also what caused Voldemort to become the evil person he is, which is why Harry must overcome it to avoid becoming Voldemort.

    A lot of the villains in Harry Potter are people we see in our lives. Umbridge is more hated than Voldemort because not many people know a Voldemort, serial killer/mass murderer/ genocidal maniac, but most people know an Umbridge, overly influential stubborn buerocrat out to ruin everything with her rigidness. Some of us even see ourselves in some of the villains. As a kid, I actually somewhat identified with Dudley. Not the part of him that mercilessly torments Harry, but the materialistic part of him. I hope I was never the type to complain about having 36 presents when I expected 37, but I was and still sort of am the type to worry about all the tv shows I’m missing on a road trip.

    Harry Potter: The Importance of Antagonists

    yesterday, while walking, I suddenly came up with a poem and just had to stop somewhere to write it down

    Walking and Writing: The Effects of Exercise on Creative Thinking