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    Women in the 1960's-1970's

    In Reference to Stacy Wolf author of "Changed for Good,"in the late 1960's-1970's- a political movement for women's liberation was at stake. Women fought and gained legal, social, and cultural rights. In fact, John F. Kennedy in 1961 came up with the President's Commission on women studying women's role, gender differences, equality, and equal pay.

    • Good topic! You should also compare women of that time to women of today or of an earlier period. Are you taking a stand with women of the 60's and 70's or just informing us about it ? And you should also include why women acting/were treating a certain way during this time. That would be pretty cool. – myeshae23 8 years ago
    • There are many reflections of the changing times in the arts in the 1960s. I suggest narrowing it down, for whoever picks this up. – Christen Mandracchia 8 years ago
    • Revision In the late 1960’s-1970’s- a political movement for women’s liberation was at stake. The image of a women in television has ever changed since the 1960's; for example women were portrayed as being housewives and mothers upbringing children; cleaning and cooking. Women fought and gained legal, social, and cultural rights. In fact, John F. Kennedy in 1961 came up with the President’s Commission on women studying women’s role, gender differences, equality, and equal pay. – hwm5211 8 years ago

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    I remember playing crash when I was a kid. I don’t know why but I have a short attention span and can get bored of certain games really fast, so I definitely see how anything good should end when it is still good. Video games are not good for you anyway.

    Naughty Dog Doin' it Right: How to Bring a Series to an End

    I remember playing crash when I was a kid. I don’t know why but I have a short attention span and can get bored of certain games really fast, so I definitely see how anything good should end when it is still good.

    Naughty Dog Doin' it Right: How to Bring a Series to an End

    Music unites people of all backgrounds together. Although messages sent maybe different from the mid- 1900’s until today; we have come a long way since then. The quality of the music videos and advertisement dramatically increased as well.

    Swinging Los Angeles: L.A.'s Forgotten Role as a Psychedelic Rock Mecca

    Music indeed unites people of all backgrounds together. Although messages sent may differ from the mid- 1900’s until today; we have come a long way since then.

    Swinging Los Angeles: L.A.'s Forgotten Role as a Psychedelic Rock Mecca

    Females are for the most part, portrayed as damsels in distress or as cranky, lonely, and bitter souls if they are not seeking for love and prince charming. In reality, there is no such thing as prince charming, and if a female wants to have a relationship why must she be weak, incapable of self-reliance or independent? Who created that myth and why does it still exist in the year 2016? Men and women should have a choice of being in a relationship if they want to! It is a shame that due to the media and the upraising of family values, some girls may fall into the stereotypical trap of being week and needing others to love her before she learns to love herself.
    The film Frozen promotes interpersonal dependence which is an extremely valuable factor to embrace, pulling away from the focus of emotional independence. In the film “Inside Out” it is said that the main character, Joy, depicts ambition leaning more towards the stereotypical bossy, career driven woman. Which I do not approve of because she is a great, positive, reliable character that was trying to fix the problem (imperfectly) that has occurred not leaving anyone behind. The next Disney movie where the female is the main character is Brave. Brave’s main character is a princess trying to change her mother’s traditional way of thinking. She also thrives and fights for respect, strength, intelligence, maturity, and that she is capable of taking care of herself without having a man “saving her”.
    As for the last film discussed, Zootopia, the theme is equality and termination of prejudice beliefs. The film was all about the idea that anyone and everyone can be anything they dreamed of becoming. One of the main characters is a female rabbit. She was trying to fulfill her dream of being a police officer, which was against the norms of what rabbits in her town would typically do ( farm). The film provokes ambition, strength, and independence, which is what people of all races, ethnicities, religions, ages, and genders are still trying to achieve.

    A Look at 'Zootopia': How Its Heroine Plays in the Field of Fellow Disney Women