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    What makes a good action movie romance?

    What makes two people (usually a man and a woman) compatible in an action movie? How do these moments get interspersed with action? What's the difference between a Bond seduction and a Tron flirtation? Why is The Matrix my favorite romance series? Are there harmful stereotypes, is there empowerment of female characters? Does kink gloss over unhealthy habits? Much to discuss!

    • Interesting connection here. Good examples too. – Munjeera 8 years ago
    • Good choice for favorite romance series – Linden 8 years ago
    • An interesting perspective. Looking forward to seeing what someone does with it. – AGMacdonald 7 years ago
    • Interesting contrast could be Bond-Bourne too, as the recent Bonds are so similar to Bourne but Bond still does the whole romancey thing, where Bourne largely leaves it alone. – Marcus Dean 7 years ago
    • As in raiders of the lost ark, the best girlfriends have a what i call the Suzanne Phleshette rule, they must be cute, but not fragile. – Antonius865 7 years ago
    • Too many questions with very few points of connection. Almost nothing concrete to work with. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

    The Rogue Grows Up: Harrison Ford's Characters, 30 Years Later

    Waiting on the release of Blade Runner's sequel, and perhaps Han Solo prequel film (if this topic doesn't become cyber dust first), but I'd be taking a look at the treatment of Han Solo, Indiana Jones, and Rick Deckard in their much-later sequels; how Hollywood treats them differently and the same from their original movies, how Hollywood addresses age and new generations, and general significance conveyed by the classic series' choices.


      Television Shows and the New Fan Base Responsiveness

      An unprecedented level and frequency of communication between television show cast/crews and fans on twitter, at cons, in polls, and generally online has begun to influence some shows' creation.

      You have Hannibal's Hettienne Park responding in a letter to fans upset at her character (an Asian-American and Jewish woman detective) was killed off. You have all levels of fanservice and queer-baiting. You have Bryan Konietzko announcing "Korrasami is canon." You have Supernatural and Arrow keeping on and creating huge roles for characters once fated to die off (Castiel and Felicity respectively). But sometimes, for art or for format (e.g. Netflix series premiering a season at once cannot adjust), the shows do not bend.

      My question is, do you think this new level of responsiveness can be called, overall, good or bad? If so, which? What types of shows are expected to be open or closed to fan suggestions? Have any surprised you? Also, more examples and especially counter-examples are very welcome.

      • I also think something to be taken into consideration is the affect fan interaction has on the business side. Does greater fan interaction increase the size of the audience? Do these fans also purchase merchandise to show their dedication to the show? – MichelleAjodah 9 years ago
      • The interaction between cast/crew members provides even more for the fans as they get more content via what cast/crew share and connection as questions are answered and feedback is given. But I can see some problems that usually come with social media having a negative effect, such as some voices getting heard more than others' or people jumping on bandwagons. – LaRose 9 years ago
      • It is probably important to recognize that the Internet does impose a greater sense of responsiveness and involvement, due to the competition steadily arising from Internet based entertainment. YouTube and other services intend to drive the television audience away from that media, and grant the audience the kind of ability to achieve this concept. It may be a good idea to pair this with your topic to emphasize what kind of outcome television may have with its audience. – N.D. Storlid 9 years ago
      • There is something dystopian about this, recalling the gladiatorial thumbs-up or thumbs-down decision. It also recalls the chariot race riots of Constantinople in 532 when fans nearly killed Emperor Justinian I. Sometimes fans can be so fanatical. – Tigey 8 years ago

      Ethics and Youth in The Wicked The Divine

      Analysis of the alignments of the movers and shakers of the mostly immortal cast of "WicDiv." The main theme is the rethinking of classic morality with respect to the gods, with Lucifer and Woden being the most striking examples. The role of youth and fleeting time vs. age and lengthened time is very important in regards to perspectives on morality too–YOLO recklessness versus cold, distanced sacrifice. I was imagining moral profiles of some of the major players, with Sakhmet standing standing out (as cats do) as the amoral god.


        Clean Energy in Film as Weapons of Mass Destruction

        Several films, shows, and other media have posited the idea of Clean Energy for all and an advancement for the future. This is quickly is shown to be false when all that potential for energy becomes a WMD. Destroying the weapon and returning to the status quo (traditional energy sources) is usually the happy ending. Solar and wind don't seem to be picked out (although apparently I should see Sahara, it's got something with concentrated solar); rather, it's usually something new, sci fi-fantasy, and explosive.

        I have a few theories to talk about: the dark turn of saving the world, the fear of the unknown, the possible connection to nuclear power's "betrayal," do we just want more epxlosions, etc. But I'd like to sample more work. Here's what I have so far, with spoilers in the list:
        The Dark Knight Rises – fusion reactor made bomb
        Spiderman 2 – "mini sun" made bomb
        The Legend of Korra – spirit vines
        The Flash (comics) – Speed force for public transport/energy, starts tearing up time
        Sahara – Concentrated solar power used as a weapon
        (Bonus: Snowpiercer's attempt at derailing global warming causing an ice age)

        More suggestions are super welcome!!

        • How about clean energy in TV with Scylla in Prison Break in the final season 4? This is a good topic. Also, make note of a new battery powered by an energy source in Arrow that helps Felicity walk again. – Munjeera 9 years ago
        • Adding cosmic cube to list (an obvious "too much power..." one). – IndiLeigh 8 years ago

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        “There is no way he can achieve his growth and come to emotional maturity if he gets what he tried to obtain through running roughshod over what the object of his affection actually wants. The entire idea of the relationship is impossible.”

        I agree very much. Very good article. This quote I pulled in particular makes me wonder about other attractive, rogue male characters who never got refused.

        Phantom of the Opera and the Problem of "Shipping"

        A third option in the love triangle solution that is, regrettably, rarely explored. I think we just love “love” too much, even when it’s not right to a story or characters.

        Phantom of the Opera and the Problem of "Shipping"

        I’m excited. It won’t be everything–what show is?–but it’s doing it with gusto and respect for history. My concern is if it becomes a war show, or is too like the first two Trek reboot movies (Kelvin timeline).

        Star Trek: Discovery: Why We Shouldn't Start Panicking Just Yet

        Thank you for taking the time to explain to people like me who have never gleaned a real answer to “What is Homestuck?” Your discussion of hypertext and the problem of keeping it updated is really interesting, and I’d love to know if it’s had imitators or greater effect on webcomics, which I do read.

        The bed is made now, but just fyi, there were a few typos and such left in.

        Homestuck as a Case Study in New Media Narrative

        Really interesting point about the AIs “dishonoring” the game and how hard it is to evaluate players’ skill.
        So your solution is to make the standards more specific for judging skills, or to allow players more control over how they’re cast? I wasn’t clear on that.

        For Honor? Problems in the Rhetoric of Skill in Games

        It’s always been interesting, that the most known X-Men antagonist has had the most tragic backstory. The opening to the first film of X-Men got it right with that. It is only in overreaction and cost to innocents that Magneto is wrong.

        Using X-Men: Magneto Testament to Teach the Holocaust

        I’m interested, want to say more? 🙂

        Hamilton and the Construction of Post-Obama Americanism

        Most genres of music have problems with sexism and homophobia, even if the language used is different; there’s a lot more to hip-hop than that.

        Hamilton and the Construction of Post-Obama Americanism