Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor I
Published | The Unbeatable Smash BrothersWhy are Nintendo games so hard to replicate? Smash Bros, in particular, seems to have created and monopolized an entire genre. With a game that performs so well commercially and critically it’s hard to believe that there aren’t a ton of pretenders, maybe even a couple that enrich the formula! What attempts have been made? Why don’t they work? And what is Nintendo’s secret sauce?
Animation in the Video Game Generation: Tradition vs. Technology | |
Random thought: I would love to read a similar article targeted at felt creatures like The Muppets! | The Use of Animation to Convey Character Traits |
I never know where I land when it comes to The Village. I think I need to give it another close look | The Rise and Fall of M. Night Shyamalan |
Personally, I think I favor when both are used in conjunction. When thinking about my 2D/3D preferences, I thought about a game like Persona 4 that features 2D cutscenes, but with the gameplay taking place exclusively in 3D. I said to myself something akin to “The 2D is used for Style and the 3D for substance.” Which, is a weird way to categorize something like that, you know?