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    Professor Xavier and MLK. Magneto and Malcolm X.

    Analyse and explain the similarities between Professor Xavier from the X-men comics and Martin Luther King Jr. Do the same for Magneto and Malcolm X. Finally, analyse the relationship, ideals, and tensions between the two fictional characters and how it might relate to the ideas and relationship between Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X.

    • This looks like it is going to be a really good compare and contrast topic. – Munjeera 9 years ago
    • Never thought of that. Maybe also relate to the time period the comics were written in and possible influences given when they were being written. – Jutor 9 years ago
    • I agree with Munjeera. It's a comparison I've heard mentioned before, but I think by comparing and contrasting the fictional characters with their corresponding historical figures, you can give an in-depth take on the idea. – akb1994 9 years ago
    • This comparison occurred to me when I read an article on the Artifice about Magneto Testament and its take on the Holocaust, although I can't remember where I initially came across this way of thinking about the two characters. Of course, we're talking about a specific phase in Malcolm X's thinking, and exaggerated to a more extreme and theatrical degree. If Magneto can be read as a parallel to Malcolm X's "by any means necessary" philosophy, then Xavier becomes the representative of Dr. King's "I have a dream." It's an engaging way of thinking about it, but not perfect. For one, Dr. King was non-violent. While Xavier has some resistance to the idea of violence, the X Men wouldn't be the X Men if they were simply advocates of peaceful protest. In fact, their main interest, by and large, is in keeping bad mutants in check, rather than mobilising fellow mutants to fight the oppressive status quo. Obviously, this does not parallel MLK. – TKing 9 years ago
    • X-men was written and modeled to represent these two men exactly. It's not a coincidence; that was the original intent. The story is supposed to be the race struggle. – CharmieJay 9 years ago
    • On what grounds, though? Any reasoning behind this specific comparison? – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Nicely done. I like this article. It provides a more human perspective on batman. I usually think of him as the more crass and unfeeling superhero.

    What Batman can Teach Us About Depression

    Nice article. I like that you showed them in their similarities more than their differences. I’ve read the Dark Knight Returns as well, and I rather dislike the despairing attitude Miller has towards Superman – someone who is essentially a lackey to the U.S. government.

    The Batman/Superman legacy works best as two opposites united by a goal, not having them fight against each other.

    Batman and Superman: Comparing Two Iconic Superheroes

    This was a really interesting article. Superman is one of my favorite superheros precisely because of his compassionate nature. Nevertheless, always hearing how he is American or belongs to the USA puts a dent is his universal appeal. To learn that his origins weren’t so indebted to the nation he was raised in is both refreshing and makes perfect sense. Also, as a Canadian, it was really cool to learn how Toronto was the inspiration for Metropolis!

    Superman: Symbol of Hope Overshadowed by Nationality Identification

    Nicely done! Well written and informative. Can honestly say I learned some history here. I never knew about the Sonderkommando.

    Using X-Men: Magneto Testament to Teach the Holocaust

    Nice article. Man of Steel is one of my favorite films, and Superman one of my favorite heroes, because of the parallel he has with Christ. That Superman is an ideal who leads through sacrifice is perhaps one of the more prominent christian themes of the film. You hit the nail on the head.

    The Christ Figure in Film: The Passion of the Christ and Man of Steel

    I’m really glad to see someone else have a positive view of the prequels. Whenever I tell star wars fans that the prequel trilogy is, in my mind, the best part of all 7 films (particularly Revenge of the Sith) I get rolled eyes or shocked faces.

    But to be honest, there’s just so much stuff going on here that people don’t often appreciate. Like you said, some of the best fights in Star Wars came from the prequels. And the political dimensions and subterfuge add another, more interesting layer to the complete story. And then there’s Ewan Macgregor’s Obi-Wan! He’s awesome!

    In Defense of the Star Wars Prequels

    Nice Article. I really like how you emphasize the importance (historically speaking) of each hero. I saw the movie just after it was released. Though I wouldn’t agree with the average critic (I thought the film was better than the general consensus was saying) there was something about the story and the pace that seemed so undeserving of the characters. Superman is one of my favorite heroes. I was really excited after Man of Steel, hoping that there was finally a blockbuster iteration that could bring the character justice. Instead, I got the feeling that BvS was a missed opportunity to do Superman right. He’s seems very broody – but I personally see the character as a messiah figure, a personality of hope and goodness.

    Batman Vs Superman: What Went Wrong?