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    The rise of the fictional franchise and the decline of the stand-alone work

    Decades ago, if a book was written or a movie was produced, the writer or filmmaker could only hope that their work would have a sequel, remake, or adaptation into some other form of media. Nowadays, any fictional work seems to possess potential to be expanded into a fictional franchise. Has this trend reduced the quality/nostalgic feel of the original classic stories? Or can the expanded franchise be seen as a way of paying tribute to the original work?

    • It really depends. If the remake/sequel is well thought out and developed then yes it can be a tribute. Unfortunately, I think a lot of remakes or sequels are done to capitalize on the original fanbase and make money off an already existing idea instead of painstakingly creating a new one that may fail. – Tatijana 9 years ago
    • Perhaps elaborate a bit more. An expansion is always a double-edged sword. Could always run the risk of ruining something perfect, or alternatively improve upon what was already good. – CalvinLaw 9 years ago
    • I think another good question to ask is 'Does the obsession with sequels force authors to drag out their story when it could be accomplished in a shorter, quicker paced single piece? Do you think this is leading to a decline in the quality of books/film, or do you believe it is re-energizing these entertainment fields?' – cocomelish 9 years ago

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    Interesting point. Musical scores are a major element of the film-making process. A viewer might not always pay explicit attention to the musical soundtrack of a film but as this article points out, its influence can never be discounted.

    The Big Score: Music in Film (2015)

    I thought this was a terrific analysis of the series, “The legend of Korra.” I found the first paragraph to be interesting when it lightly touched upon how this show and its parent series, “Avatar: The last Airbender” had different approaches to analyzing social issues.

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    I found this article to be a thought-provoking. I especially liked the section that discussed how some movies can take liberties with their source materials without taking away from the heart of the story. However, the challenge is determining what elements are essential to preserve in an adaptation and which are not. I agree that this can be a process that is difficult and complex.

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