Journalism Major, avid reader, writer, and blogger. Always looking for a good story, or a typo. (Self diagnosed Grammar Nazi)
Junior Contributor I
Doctor Who: The Original vs the RebootA comparison between the original Doctor Who series and the new reboot of the series. What are the main differences between the audiences, the actors, the writing, and the story lines. Is the new version of Doctor Who more mainstream than the original or will the original forever be considered a classic.
Published | A Guide to start reading Marvel Comics; Where to Start?For someone who's just joining the comic scene and has no idea where to start when faced with the vast collection of Marvel Comics. The article should be more of a list on where the person can start, what can be skipped (if anything can be), and what is essential.
Sherlock, Autism, and the Cultural Politics of Representation | |
![]() In high school I always hung out with the “band nerds”. In a rather loud argument one day, we were discussing the best movie scores. I cast my vote for the Lord of the Rings sound track, which became number one on our list. The second place slot belonged to Star Wars, mainly because of Vader’s theme being so iconic and exciting. The third was given to Jaws, again because of the antagonist’s theme being, “totally awesome”. This article is every “band nerds” dream. Well written and argued! | The Big Score: Music in Film (2015) |
![]() I never knew about Tolkien’s art, and I’ve always considered myself as an expert in anything Middle Earth. A wonderful argument, and a beautiful presentation. Overall, a fantastic article! | Tolkien's Art and Politics: Is Middle-earth Real? |
My brother has Autism, more appropriately called Asperger’s. When my mom saw the first episode of BBC’s ‘Sherlock’ she immediately said that she liked how they were finally identifying Sherlock as Autistic. This article touches on some very interesting topics about representation of Autism in television. Loved the examples of how they are represented most of the time, if at all. Great article!