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    Bad Movies vs. Great Fanfiction

    There are lots of bad movies out there, especially when one gets into sequels and part three, four, etc. In opposition to this, there is some great fanfiction written that by far surpasses a poorly made, poorly written movie. Think about "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull" and what a disappointment that was to the franchise. There are fanfiction stories out there which are much better stylistically and storyline-wise.

    • Hi, are you talking about Indiana jones and the crystal skull? Because my assumption from my own viewing and from late 80s and present day reviews of Indiana jones and last crusade was that it was an incredibly well received film by fans and critics. – SeanGadus 8 years ago
    • Hi, yes, sorry, I did put the wrong film in my post. I guess it was just so awful I tried to blot it from my memory altogether. In all seriousness though, I do agree with you that The Last Crusade was a good film, and well-received. I go to a lot of conventions and I don't think I've ever heard a positive comment about "Crystal Skull." Thanks for pointing that out. – NoDakJack 8 years ago
    • I was also devastated by the latest Indiana Jones movie, and I agree that fans often have far more substantive story lines than Hollywood does. It makes us pause and wonder what they were thinking. My guess is that there is a big difference in purpose between the film industry and fanfiction. What drives each of those forces is what ultimately makes or breaks the stories and characters we all love. Maybe an in-depth look at how we can bring fanfiction to the forefront as a well of valuable script ideas would be interesting. Actors, production companies and ticket sales corrupt even the most ironclad franchises, whereas fanfiction is created with the purest intentions of paying tribute. – wtardieu 8 years ago

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    I can certainly respect Lucy for her comedic talent, and even her acting ability. I was never a big I Love Lucy fan though, simply for the fact that I found the character to be manipulative, scheming, self-centered, self-absorbed, and she really didn’t care who she hurt or in what ways just so that she could have her way in a situation. I know this isn’t a popular opinion, but I feel that it is valid. I fell that her character was very negatively portrayed. I reiterate, the character, not Miss Ball. She was a talented actress and comedian – just don’t let her sing.

    Why Wouldn't Everyone Love Lucy?

    Thank you for this guide! I attend Comic Con in London every year and am lost when it comes to Anime. I usually have to have people explain their costumes when I photograph them. They are nice enough and tell me who they are portraying and will sometimes go into detail about the story lines, etc. This is very helpful for a newbie to the genre, like me.

    The Anime Guide to Spring 2016

    I never take any criticism of my writing personally. I think if you’re going to get upset by what others think of your writing, you’re in the wrong arena because you can’t please all of the people all of the time. I have joked about some comments made about my books, one in particular who called my two-part vampire novels “vampire porn”. That second book in the series also prompted a review from who I later found was a failed writer himself; he went on and on about how things weren’t explained in it and he was lost – all would have been clear if he’d read the first book. It honestly makes me laugh at the silliness of it all. I can illustrate the reason I keep writing with an incident that happened after I had just given a talk on one of my novels to a Vampire society in London. A woman about my age came up to me after the talk and said that she had lived in London all of her life but had never been to the National Gallery, but after reading about one of the paintings in my novel (I use it as a plot device; one of my vampires is featured in the painting), she went to the exact room and found my vampire staring back out at her from the painting and a shiver ran up her spine. That’s why I write and keep writing.

    The Neediness of a Writer

    I thoroughly enjoyed this article. Very well-written and researched; thoughtful is the best word I can use to describe it. I write vampire novels (who doesn’t these days) and I try to give some new twists to the old, old story. I have to admit that I have not read any of the modern vampire books, not because I have anything against them, but purely for the fact that I don’t want to unintentionally plagiarize any of their stories. I did find it funny that in Charlaine Harris’ books someone pointed out that there was a nearly identical scene between her vampire and a human and one that I had written in one of my novels about the whole “vampires don’t cast reflection in the mirror” being created by vampires to prove they aren’t vampires. I guess there’s only so many ways to look at the vampire tale.

    Vampires in Literature: Opera Cloaks, Sparkles, and Prevailing Themes