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    Exploring the Colonization of Disney Princessess

    Analyze and take note of the physical features provided to Disney princesses. How have these princesses been influenced by the looks of other cultures, and how do they look today compared to their traditional appearance?

    • This is not necessarily Disney specific but I believe related. In the 1995 live action Pocahontas, the actress chosen to play her was Sandrine Holt. She is also chosen to play the a daughter of a First Nations chief in another movie, Black Robe. However, she is not First Nations at all and is of Chinese and French descent. While writing a paper about the latter movie I discovered this. Since the other actors portraying First Nations in that film were genuinely of First Nations descent, I found it suspect that she was not. I wondered if it had to do with an image thing. Did she better fit the look of the "Native Princess" to the tastes of the filmmakers? It's interesting to think how this plays in the realm of kid oriented animation versus live action films for adults. – EAlbright 10 years ago
    • This article should also consider the many ways Disney's controls the looks and presentation of their "Princess line" it's very important to them fiscally. Consider the controversy with the "Princess debut" of Princess Meridai. Whose princessification cause a minor storm of controversy as much of what made her appealling was altered to suit her sameness with the more traditional disney princess. Consider also how all the Disney princesses have undergone this 'transformation' though some to a lesser extent. --- It can also be useful to consider how much Disney values their traditional delicate feminine Princesses and contrast that to their treatment of Black Widow the only female Avenger who lacks greatly in merchandising in spite of near steady constant pressure from fans. – wolfkin 10 years ago
    • Disucssing the different periods of Disney in terms of Disney princesses could be a good way to look at the physical features. Starting with Snow White, the first Disney princess, and expanding to Sleeping Beauty and Ariel to the more recent princesses of Merida and Elsa and Anna, it's clear that the physical features hasn't changed as much as they could have. There are still the same skinny, mostly fair skinned young aged princesses. However, finding the differences that have come since the introduction of Snow White would be helpful. Also, why do these princesses have to look this certain way and why hasn't there been more progress on changing their features to something that more children can relate to? – ferrerodesrocher 10 years ago
    • I would use a different word than Colonization because what you are asking for differs from the title. Maybe how the Princesses appropriate? difference cultural aspects. I think there is a topic here to discuss. I mean why are the princess so different looking now that their original representations? Sexier etc. Or how the princess take on the aspects of their supposed geographical location would be interesting. I mean theses are choices so looking why they are made is worth exploring. If you want to talk about princesses being colonized by a superior group and thus their physical appurtenance reflecting that then you are limiting it to Pocahontas (who is not considered a princess) and Jasmine. – Celeste Reeb 10 years ago

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    I would like to see a similar topic such as this expanded on, but instead focus on the looks of the princesses. I always thought it was interesting how Disney changed or made princesses look “colonized” — for example, Pocahontas isn’t native american — she’s a hybrid of races.

    The History Behind Disney Princesses

    I didn’t become interested in comics until I was -taught- comics. For some reason, as a viable form of medium, I began to take interest in them — huge interest. I’ve currently been writing reviews, and working on a script myself. I have also considered applying to a PhD program at the University of Florida with a specialization in Visual Rhetoric and Comics. A university in my state (West Virginia) has one of the “pioneering” graphic novel majors, in which students specialize in art and storytelling to create comics; it’s truly blown up recently.

    Comics Without Superheroes: The Literary Value of Graphic Novels

    I second this. Outside of not purchasing a Nintendo, there really isn’t any reason to avoid Zelda games. The story lines aren’t really linear, so picking you don’t necessarily need to play all of them to catch on!

    With that being said, however, I would urge you to start with the Orcarina of Time. It really set the standard on N64 at the time, and it’s replayability is very high, even to today’s standards. It’s truly an amazing game!

    Hyrule Warriors Review: A Bright Future for Zelda

    I would maybe go as far to say that “hardcore” gamers want FPS games, but I think there is still a market for collectathon games. Nostalgia is a powerful, powerful marketing techniques; maybe it just has yet to be found?

    Of course you would need a new to way approach these games.

    The Nintendo Collectathon: A Genre of the Past

    Would you argue for/against achievements being the modern day “collectathon” feature? I know many people (myself excluded, however) that play and replay videos games simply to unlock achievements.

    The Nintendo Collectathon: A Genre of the Past