Petra Foster

Petra Foster

I mostly write about the history of cinema. I do have a secret passion for old school anime too, but I try to hide it from the community.

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    The most accurate portrayal of loneliness and isolation in film

    It is difficult to narrow it down to one, but Francis Ford Coppola's The Conversation feels like an extremely accurate exploration into the themes of loneliness, reticence and human detachment. Other contenders would be Buffalo '66, Detachment and Close-Up, all favourite films of mine, too.

    Also, a film I recently saw, the Danish film Blind. About a woman who has recently lost her sight and retreats into the safety of her home and imagination. The film is more about loneliness and writing than blindness which is superbly realised by the director.

    • Possibly the topic could be made into a list since it is difficult to narrow down. – Jordan 10 years ago
    • The title is too vague in terms of a possible objective with "loneliness/isolation" and since five different films are also mentioned and speculated over within the description, it would definitely be more appropriate for this topic to be centered around a list of some sort. – dsoumilas 10 years ago
    • Agree with what's been said. A list of "10 great films about loneliness" or some such could be interesting though. – Winter 10 years ago
    • Agree with the list - you've said already that it would be hard to narrow down to one. Writing it out in a list would not just help you come to a conclusion about the question AND help the reader to come to (hopefully) the same conclusion. Also, because there are so films and therefore many styles and genres that depict isolation (writing and creating itself often being pretty lonely!) you could perhaps also look into styles and genres and how that style (say, animation) portrayed lonliness/isolation. Eg, dystopian films/animation/indie films etc. Maybe making a judgement on how a certain genre depicts lonliness better than others. – Nat Parsons 10 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Petra Foster

    It is quite amazing to me that in year 2013, NBC has not yet fully grasped that the model is not just broken — it is dead. Long, long gone are the days when 15, 20 million watched one episode of anything.

    How NBC Sold a Comedy Empire
    Petra Foster

    Army of Darkness is great, how dare you! 🙂

    Two’s Company but Three’s a Crowd: The Batman and Iron Man Trilogies
    Petra Foster

    Very intriguing post Jon. The performance gets me. The likes of Hugh Bonneville, Jim Carter and Maggie Smith deserve to be the yard stick for excellence in acting.

    Why the World Has Fallen in Love With Downton Abbey: Rich People Have Problems Too
    Petra Foster

    Oh whoaa Nathan Fillion is in this is he not? I’m a fangirl of Firefly 😛

    Neil Patrick Harris apparently dreams in puppet
    Petra Foster

    This is a killer post!!

    In Celebration of Woody Allen
    Petra Foster

    First time I hear about this movie. Does it have a digital release date?

    Beasts of the Southern Wild Review: A Coming of Age Tale Told Through the Innocence of a Child’s Eyes
    Petra Foster

    This is a good review of a show that is anything but good 😛

    Say 'I Love You' Episodes 1-5 review: an uninteresting opening to a new shojo anime
    Petra Foster

    I enjoyed reading this Jordan, one of your best articles so far.

    What the new 'Robocop' must do to qualify as a game changer