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    What's better, the book or the movie?

    Many books have been turned into film or television in the last decade and the debate is always, what’s better? You may have people who aren’t interested in reading the books and settle for the movie, but do people decide to read the book after they’ve watched the movie or television show? Or does it just spoil it for them?

    • Yes, this is a long-spoken debate. This will make a good article, but I'm not sure whether it has it what it takes to make a popular article. Anyway, you can explore the "classic"-ness of books -- that collectors, avid readers, etc. prefer books and have a reason. However, film critics and people like us don't want to consume so much time and the film gives us action, drama, and effects, so that makes a more enjoying and profitable experience. Nevertheless, the book is equally important. – Abhimanyu Shekhar 9 years ago
    • I think you can enjoy both the book and the movie/TV adaptation as two separate stories. Obviously movies can't include everything from the books and sometimes new material is written for them (e.g. The Hunger Games). I tend to prefer TV show adaptations because they are able to spend more time developing the characters and the narrative. However, movies tend to have bigger budgets and are able to spend more on special effects. I usually read the book first and watch the adaptation after and, as a result, I tend to be more critical of the adaptations. People are fickle- some like spoilers and some will avoid them at all costs. – ShaneWebb96 9 years ago
    • I think it is always better to read the book first because this way you can imagine everything yourself in your head which will be always better than what you will or have seen on the screen. Books have more depth to the story and a better progression rate rather than the movies and sometimes the movies are just so disappointing. For example, they cut out or leave out parts of the book to save time but really sometimes those are necessary to grasp the whole story itself. I'm a book nerd, I like reading better than watching the movie. – Dilarak 9 years ago
    • Almost always the original, in my experience! – Luke Stephenson 9 years ago

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    I think its a great idea! I cant imagine which male actor would want to play the role of Robin, next to Batman. You would just feel lesser since you aren’t the one playing Batman. Plus Robins always been teased being Batmans side-kick and no kid ever wanted to be Robin, they wanted the role of Batman. For a women to play Robin is amazing, I think any women would be better suited than any male, plus Robin can also be a female name 🙂

    Should There be a Female Robin in Batman vs Superman?

    The original stories for these fairy tales are much more gruesome, which I had no idea about. I grew up with all these princesses, admittedly never wishing to become a fairy princess myself. I find it very interesting that these stories date to way back, I think like most people, I just thought they were created by Walt Disney himself. It’s nice that these movies come from stories all over the world. Not really having a favourite princess, I enjoyed watching these movies over and over again. My Disney collection on VHS was insane, and just trying to pick one to watch was an ordeal in itself, just like Netflix today lol.

    The History Behind Disney Princesses

    I don’t know about you, but being a 90’s kid was all about cartoons, especially on Saturday mornings. I remember having a collection of Power Ranger movies, my brother and I were huge fans, we would sit in front of the television for hours watching Power Rangers. The thought of a Power Rangers movie makes me happy, it brings me back to the days of remaking the fighting scenes at my local park with all my friends, dressing up as them for Halloween and yelling “ITS MORPHING TIME!” I could be biased but I think television had the biggest influence on children in the late 80’s and all of the 90’s, this may not be a big success but it will bring memories to my generation for sure.

    Why the World Needs the Power Rangers: Twenty Years a Voyage

    When I was a kid, every Friday was movie night. It was tradition to pick out our preferred movie at the local rental movie store, and spend the night watching two or three movies– if we could stay up late enough. Now as an adult, all of our television and movies are accessible with a click of a button. Cable television will die with the rise of Netflix, Shomi and Crave tv. People would prefer to pay $8 a month rather than up to $100 for television, which is what most people I know are doing. Live tv can be streamed off the internet and the access of downloading torrents to catch up on television shows is much easier than waiting for re-runs. Its too bad that this is where television is heading but people like things fast and now!

    Netflix and Streaming: How Television is Changing