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    Should Superhero Franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe Have a Final Film? Or Should They Continue Indefinitely as the Comics do?

    As more and more studios start up cinematic universes based on comic book properties, it is hard to imagine that these films will be successful for forever. However comic books have still remained fairly successful and people still remain invested in the characters. Can the films expect the same support, or should they have a definitive ending?

    • I really like this topic as I am a super fan of these movies. The MCU right now is leading up to Avengers Infinity War in 2018, and Avengers 4 in 2019. Nobody knows what's going to happen, but they are most likely not just gonna stop making movies all together. These movies make way too much money to just stop, so there should be speculation on what could happen post Avengers 4. – cbo1094 8 years ago
    • Interesting topic. In David Ehrlich's review of Civil War, he describes the MCU as "A film franchise so immense and self-perpetuating that a plot’s greatest possible conflict is no longer the end of the world, but rather the end of the brand." In all likelihood marvel will continue to add to its sprawling universe until the audience diffuses or they run out of cash, which could be anywhere from in the near future to decades later. I like the idea of whether they "should". It would be memorable and history-making for them if they ended their run on a well-crafted note, though as the years go on the likelihood seems incredibly slim. They would likely go on making them until the public is entirely bored of it. – Matchbox 8 years ago

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    I personally enjoy The Flash (2014, although 1990 is fun too). Where many superhero movies and shows attempt to go dark, gritty, and realistic, The Flash embraces its comic book roots. The characters are fun and likeable, and while many episodes focus on a villain of the week, the overarching stories are very powerful and carry a lot of emotional weight. Try getting through the season 1 finale without shedding a tear, I dare you. Overall I think The Flash embodies the best of the superhero genre with fun, excitement, and real emotion.

    Superhero Live Action Shows: Conventions and Evolution

    I think the one of the biggest benefits of growing up with these films is getting to view Star Wars as a 6-film saga, rather than individual trilogies. I grew up viewing Star Wars as a grand mythic saga, one to rival the Greek myths of old. While the prequels do have issues, mainly with George’s struggle to write dialogue and direct actors (particularly young ones like Hayden Christensen), they are overall interesting, worthy additions to the saga, and watching the series as the story of Anakin Skywalker’s fall and redemption is a very satisfying and emotional journey.

    In Defense of the Star Wars Prequels

    I played Shadow of Mordor about a year ago and I can’t imagine that Tolkien would be too pleased with how his beloved works have been adapted. I enjoyed the game, the graphics were great, the gameplay was fun, and as someone who had been introduced to the films long before the books, I loved the action that the game offered. But Shadow of Mordor was definitely an action game first, and used Tolkien’s work as a setting for a fun action adventure romp, rather than for a meaningful tale about becoming brave.

    The Influence of J.R.R. Tolkien on Modern Video Gaming