
Boy Meets World vs. Girl Meets World

Current TV shows watched by children are constantly compared to children's TV shows in the early 2000s and 1990s. It is said the latter has more substance. This topic asks the writer to compare two television show from different generations. "Girl Meets World" is a continuation of the popular 90's show "Boy Meets World". It picks up with the daughter of the main character from Boy Meets World, Cory, and his childhood sweetheart/wife Topanga. Analyze the difference of themes and how the themes are handled in each show. Take into account the difference of society and maybe even technology at the time of each show's popularity.

  • "Girl Meets World" isn't a reboot. It's a sequel. – FantasticMrMac 9 years ago
  • It could also be interesting to consider if there are any differences in reception of the two shows, as Boy Meets World originally aired on network television on ABC, while Girl Meets World airs on a cable channel geared towards children and tweens, Disney. – Marcie Waters 9 years ago
  • I think one thing that can be analyzed for sure is the role of Cory and Topanga in either series. Analyze them being adolescents to adults, and then analyze how that plays out in their daughter. What aspects of each does she most resemble or inherit? – itskaella 9 years ago
  • Even though it is really important to analyze the differences between the two shows, it is also important to analyze the similarities between them. Of course we can point out how much of an impact technology has made on this generation, but what has stayed the same? For example, the interaction between student and teacher. Do the teachers still scold the children the same when they do something wrong? I remember all the times Mr. Feeny would scold Cory and Shawn when they did something wrong. Point being, it is good to see the differences but don't forget to include similarities. – alyssa717 9 years ago
  • This should be interesting. I think both shows are drenched in the era they were created in and it should be interesting seeing what exactly that means. Depending on what angles this goes, it might be wise to bring up the current world events that were going on at the time. – Austin Bender 9 years ago

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