Click: A Tragic Tale Exploring the Importance of Family

“Click” is a powerful and emotional story directed by Frank Coraci and written by Steve Koren. The film tells the tale of Michael Newman, a hardworking and overworked architect who discovers a remote control that can control time. Throughout the film, the audience is taken on an emotional journey as Michael navigates the consequences of his actions and learns the true importance of family, career and living in the present moment.
The central characters in this film are: Michael Newman (played by Adam Sandler), a busy architect who is struggling to balance work, family, and personal life; Donna Newman (played by Kate Beckinsale), a loving and supportive wife who tries to help Michael manage his responsibilities; and Morty (played by Christopher Walken), the eccentric inventor of the universal remote who serves as a guide to Michael and his use of the device.
Additionally, Michael’s use of the remote has unintended consequences. The more he uses it, the more control it has over him, and the less control he has over his own life. This ultimately leads to a situation in which Michael must confront the reality of his choices and their impact on those around him.
Story Line
The film opens with Michael, a man who is so consumed by his work that he is constantly neglecting his family. We see him missing important events in his children’s lives and his wife struggling to connect with him. The audience can immediately relate to Michael’s character and understand the pressure he is under to succeed in his career. This is a feeling that many people can relate to in today’s fast-paced society where career success is often prioritized over family and personal relationships.

However, everything changes when Michael meets Morty, a strange and mysterious man who gives him a universal remote control that can control time. At first, Michael uses the remote to skip through the boring parts of his life, such as traffic and meetings. But as he continues to use the remote, he realizes that he has been missing out on important moments with his family and begins to use the remote to go back in time to make up for lost time. This is a turning point in the film as it is here that the audience begins to see Michael’s character development. He starts to understand the true value of family and the importance of spending time with loved ones.
One of the most powerful and memorable moments in the film is when Morty gives Michael a piece of advice that will change his perspective on life forever. Morty tells Michael a story about a leprechaun who spends his entire life chasing a pot of gold, thinking that it will bring him happiness and fulfillment. However, when the leprechaun finally catches the pot of gold, he discovers that it is only filled with cereal. Morty’s story serves as a metaphor for the human condition. We spend our entire lives chasing things that we believe will bring us happiness and fulfillment, but in the end, they often turn out to be empty and meaningless.

This moment is particularly poignant because it highlights the theme of the film: the importance of living in the present moment and appreciating the small things in life. The film masterfully explores the idea of regret and how it can consume a person’s life if they let it. The film serves as a reminder that it is never too late to make amends and that it is important to learn from past mistakes.
The film is filled with emotional and powerful scenes that tug at the audience’s heartstrings. The scene where Michael watches his daughter grow up before his eyes is particularly poignant and will leave many in tears. The audience can feel Michael’s regret and sadness as he realizes the mistakes he has made and the time he has lost. The film masterfully explores the idea of regret and how it can consume a person’s life if they let it. The film serves as a reminder that it is never too late to make amends and that it is important to learn from past mistakes.
The film also explores the theme of the importance of living in the present moment. Throughout the film, Michael uses the remote control to skip through time, always looking for the next big thing. However, as he continues to use the remote, he realizes that he has been missing out on the present moment and the beauty of life. The audience can feel Michael’s realization and can learn from it themselves. The film serves as a reminder to live in the present and to appreciate the small moments in life.
One of the most emotionally impactful moments in the film is the death of Michael Newman. The audience sees Michael finally coming to terms with the importance of family and the realization that his career has been the cause of his neglect of his family. In the end, he sacrifices his own life to ensure that his son will not make the same mistakes as him and will prioritize family over career.
As Michael lies on his deathbed, he tells his son to pursue his passions but to not sacrifice family for career success. This scene is incredibly powerful as it shows the audience the true sacrifice that Michael has made for his family. It also serves as a reminder that family is the most important thing in life and that it is never too late to make amends and prioritize the people that matter the most.
The death of Michael Newman is a powerful moment in the film that will leave a lasting impression on the audience. It is a reminder that life is short and that we should always strive to make the most of the time we have with our loved ones. It is a powerful reminder that time is precious and that we should not waste it chasing things that ultimately bring us no fulfillment. The film serves as a reminder to live in the present and to appreciate the small moments in life, and to make sure that family always comes first.
Click – Connecting to Classical Literature
The story draws inspiration from two classic pieces of literature, “The Red String of Fate” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

In the vast landscape of literature and film, certain themes have a way of transcending cultural boundaries and resonating with audiences on a deeply human level. Two narratives that exemplify this phenomenon are the film “Click” and the concept of the “Red String of Fate.” While they come from different mediums and cultural origins— “Click” being a Hollywood comedy-drama and the Red String of Fate originating from Chinese mythology—both share strikingly similar themes that delve into the complexities of fate, relationships, and the human condition.
In “Click,” Michael uses the remote to skip past mundane or unpleasant moments in his life, but soon realizes that he’s missing out on the true essence of living. The film explores themes of regret, the importance of family, and the consequences of prioritizing work over personal connections. Through Michael’s journey, audiences are reminded of the fleeting nature of time and the significance of cherishing moments with loved ones.
On the other hand, the concept of the “Red String of Fate” is deeply rooted in Chinese mythology and folklore. According to legend, individuals who are destined to be together are connected by an invisible red string, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This red string is said to be tied by the gods, ensuring that two people who are meant to cross paths will inevitably do so, leading to a shared destiny. The idea underscores themes of destiny, soulmates, and the interconnectedness of lives, emphasizing the belief that certain relationships are preordained and cannot be escaped.
Despite the differences in their storytelling mediums and cultural backgrounds, “Click” and the “Red String of Fate” converge on several key themes. Most notably, both stories have a hand in sharing the theme of fate and destiny.
Fate, a concept as old as storytelling itself, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. It’s the idea that our lives are not entirely within our control, that there are forces beyond our understanding guiding our paths.
In “Click,” fate manifests through a seemingly ordinary remote control, imbued with magical powers that allow its wielder to manipulate time itself. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes evident that the remote is a metaphor for the illusion of control that many of us cling to in our lives. Despite Michael’s attempts to fast-forward through the mundane or unpleasant moments, fate has a way of intervening, teaching him valuable lessons about the consequences of his actions and the importance of cherishing the present.
Similarly, the concept of the “Red String of Fate” embodies the idea of predestined connections that transcend time and space. his red string serves as a powerful symbol of fate, signifying the inevitability of certain relationships and the interconnectedness of lives across the vast expanse of existence. Like Michael’s remote control, the red string serves as a reminder that some things are simply meant to be, regardless of the obstacles or challenges that may arise.
What unites these two narratives is their exploration of fate as a force that transcends individual will and agency. In both “Click” and the “Red String of Fate,” the protagonists are confronted with the realization that they are not entirely in control of their destinies. Instead, they must learn to accept the twists and turns that fate throws their way, trusting in the greater plan that is unfolding before them.
Moreover, both narratives challenge the notion of fate as a passive force, highlighting the role of personal choice and agency in shaping our lives. While fate may set the stage, it is ultimately up to the protagonists to determine how they will navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way. Whether it’s Michael learning to prioritize his family over his career or individuals actively seeking out their destined soulmates, both stories underscore the idea that fate is not simply something that happens to us but is, in many ways, shaped by our own actions and decisions.

“Click” and “It’s a Wonderful Life,” though seemingly different in genre and tone, share a common thread: the exploration of the human condition through the lens of missed opportunities, the search for purpose, and the importance of human connection.
“It’s a Wonderful Life,” a beloved classic directed by Frank Capra, tells the story of George Bailey, a small-town man who, in a moment of despair, contemplates suicide on Christmas Eve. In a twist of fate, an angel shows George what life would have been like for his loved ones had he never been born. Through this revelation, George gains a renewed appreciation for his own life and the impact he has had on others. The film beautifully illustrates the interconnectedness of humanity and the profound influence each individual can have on the lives of those around them.
In “Click”, Michael’s pursuit of a career path led to missed opportunities to connect with his family. Despite setting many plans to have fun with his wife and kids, his work always keeps him away from letting it happen. Eventually, Michael realizes that his relentless pursuit of success has alienated him from his family, leading to strained relationships and a sense of emptiness. It is only through reconnecting with his loved ones that he is able to find fulfillment and happiness.
Similarly, in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” George discovers that his life is rich and meaningful not because of material wealth or personal achievements, but because of the bonds he shares with others—his family, friends, and neighbors. Thus, he is able to reevaluate his life for what it has, rather than what it doesn’t.
Overall, “Click” draws inspiration from both “The Red String of Fate” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” to create a unique and engaging narrative that explores the themes of fate, missed opportunities, and the impact of our choices on our lives. Through its use of humor, heart, and thought-provoking storytelling, the film delivers a message that is both entertaining and insightful, reminding us to appreciate the simple things in life and to value the people who are closest to us.
Ultimately, “Click” is a film that will leave a lasting impression on the viewer. The inspiration it takes from “The Red String of Fate” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” led to the creation of powerful and emotional scenes that will resonate with the audience. The film deals with important themes such as family, career, and the importance of living in the present moment and serves as a reminder to appreciate the small moments in life and to not let career success come at the expense of one’s family and personal relationships. The film is a poignant and thought-provoking comedy-drama that should not be missed.
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There was a story in an episode of Adventures in Odyssey about a boy with a magic stopwatch that he could use to fast-forward his life. It was a lot like Click, eight years earlier.
“A Kind of Stopwatch” was a Twilight Zone episode that had a premise of a man acquiring a magical stopwatch which could stop time. He couldn’t fast-forward time, he could only stop it and then restart it. This episode originally aired in October of 1963, 35 years before the Adventures in Odyssey episode which you mentioned.
Awesome job incorporating my revision suggestions! Great read, thank you!
This movie was made for a spot-the-product-placement drinking game. I came out of the cinema craving some unobtainable American snack called “ho-hos” that still has not been satisfied to this day 🙁
This film was in no way the typical movie.. for that alone made it great!
I don’t like any of Adam Sandler’s comedies at all. But Punch Drunk Love is definitely in my top 5 films of all time.
“I’m lookin’ at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fuckin’ smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. You’re so pretty.”
Depressing film.
I gave up on his films as I got older, eventually you grow up and out of the target demographic that the Hollywood dross is aimed at.
Slightly less obnoxious than usual in The Wedding Singer…
Happy Gilmore was his best work.
He was good in Funny People. In that movie, he takes the piss out of the sort of crappy comedies that he is making now. Guess he doesn’t learn.
I remember when I watched it for the first time and the ending made me cry so much,it’s the only movie that’s ever made me cry somehow it might be the way it relates to my father lol
What confuses me about the movie is that there is no mention of a rewind feature. When I’m watching my Netflix, I always rewind stuff to better understand things, or to retake choices in You Vs. Wild. Having him rewind stuff could potentially be very cool.
This was a great movie!
Yeah it’s a classic. Right up there with Citizen Kane and Taxi Driver.
I ugly cried when i saw this years ago.
I’m not even gonna lie. This movie is the only piece of media that has a 100% chance to make me cry. The “I love you son” scene absolutely DESTROYS me as a grown man.
What’s crazy is that Adam Sandler’s powerful acting in the third act stems from the fact his father actually passed away during the production of this film.
Wow I usually can’t stand him or his films but maybe that is what made the difference.
Despite some bad gross-out jokes, this is still one of Adam Sandler’s best.
Only Adam Sandler can make people cry with a sad ending and then have the twist be “it was all a dream”.
Anyone who keeps Rob Schneider in work, is an enemy of humanity.
This movie was my awakening to the fact that death was inevitable. I rattled off facts about the sun exploding and I understood death was something that happened to old people, but it took the Adam Sandler dog-humping-duck movie for it to register in my little kid brain that I would be an old person someday.
For a Adam Sandler movie, this one had SO MUCH HEART and BROKE OUR HEARTS!
In my opinion the whole reset at the end is good storytelling. Because you get to see the immense impact everything had on him, and it doesn’t subtract from the depressing death he went through at the end of his life, it only adds to it.
The moment when he keeps rewinding “I love you son” with his last time seeing his dad is burned straight into my brain as a cry on command script like I’m a computer.
I want to say this is my guilty pleasure movie, but I legitimately think it’s great.
I went to the cinemas to watch this with my friends expecting a funny Adam Sandler movie. I never once thought I’d come out of it questioning just how precious life was.
I don’t get why people bash on this movie. It is so good! It still, to this day!
I have so much respect for comedies that manage to have some emotional scenes. Rarely do comedies make me cry but when they do they become instant classics for me.
Genuinely scarred me as a kid. I rethought my whole life after Henry’s death in this. However, at a comic con recently, I saw Henry Winkler ride off on a golf cart in the funniest way ever and it somehow cured me.
The movie’s second half was such a whiplash. For an Adam Sandler movie it was deep.
this movie is a great example of why millennial generations and beyond have so much existential dread and anxiety. We were like 8 going into a movie thinking it we were getting Happy Gilmore and came out having to face our own mortality and that everyone we love could die at any moment
As someone who grew up with and absent, suicidal and alkohol addicted father, it just kind hits hard having that moment seeing them having a connection.
This movie made me realize how much more I need to appreciate my dad.
I recently, like 2 months ago, lost my dad to cancer and the death scene and knowing the reasoning behind it is such a legitimate gut punch; talk to your people, let them know you care.
Used to watch this movie with my dad. It makes this movie hit so much harder now.
I remember watching Click on repeat with my IPod Nano growing up as it was the only movie I bought on the ITunes store. Can still recite it by heart. Still makes me tear up and think of my dad.
I love when Adam Sandler makes a movie and picks one of THEE hottest women ever to play his wife.
When you can, you can.
Time is an arrow that simply marches forward.
Perhaps in Western societies.
I remember watching this at like 8 years old. I forgot just how emotional the rain scene is.
This piece captures the most significant theme and thematic moments of the film. The comparison to the Red String and It’s A Wonderful Life also interested me as it showed the timelessness of fine art. I also like that the writer chose the film because the film had what so many films lack: character development.
I think this could have benefitted from a reorganization to better convey the main point. Somehow the comparision needed to be brought in earlier – maybe in a narrative lead of the writer watching It’s A Wonderful Life and reading the Red String. The lack of organization to support the main point created a sense of drag in the writing.
A good essay on what I thought after seeing it was a thoughtful movie. Not really a blockbuster, but a movie that did force you to think about life as it moves along.
It’s so sad how most of the time it takes a tragedy to remind people about the importance of family
Reference should also be given to the story of Dr Faustus (apologies if I’ve missed it in this analysis).
Like Faustus, Sandler’s character comes to an arrangement with a supernatural force for a shot at la dolce vita, without fully understanding the implications of the deal he’s made.
There’s one scene in ‘Click’ that unmistakable replicates a pathetic importuning that Faustus offers (in the Marlow version).
Sandler howls at a stormy sky….”Gimme a break”…when he realizes the full, grim weight of the deal he has done; just as does Faustus when he begs for redemption with ” See where Christ’s blood streams in the firmament ‘ One drop would save my soul (etc etc)…”.