Conker’s Bad Luck
If you gave this franchise twenty of so years to grow, what would that do?
Conker the Squirrel, the face of the Conker franchise is arguably one of the most famous faces not just for his company, Rareware, but in the general gaming landscape as well. This is after his infamous adventure, Conker’s Bad Fur Day.

But for all of that infamy, the tale of the franchise is one of stagnation and that is a tragedy. Despite a strong and loyal fanbase, the Conker franchise has never been able to maintain any sort of consistency. Whether it’s tied to the shock value of the franchise, shifting gaming trends, or just poor management from leadership, Conker has never really been able to conquer gaming.
Who was Conker?
Long before Conker’s foray into “mature” gaming, he was a mere cameo character in the much beloved 3D racing game, Diddy Kong Racing for the Nintendo 64, released in 1997.

Conker’s characterization in the game is minimal. He exists as one of Diddy’s friends as the game was made by Rare. Rare were the developers for a host of classic Nintendo games such as Battletoads, Golden Eye 007, the Killer Instinct series, and perhaps their most notable and successful efforts the Donkey Kong Country series.
The Rise of the 3D platformer
Rare had established themselves as top tier third-party developers working with Nintendo and had shown a unique deftness with regards to their creativity in game design. This was good because the era of 2D Platformers was quickly being supplanted by the rise of 3D gaming.
Super Mario 64‘s impact on the gaming landscape cannot be overstated. Considered by many to be one of, if not the greatest games ever released it set off a shockwave about what games could do with this technology. To this day you find people discovering new techniques and ways of play within the game and it has one of the most vibrant speedrunning communities around. With that in mind, it set the standard at time for what a 3D platformer could and should have. From its dynamic camera, open-ended level design, consistent 3D physics, variety of collectables, and so many more elements SM64 changed the understanding of what games in its genre were. And what happens when you have a fundamental shift in the industry? Others seek to match if not directly copy what you have created.

After Super Mario 64 there was a groundswell of games that were trying to get a little bit of the market share of 3D platformers genre.
You had Gex, you had Croc, you had Donkey Kong 64, Banjo and Kazooie. You had Bubsy 3D. Not to mention numerous licensed games like Toy Story.
And that’s just a few of the titles.
The 12 Fails of Conker
Conker’s gaming difficulties start with his creation. His first game Conker’s Quest was renamed to Twelve Tales: Conker 64
So with an extremely flooded market, Conker’s first game solo adventure was not a 3D home console release. No, Conker’s first video game his first solo Adventure was the Conker’s Pocket Tales.

Conker, it must be stressed, had always been, prior to the release of Bad Fur Day, family-friendly and so Conker’s Pocket Tales wouldn’t have been shocking in that context. Looking back on it though and the shift in the character is so stark one could be forgiven for thinking it was a completely different one.
In Pocket Tales, Conker is just a normal platformer hero for the time. That is to say, he is a good little guy trying to save his girlfriend after she’s stolen by an evil acorn, The Evil Acorn.
It has puzzles, it has bosses, and it’s a standard collectathon adventure game. But in being standard, it did itself no favors critically. It averaged 55 on GameRankings and didn’t really perform well outside of Nintendo-focused magazines as Nintendo64 the magazine gave it five stars, as did Planet Game Boy.
So, after one game that didn’t really set the world on fire, Conker’s 3D game—still languishing in development—was being retooled. And in its final retooling, from Twelve Tales: Conker 64 to Conker’s Bad Fur Day, it was filled to the brim with dirty jokes. Conker had fallen from being a little cutesy, family-friendly character to a foul-mouthed, fourth-wall-breaking figure, more akin to Deadpool than Mickey Mouse
This game proceeded fill its every orifice with something either irreverent or adult or frankly just completely disgusting.
A game notorious for being notorious.

Conker’s Bad Fur Day is often spoken of as a game that Nintendo didn’t want and nearly banned from being sold. While it is true that Nintendo didn’t do much in the way of marketing, the game still launched on their console, amassing its cult following despite being on the most family-friendly console of its generation.
Nintendo didn’t market it well because of its raunchy subject matter, offensive humor, and general lack of tact in many aspects of the game.
For, despite being another Rare collectathon, it was filled with all manner of debauchery that just wasn’t really in line with the Nintendo brand—so much so that people wondered how the game managed to sneak onto the Nintendo 64.

The game was much more akin to a South Park episode than any of the 3D contemporary games it competed with. And while the game didn’t do well sales-wise, it had an impact unlike any other at the time. Because, the thing about a game that is edgy, offensive, and inappropriate—but looks like it’s for kids—is that when a little kid gets their hands on it, stories about it spread by word of mouth like wildfire. And people loved it whether or not they were the right age to be playing it.
Critically, this game did amazing, especially in comparison to its predecessor. While Pocket Tales couldn’t seem to find an audience, Bad Fur Day boasts, at the time of writing a 92 on Metacritic, which is universal acclaim. The problem was, not too many people played it. Despite it’s critical reception being positive Bad Fur Day didn’t sell well only moving 770,000 units worldwide —and that kind of thing happens when you have no marketing because you’re selling an adult game on a family-friendly console. In comparison, more traditional 3D platformers made by Rare performed substantially better, as Banjo and Kazooie sold 3 million and DK64 sold around 5 million.

To be clear, if Conker had stayed a family-friendly franchise, there’s no guarantee it would have found its footing or even be remembered today. Being the edgy, dirty, offensive platformer is what made Conker a name within the gaming space. But that came at a cost—its publisher, Nintendo, didn’t want anything to do with the project. Because it’s an adult game. You can’t exactly market an adult game in the same comic books, magazines, or channels where Nintendo was marketing Mario, Yoshi, or even Super Smash Bros.
And after his first appearance on the console, Conker basically disappeared from the gaming landscape
Conker, Post-Fur Day

The Conker franchise suffered because Conker’s Bad Fur Day, despite strong reviews, didn’t sell well. Rare struggled and ultimately had to be bought out by Microsoft. The idea was that working under a more mature gaming company would spell a revival for Conker—because on Xbox, Conker could be as edgy as anyone wanted it to be. This was a platform where they could do whatever they wanted. They could finally make the real Conker’s Bad Fur Day.
Instead, the game featured more censorship despite being marketed as “live” and “uncut.” And while the name was misleading, the re-release still performed well—not as well as the original, but still respectable. After all, it was just an upscaled version with better graphics, not an entirely new game.
But Conker’s cultural capital has waned over the years, and that’s because Conker has never really been able to get out of its own way. The franchise is only truly notable for being the cute character who says bad words and makes poop jokes—and nobody wants to be the company selling that. Which sucks for Conker, because the series does its job well. It knows how to do references. It knows how to do parodies. It knows how to time its humor, write its songs—it does everything a good game should.
Unfortunately, it just doesn’t seem like the Conker franchise will ever be strong enough to support more games or projects. Keep in mind, Conker was discussed for new projects as recently as 2015’s Conker’s Big Reunion or 2016’s Young Conker—but nothing materialized. And really, how could anything come at this point in time?
Conker was shocking when it first came out, and people were not ready to be shocked.
But now, 20 years into the franchise’s existence, with only two real projects released—three if you want to count the re-release—Conker seems stuck in a purgatory of never being truly forgotten, but never really being allowed to live.
What do you think? Leave a comment.
Microsoft is seriously the worst video game publisher I’ve ever seen. They practically killed every series they owned.
Conker was so innocent before puberty.
Conker when he was younger = go karting with diddy Kong
Conker bad fur day = rags to riches
Conker 2014 = reunion untold story
Conker in banjo kazooie cogs = looks like he turned into a drug seller
Conker 2016 = meth addict
Conker In 1997: I’m A Goodie
Conker In 1999: I Made My First Game, But Still A Goodie
Conker In 2001: I’m A Chaotic-Goodie Now, And I Have Grown Up
Conker In 2005: Still The Same, But Now To Xbox
2016 conker looks like he get stepped by someone
Conker is like your friend in elementary who is very wacky, but now he’s that alcoholic and drug addicted friend you have
He went from a sweet and innocent kid, to a greedy alcoholic jerkass adult..
The Xbox version really pushed the limits of the console. It honestly looks like a early 360 game. Not surprising since the 360 came out thay year. Still it was a good looking game.
I’ve never been into Conker myself, but I totally see and understand why people like him and why his character was so impactful. Conker was definitely very, VERY weird and a very different game for its time, in a good way. It’s interesting how it probably wouldn’t be seen as anything crazy if it was a franchise that initially launched in recent years, but looking back at it, it had to have been incredibly experiental and risky to make the game, nevermind advertise and actually sell it to the masses. Theres definitely examples in earlier years as well, but the (mid-late?) 90s/very early 2000s were when pieces of media had begun to lean towards more rebel and edge in order to stand out from other competing medias at that time. And come to think of it, I havent seen another gane quite like Conker. Despite how mediocre (at best) Yooka Laylee was, I can see a modern Conker-inspired spiritual successor coming into fruition. It could definitely have potential, but I know to be careful what I wish for, because that’s what we all thought about Banjo Kazooie, too lol. I still think a fan could make a good Conker clone.
An unapologetically mature and comedic 3d platformer is so much to ask for these days.
If they don’t have any future plans for my boy Conker. Then they should at least give him a proper send off I heard the rumors about there being another game coming but just incase if that isn’t true. He deserves a happy ending, I don’t care what anyone says he deserves a happy ending with Berri or whoever else he resides with. But for everything Conker has been through he deserves his happy ending.
Best game was in N64 hands down.
Wrestlemania 2000? Mario Kart? Mario Party?
Pokemon Stadium?
He became uglier and uglier as the series went on…
Honestly. I can relate to Conker. As young kids, we tend to experience heavily on the positive side of life every time, but as we get older, we’re starting to become aware on the misery side as an adult and experience those moments. Conker had all the positive moments as a kid, but as an adult, his whole day has gone into misery and insanity since they prevented him from simply going home. Not to mention his ending about being drunk and depressed because not only he lost Berri, but he’s now a king and surrounded by people he doesn’t like. Honestly, props to Rare for giving Conker fans, especially the ones that grew up with him, a series they can enjoy and grow up playing.
I guess not all Video games have Happy Endings.
Or happy beginnings.
I really wish RareWare got back with Nintendo and Made more Banjo-Kazooie Games, Donkey Kong Country Games, and more Conker Games
Life could be a dream.
Conker n64 the best.
Hey, great article, and it was a pleasure to edit! I definitely think that Conker was a strange entry into the gaming industry. I remember seeing Bad Fur Day on the shelf, noticing the rating, and wondering what was in the game to warrant said rating, but never attempted to pick it up. I later watched a let’s play of it, and, there were definitely some…interesting choices. I have been playing through Daxter lately, and that game has a very similar feel to me as the one I got watching Bad Fur Day.
What they did to my poor boy Conker in Young Conker is unforgivable.
It’s funny to see how Conker has turned from a regular game into an 18+ game with blood, foul language, and vulgar jokes.
Microsoft decided to own him and neglect him because they are too busy taking over other major video games companies to prevent Sony from being the superior video game company.
They monopolies now. Microsoft breaking law.
We should really bring Conker back in my opinion.
I swear that “Conker’s Bad Fur Day” is just a pitch meeting by his agent that wants to mess him over and Conker has just finished reading the rest of his script and says, “What in the hell is this? Why am I suddenly an alcoholic? Why is there so much violence?! I am not a violent person! Why am I swearing?! Why did you recast my girlfriend into this Candy Kong, Lola Bunny ripoff?! I am faithful to my previous girlfriend! Just…. WHY?!
Conker was a great character on diddy kong racing before they made Conker a drunken Alcoholic Squirrel who cares about money.
they completely ruined conker i swear wtf did they do to him. bad fur day was a hilarious mature twist on banjo with a banger sound track and then they straight up just murdered him.
What if Conker was no longer alcoholic and back to the kid friendly days by now.
This transition from Conker being kid-friendly to adult themed, kind of reminds me of the Duke Nukem series, Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem 2 were kid-friendly sidescroller/platformer games. But Duke Nukem 3D and onward became mostly adult themed 1st person shooters.
him appearing in the diddy kong games was probably the reason my aunt mistook bad fur day as a kids game
being an 8 year old getting exposed to things like the great mighty poo was…an interesting experience
I would easily use Conker as my gaming company’s mascot, (if I had one) but they preferred to abandon the best squirrel ever made.
Maybe it’s the fault of the current state of the world!
I still have hope that Rare will return to Nintendo in a glorious way. Fingers crossed.
We need him in smash so we can see the epic fight between conker and banjo.
Rare was bought in the year of 2002. the last Conker game Rare made that was on a Nintendo console, not a Microsoft console, was Conker’s Bad Fur Day. After that, Microsoft was breathing down their neck. What does this matter? You have and will see a WHOLE LOT of people saying “Rare killed Conker”. While Rare had a hand in it, Microsoft had a both arms and a foot in it!
I had such fond memories of this game on Nintendo 64. Like Duke Nukem, Conker needs to return. Sadly however he is left into obscurity, but not truly forgotten. Nintendo 64 Emulation has kept conker alive. But will conker return is unknown.
Will conker come back in 2025?
One of the most Iconic Rare characters that ever made, going from a family-friendly, sweet talking, loveable and really nice Squirrel, to an adult oriented, foul mouthed, alcoholic, greedy and rude squirrel.
To this day, I still can’t figure out what Young Conker was supposed to be.
Microsoft needs to bring Conker and banjo back as the face of their platformers. They literally have there own answer to Mario and they don’t know it.
Don’t they have Yooka-Laylee and the Fox character???
why do i feel like conker is in the same universe as diddy kong and banjo kazooie
If the company brought back Conker in its prime, it better erase that ps5 furry game out of existence and relevancy itself.