In 1997, MTV's animated series Daria aired for the first time. What followed were five seasons and two T.V. movies....
Sam Jan 16, 2021
He is almost gone but will not be forgotten. Donald Trump as a President of the United States will be...
Joseph Cernik Jan 12, 2021
French author Victor Hugo once wrote: « Lire c’est voyager, voyager c’est lire ». It means « reading is traveling,...
Gavroche Jan 8, 2021
The analysis of history is not without its problems. This essay seeks to illustrate how historical fiction, as a form...
Hannan Lewsley Jan 5, 2021
The horror podcast Welcome to Night Vale has exploded in popularity since its initial release in 2012. This series, which...
Debs Dec 31, 2020
Nearly eight years after its release, Bioshock Infinite remains an ambitious and controversial video game. The game had a notably...
Sean Gadus Dec 26, 2020
When one thinks of writers who have paved the path for women in the literary scene, names such as Mary...
Sam Dec 22, 2020
In 2010 Studio Gainax created Panty and Stocking with Gartbelt. A raunchy comedy about two fallen angels named Panty and...
Blackcat130 Dec 18, 2020
The topic of love has perhaps been discussed ad nauseum but to unveil mankind's long-running love affair with "love," one...
aprosaicpintofpisces Dec 12, 2020
While imitation may indeed be the sincerest form of flattery, it can easily be overlooked as a mere acknowledgement of...
Sathyajith Shaji Manthanth Dec 4, 2020
Since the advent of the cathode-ray tube amusement device in 1947, the fusion of play and electronics provided folks with...
Michel Sabbagh Dec 2, 2020
In recent decades, Disney, Pixar, and other animated offerings have become known for delving deep into adult-size issues while remaining...
Stephanie M. Nov 27, 2020