The ultraviolent horror anime Deadman Wonderland possesses a fascinating cast of characters. The men and women of this series are...
Debs Nov 24, 2020
No story excites children quite like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. First published in 1964 by English author, Roald Dahl,...
Sam Nov 15, 2020
One of the most talked-about revelations of 2018 was Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane being gay. Initially, most were in support of...
Blackcat130 Nov 9, 2020
The Battle of Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, July 1-3, 1863) during the American Civil War (1861-1865) is often cited as one of...
Joseph Cernik Nov 6, 2020
The tale of Hikigaya Hachiman in OreGairu was one where self-discovery stood paramount. A story which implied a caterpillar-like figure...
J.D. Jankowski Nov 2, 2020
The dragon is one of the most recognizable figures in literature. It has appeared in Greek myths, Norse sagas, medieval...
OkaNaimo0819 Oct 30, 2020
Self-expression and anarchist individuality were the result of isolation and alienation of the artist in a developing capitalist society. Art...
Tahlia Whitfield Oct 26, 2020
When Donna Tartt published her debut novel The Secret History in 1992, it became an instant classic. With more than...
Sam Oct 23, 2020
Memory is both a powerful and unreliable narrative tool in storytelling. People use memories to prepare themselves for certain situations,...
i85moreno Oct 19, 2020
Mexican cinema has produced some significant films across its century of production, though after its golden age ended in the...
Zahra Arshad Oct 16, 2020
Life is addiction. Life as addiction. Cinema as reality. Billy Wilder’s sensibilities are stretched to the maximum in The Lost...
Dani CouCou Oct 12, 2020
Video games have been around for nearly fifty years. Over the course of the past few decades, trends have come...
FarPlanet Oct 9, 2020