When the British mockumentary sitcom series known as The Office was released in 2001, few could have predicted what a...
Debs May 16
There are some works that do read as though the people behind them have an axe to grind not just...
Sunni Rashad May 6
Top Gun was first released in 1986. Right away audiences were captivated at how combat dogfights were depicted on the...
Elpis1988 Apr 30
Agatha Christie has been hailed as a prominent figure in the flourishing of the clue-puzzle genre in the golden age...
Lydia Gore-Jones Apr 23
Have you ever rewatched a series or picked up a YA novel you read when you were younger and asked...
shoafhannah Apr 9
Mean Girls, hitting the 20-year mark in 2024, isn't just a teen flick; it's a timeless exposé on the wild...
Beatrix Kondo Apr 2
A quick note that this article discusses potential hardships within the LGBTQ+ community, and contains a summary of a scene...
Siothrún Mar 27
In 1986, former teacher and entrepreneur Pleasant Rowland launched the eponymous Pleasant Company from her home state of Wisconsin. Rowland...
Stephanie M. Mar 19
Anime as a genre is bigger than it's ever been. Every year it seems the genre finds new ways to...
Sunni Rashad Mar 11
Godzilla has been brought into the limelight by recent films made in Japan. In 2016, the film Shin Godzilla was...
Elpis1988 Mar 6
Anime as an art form has long been criticized for its portrayal of female characters; in examining both historical and...
lavenderhatchet Feb 19
Capitalism is an ever growing maw, that takes from nature and hordes for itself. Mark Fisher, author of Capitalist Realism...
Sunni Rashad Feb 6