Lydia Gore-Jones

I'm an academic, and a lover of literature.

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    Can the Artificial Be Art?

    Artificial Intelligence has already caused changes in the way we conduct our lives. Will it change the way we make and perceive art? It has been predicted, for example, that AI will replace many jobs in the film industry. AI has been used in many types of writing and "artwork" already: legal and business documents, advertising, students’ assignments …
    What is your definition of art? Can something created by AI be called art? How would AI affect the creation and appreciation of the arts, especially visual and verbal arts? Would anyone want to explore this topic, philosophically and prophetically?

    • Can't wait to write about this. I have thoughts. – Sunni Ago 1 day ago
    Taken by Sunni Ago (PM) 1 hour ago.

    17th century poetry - the Metaphysicals

    The Metaphysicals refer to a loose collective of poets such as John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley, Richard Crashaw and Henry Vaughan, who represent some of the highest achievements of the 17th-century English literature. A most conspicuous feature of their style can be described as using images concrete and tangible, richly appealing to human senses and emotions. The label, “Metaphysical,” was attached to them by later generations. “Metaphysical,” as a style label, refers to the so-called “figures of thought” marked by the use of conceits, witticism and paradoxes. But the term still fails to capture the ‘physical’ side of the Metaphysicals – that is, the corporeality, even fleshiness, in their using concrete images and metaphors on the one hand, and expressing sensational feelings and emotions on the other. How, then, do the ‘physical’ and the ‘metaphysical’ meet in 17th century Renaissance poetry? What makes the Metaphysicals ‘metaphysical’? This topic can be explored either by studies of common characteristics of these poets’ works or by close criticism of individual poets.

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      Point taken 😀
      But to be fair, the mystery genre is almost by definition strong on plot and weak on characters – except the detective of course; and ATTWN has broken even that rule by having no detective!

      And Then There Were None: Agatha Christie and Her Deconstruction of the Mystery Genre

      Yes, I’m glad you think so too. The ways she manipulates the genre to become its master are fascinating.

      And Then There Were None: Agatha Christie and Her Deconstruction of the Mystery Genre

      😊 You are so kind – thank you for your helpful feedback!

      And Then There Were None: Agatha Christie and Her Deconstruction of the Mystery Genre

      Thank you for the thoughtful exploration of the fascinating question on what is literary merit!
      This article makes me think about what is constant and what is new when it comes to good literature. Somehow all great literature seems to work around a few perpetual, eternal themes of humanity – but I haven’t worked out what these themes are specifically. The magic of literature for both authors and readers is to experience these eternal themes anew, entering another person, another time, space and dimension, living other lives beyond the restrains of this life. But the fact that we can still relate to the characters from other worlds and dimensions indicates that the themes of great literature remain constant; they are eternal questions we ask and try to answer, again and again.

      The Storytelling Layers of Literary Merit

      Indeed, the Victorian era was such a fecund period that gave birth to new things to grow into Modernity. In terms of literature, it gave us the genres we love even today: realism, fantasy, children’s lit, crime fiction, sci-fi, Gothic … This is a great article to explore the greatness of Victorian literature!

      The Persistent Allure of Victorian Literature

      I think it might be misleading to think Fantasy-as a literary genre-existed in ancient times. It’s actually something very modern, a label, invented to revive the sense of wonder and fantastical in a one-dimensional modern world. Rather than seeing classical myth as ancient Fantasy, I’d say modern fantasy authors want to create myth of their own.

      Fantasy Writing and Classical Antiquity

      It’s often thought that the play is about jealousy and its destructive power, and Othello is the byword for jealousy. But-as your character analysis shows- it is Iago, not Othello, that is the demon of jealousy personified. Jealousy also becomes the central theme around which the plot unfolds.

      Iago - The Perfect Villain

      Newspapers regularly feature works of cartoonists and columnists, so why not also poets? There can be interesting things written in the poetic form to appeal to a wide range of tastes.

      Should Modern Newspapers Publish Poetry?