Hallyu (한류), coined as The Korean Wave, encompasses the vibrant and captivating aspects of South Korean popular culture that have...
Beatrix Kondo Jul 18, 2023
Ryan Murphy's 7-episode series, "Hollywood," offers a glimpse into the secretive corners of what is often considered the golden age...
valeriiege Jul 11, 2023
Laika's film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Coraline as well as the original film Kubo and the Two Strings, share a...
aprosaicpintofpisces Jul 3, 2023
Great warriors and mythologies are themes that are always present in people's imagination. It's a taste that has many influences...
allan reis Jun 20, 2023
The original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga first hit the pages of Shonen Jump magazine in 1996. Kazuki Takahashi’s phenomenal series focuses on...
Magnolia Jun 12, 2023
The Multiverse Theory suggests that every time someone makes a decision, there exists somewhere in the potentially infinite space-time continuum...
noahspud Jun 5, 2023
For decades the media has been a fundamental element of popular culture and is one of the most subtle or...
EllenPastorino May 29, 2023
The desire to be healthy is a part of human nature. It could be a conscious desire, as exemplified by...
Anna Samson May 22, 2023
Analog horror is a broad, and sometimes confusing definition for a genre that has recently bloomed mainly on YouTube. But...
alexpasquale May 8, 2023
A good romance fiction is not just about two characters falling in love. The relationship should contribute to the positive...
noahspud May 2, 2023
Unions as they exist in America have always been contentious. Born out of the material needs of the workers to...
Sunni Rashad Apr 25, 2023
When most of us think of protagonists from media, we don't think of them as sinning. The very definition of...
Stephanie M. Apr 17, 2023