Frozen: Why Disney’s New Film Is One Of Their Best

When Disney released the trailer for their new animated film Frozen, I was understandably ecstatic. Most girls my age are still in love with all things Disney, so of course, I had to go and see it as soon as I could. I dragged my reluctant friend along with me and told him, “It’s Disney. They can’t go wrong!” The last Disney film that was released before Frozen was Tangled, and if that was anything to go by, this was going to be awesome. Boy, was I wrong.
Now, your typical Disney movie generally goes along these lines: First, an attractive female protagonist is introduced. She can sing pretty spectacularly, speak to animals, and charms everyone who is ever in her presence. She wears the same dress throughout the entire film (until the end when she goes to the final event in a stunning ball gown) and all she ever wants in life is to find her Prince Charming, someone she can live happily ever after with. Usually she meets the Prince somewhere in the middle of the story, but a villain always stops them from being together or creates a hurdle so they are separated for some time. In the end something bad always happens to either the princess or the prince and they have to save the other with True Love’s Kiss. In a lot of the classic Disney films, the prince will usually save the princess from harm and they always end up getting married in the final scenes.
Frozen did not follow this traditional story line. It had the usual amount of musical numbers (with Anna adding an unusual amount of her humour to her parts), the typical romance-type stuff and the journey element that is central to almost every Disney movie ever released. However, what Disney did this time around with Frozen that made it so popular in the box office and on the music charts (bear in mind that it won ‘Best Animated Feature Film’ at the Golden Globes over the weekend and topped the iTunes Top 10 Chart, toppling Beyoncé from the top spot) has obviously worked, with the hit film besting The Lion King as the highest grossing Disney film of all time.
So a few key differences in the film are not as obvious when you first begin to watch (do not continue reading if you do not wish to read spoilers). So first, we meet Princess Elsa (Idina Menzel) who, after the death of their parents, is set to become Queen. We also are introduced to her adorable younger sister Princess Anna (Kristen Bell) who becomes the central protagonist for the story. Elsa was born with a gift — or a curse depending on how you view it — that enables her to create snow and ice, hence the name of the film. At the end of Elsa’s coronation, there is a disagreement between the sisters about Anna’s betrothal to Prince Hans (Santino Fontana). Anna pushes Elsa to her limit, causing her to lose control of her powers and reveal her secret to the world. Named an ‘evil-sorceress’, Elsa runs off into the wilderness leaving Arrendale in an eternal winter.

The first difference is that the complication of the plot does not involve a villain. It involves Anna’s sister, Queen Elsa who does not know how to control her powers and is forced to hide them away and live in solitude for most of her childhood. I think this is one of the more powerful messages that can be attained from Frozen that not all people who are deemed “evil” have the intention to do so. Some cannot help their circumstances and when judged by the outside world, it can create a false representation of someone who does not intend to be the way they are. Elsa is also later on seen as becoming the monster that people see her as, showing the audience that if someone tells you that you are ‘this’ or ‘that’ for a certain amount of time, you will start to believe it. For example, when people constantly tell you that you are stupid, you will eventually end up believing that you are stupid. Disney did a fabulous job at depicting this issue in a fun, believable way.
Another difference was the lack of the man saving the world and the woman at the climax of the film. We are conditioned to believe that as in every other Disney movie, the Prince or the protagonist’s ‘One True Love’ will save the Princess and restore peace to their respective kingdoms. Now, in the final scenes of Frozen we are all expecting the ‘Act of True Love’ that is required to save Anna will be the long anticipated kiss from Kristoff (Jonathan Groff). But then we have a glorious plot-twist. Anna sees Hans with the intention of killing Elsa and runs over to save her. It is only at this point that the audience finally realises that an ‘Act of True Love’ does not necessarily need a male and a female to make it happen. Sisterly love conquers all in the end of this film, which certainly gives a reason for all the feminists out there who still have faith in a good Disney movie to finally fist pump the air in victory. Not to mention that Anna certainly gives Hans a well deserved punch to the face after all is said and done.

One of the funniest scenes in the film also introduced Disney’s first supposedly gay characters… Big Summer Blowout! This hilarious scene in which Anna stumbles upon a hut in the middle of the snow and introduces us to a giant salesman named Oaken who tries to sell her items that are generally only available in the summer (which of course are no use to her now that Elsa has accidentally initiated an “eternal winter” in the city of Arrendale). It is not explicitly said or even hinted at that this character is homosexual, however it is only obvious when you pay attention to the camera shot of his family in the sauna. Upon closer observation, you can see another male and multiple children, hinting that Oaken is gay, the first Disney character to ever be shown on-screen with a same-sex partner — a big step for a traditionally conservative Disney.
Disney films are usually very heteronormative in nature. The man always ends up with the woman, and an extravagant wedding will surely follow, usually appearing at the end of the movie (you know, the part when everyone’s happy and the sun comes out and the big final musical number is being blasted and little blue birds fly everywhere and the kingdom cheers when they kiss…). As young girls usually grow up watching Disney films, it could be said that Disney is ultimately being used to program children into societal expectations of marriage to a male when they are in their twenties. This is all sounding quite cynical but it has a point, I promise. Heteronormative is not a word usually found in many people’s vocabulary, however it is a word we should all become familiar with. There is no doubt that our society is dominated by heterosexuality, where it is assumed that males are the superior race and a female will always marry a male. Our society favours this idea leading to this way of life being the “correct” way of living. In other words, it is expected of me, as a woman, to marry a man and create a family. However, if I was to subvert these expectations, society would in some ways shun me and multiple people who I talk to would judge me for not being a part of the heteronormative cycle. With Disney starting to explore gender roles in their modern fairy-tales, we will begin to see a change in the way these roles are played out and portrayed on-screen, leading to a more equal and diverse perspective for Disney’s younger audiences.
So why is this film so successful? And why is it one of my personal favourite Disney movies of all time? With Frozen, Disney has now acknowledge the fact that societal expectations of gender roles and feminism is becoming a significant issue and are constantly changing for the better. With a movie like this, Disney is now exploring more ways to show their audience different life lessons, the most important being that a male does not necessarily have to be a woman’s entire world and that women can be just as strong as their male counterparts.
What do you think? Leave a comment.
Here’s my thoughts…
I didn’t like the romantic subplot…maybe because I didn’t like Kristoff that much. Was there even a reason given why he hated people and decided to hang around reindeers and trolls? In “Enchanted”, we find out WHY Robert is a realist and it’s heartbreaking. Was he abandoned or something? I would’ve liked to have known that…
As for Hans, all I can say is, GODDAMN YOU.
Seriously, it was like a “Twilight” fanfic written by a Team Jacob fan that REALLY hated Edward.
It just seems that the princess films as of late (Except for “Brave”) have had one glaring story mistake (And this one has a cameo that is a testament to the last one) and it makes me hope that when they get back to more fairy tales (Which I’m not sure when that will be as their announced animated features are either Marvel or a new story altogether) they will have a BETTER story department.
So now for the positive side. Maybe I felt a little too close to Elsa. I was born with something I never wanted, and my parents thought that isolating me in some cases was going to help as well as constantly telling me to act like everyone else. And of course, parents think that will work, but it doesn’t. Because of it, I’ve developed depression and have a hard time interacting with people. But luckily, people don’t really see it unless I mention it…I’m still working on trying to get my life to where I want it, but it’s hard when you’ve been scarred for life by bad decisions.
I also found it ironic her name is Elsa and she’s being accused of being a monster…
Woah, thanks for the feedback! I think perhaps Kristoff was so withdrawn from people because he’s only had Sven and his Troll family his whole life to interact with. Disney certainly didn’t go into his back story which I think would have added another dimension to his character.
The Hans plot twist was super unexpected I thought and he turned out to be the villain, which is generally unexpected for a prince to be the villain in Disney movies. It was an original plot twist and I believe it really worked for the film. (But that’s only my opinion)
I feel very kindly towards Elsa as well. Her love for her sister in the end is ultimately what won me over and the fact that she was actually a good person, it was just her circumstances that made her seem like a bad person from an outsider’s perspective.
Thank you for your thoughts 🙂
I’m a 90’s kid who considers the lion king, the best animated disney movie of all time, but that’s just my opinion, everyone has their own opinion on what the best disney movie is, I also believe that beauty and the beast, Aladdin, and the lion king are the big three of disney films. I will watch this film because i like disney films, but it will be hard to dethrone the lion king.
Fair enough! I have a few friends who are also dedicated to the more classical Disney movies, but I can’t help but love the animation and the new music that comes from the new movies. But that’s just me…
I have always thought the same. Grew up on those 3 movies and to the day The Lion King might still be my favorite movie. But whether Frozen dethrones any of them or not, it is nothing short of amazing and can easily stand next to them. I just watched it and I had a smile on my face the whole time…well, minus the several times the movie made me have feels of another kind.
I really like the Lion King as well, although I’d have to say out of the 90’s disney films, Aladdin is my fav
Maybe a nitpick but I just want to say that I can’t stand how they titled this and Tangled. Disney wasn’t afraid of putting words like ‘princess’ and ‘beauty’ in the names of their classic princess stories but something came over them recently and now they wouldn’t dare for fear of scaring away the penises. They would rather choose generic adjectives for titles and I can’t respect that decision.
That being said, Tangled was pretty good and I look forward to checking this out.
I actually like the way they’ve been titling their modern Disney movies, and that they’ve started to stray from your typical fairytale story-lines (keep in mind that Frozen is based on the Snow Queen fairy-tale from Hans Christian Anderson. It makes the movies become more gender neutralised, which in turn makes it more accessible and suitable for the males in the audience. My point about heteronormativity also supports this with the general ideal being that only girls can watch Disney is ultimately being subverted with the introduction of adjectives for titles, more so than words like “Beauty and the Beast” or “Cinderella”.
Thanks for commenting 🙂
Actually Frozen’s title was inspired by Tangled’s according to the directors. They apparently titled the film ‘Frozen’ because of the themes in the movie (Elsa’s power of course, the freezing of the kingdom, and Anna’s frozen heart). Of course, they probably also did this to be more gender neutral too, of course.
I feel like I’m the only who hasn’t seen it, that being said I do plan to watch it when it’s on DVD. Disney typically makes great movies, at least the ones I see.
It is soooo good! (I have seen it 3 times at the movie theatre… whoops!) I definitely recommend seeing it as soon as you can get your hands on the DVD!
What really sold me on this movie was the music. With the possible exception of Wreck it Ralph and UP, I can’t recall any animated movies from the past decade that I’ve enjoyed more.
Wasn’t the soundtrack absolutely stunning? I have to say my favourite song and scene was “Let It Go” by Idina Menzel. She was such a powerhouse voice in the musical numbers… simply Ah-may-zing.
I really loved this movie. I am 24 and I grew up with lion king and Aladdin and beauty and beast and this one is as close to them as any animated film. With exception of pixar, which is also the story of my childhood, Frozen is really good.
I grew up with the Lion King too and I was surprised when I found that Frozen had surpassed it as the most popular of all time, but it is such a fabulous movie that I can’t help but make it my favourite!
Thanks for your thoughts 🙂
It is an enjoyable movie, but the plot was beyond feeble. Thankfully the characters are dazzling. Anna, Elsa (despite her awful writing), OIaf, Kristoff, Sven; all of them fully realized and very entertaining. I will say that the climax of this film accomplishes what Brave utterly failed at; having a female protagonist truly save the day. A good movie, but no comparable to Disneys best.
I think the characters really drove this movie and gave it the soul it needed to be as successful as it has been. Thanks, Melody 🙂
As excited as I was for this movie, this animated movie is a disappointment and a slap to the face. As much as I hate to say this, they story is perfect for little girls, and little girls only. A prince and princess, typical love plot. As far as other characters, which 90% of people were looking forward to the most are barely even on the screen, though at moments they steal the show. There’s just to little of it. Speaking of Olaf here. I think most people will agree that he was the reason they wanted to see this flick in the first place, as it turns out… it is the only reason to check it out. Second, this movie is…. like bombed with singing… I mean, my theater room had people sighing from annoyance and distraction from main dialogue, as it completely dragged the first 3/4 of the movie… I heard several kids yelling, asking where is the funny snowman.
“A prince and a princess, typical love plot.” What, did you like fall asleep in the middle of the movie? The guy wasn’t even a prince, and they never even fell in love until the end. The movie centers around Anna and her sister, and the movie diverges heavily from typical plot elements. Also, if you think the movie drags on, you shouldn’t be watching Disney movies. It doesn’t “drag on”, it sets up the plot and focuses on emotions, which is a creative decision, not a flaw. The songs were memorable and so were the characters. Anna wasn’t a typical lead. She had her own flaws, and she wasn’t a damsel or anything. She could handle things on her own. I loved the songs. “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” made me ask for the Soundtrack for Christmas. The singing was beautiful and pleasant to listen to. I loved this movie – great article.
I’m sorry to hear your thoughts on the film. I disagree that it was a “typical love plot” though (as you can see in my article). Thanks for commenting 🙂
As for the music it’s called a MUSICAL. And musicals contain music. So, if you didn’t like the singing, you probably shouldn’t be watching Disney. This movie was awesome, thanks for writing this article, Abby.
I love how you brought up the “true love” aspect, and how it does not always have to be male/female partners. Great article with awesome insight!
Frozen has created a story pattern for other movies to follow, looking forward to the new Disney.
Thanks, wildflower! I am super excited to see what Disney does next as well.
well done Abby, beautifully summed up. well done.
Thanks, Robert.
Great piece! I really loved the film too! It was quite a different concept story line wise but it worked and it was refreshing! I felt like sometimes there wasn’t as smooth a transition into singing as in past films, and I also felt that The Lion King and Tarzan had better musical scores, but I did love the song ‘Let It Go’. The music in general was very beautifully done. I liked the plot twist with Hans but I don’t know whether it was convincing. He seemed to be flirting and wooing Anna even before he knew she was the princess… unless he did know all long and was pretending he didn’t? Also if he really wanted the kingdom he should have banished Elsa and left Anna to die rather than try to save her life by going after her? I don’t know… I guess he must have been a very very good deceiver because there wasn’t even the slightest clue he would turn on her! (Except the emphasis of knowing him for just one day, the quick proposal and handing him the kingdom which was always going to be a little dodgy). Maybe I need to watch it again and see!
Thanks Siobhan! I think it worked so well because it was quite different from what Disney is usually used to doing.
I think the plot twist regarding Hans was not entirely convincing either. However, after seeing the movie for the third time (tragic, I know) I realised that he actually did have real feelings for her at the start, but by the end his character developed into someone horribly manipulative and evil; the epitome of good character development. This also happened with Anna’s character, where she thought at the start all she needed in life to be happy was “the one” but that changed by the end of the film. Not entirely sure, but that’s my perspective!
Wow, damn, everytime I think Disney is going downhill, they just release another Masterpiece…
I’m glad you called Frozen a Masterpiece!
Nice article, Abby.
Although I agree that Disney does seem to be giving a nod to more progressive and feminist ideologies, I think there are a lot of things in Frozen that prove there’s still a long way to go. One such thing is For the First Time in Forever, where the second Anna thinks about meeting all these people she immediately jumps to the concept of “the one.” Granted, being in the castle her whole life, probably making friends with books, she’s going to have an over-romanticized view of life, but she still lands on that first, which plays very much to the Disney style.
That being said, the fact that “the one” (Hans) turns out to be hurtful and malicious is a very grown up and important issue to broach, and I’m glad they did.
Other examples include Kristoff leading Anna the whole way, Anna often being the source of their calamity (such as when throwing the snowball at the monster), the trolls immediately assuming Anna will marry Kristoff.
I don’t want to detract much here. I love frozen and I think this film should absolutely be commended for, as you say, acknowledging the nuances of relationships and love. We’re on the right track, but there’s still work to be done.
Thanks for the thoughtful read!
I absolutely agree that there is a long way to go for Disney before they completely surpass all the conventions they’re known for. It’ll be a long time before we see a Disney animation film with a non-heterosexual princess who completely runs the show and proves she absolutely does not need a man at all!
Thank you for your kind words, Nomis!
I actually really liked the way that they introduced Hans as “the one” in order to subvert the viewers expectations. I felt like it was a nod towards classic Disney and showed precisely how this was a more progressive film when we saw the reactions of the other characters (such as Hans and Elsa) to this ‘love at first sight’ attitude, alongside how this was used to present the plot twist in which Anna realises that “the one” is not “the one” after all.
As for Anna being lead by Kristoff, it was her who helped him and insisted on him coming with her, I think initially mainly because she needed his reindeer and sleigh.
I found that every time I thought the film was doing an annoying, classic Disney film moment (in terms of the “one day my prince will come” story arcs), it was done in order to then do the exact opposite of what I was expecting.
This is a great article. The part of both Frozen and Brave that I applaud the most is the female camaraderie. In so many of Disney’s films female siblings or mother figures are either evil or dead. For so long Disney has had a negative view of female relationships and females in general. With Frozen and Brave they are shying away from that negative female image. Women are no longer subservient to men. The mother/daughter and sister/sister dynamic is becoming commonplace in their films and TV shows. It’s important for little girls to see this because women have been pitted against each other for centuries. I grew up watching Disney films, and, even though I still love them, I take issue with the female competition aspect of many of their films. Women should not feel they have to compete with each other, especially their own family members. Anna and Elsa’s relationship is exactly what a sisterly relationship should be. They love each other and fight for each other. The same holds true for Brave. Mothers and daughters do not always see eye to eye, but it is important to repair those relationships and work toward a common ground.
I had not noticed that Oaken’s family consisted of another male and several children. You have a good eye. Bravo to Disney for breaking both gender stereotypes and heteronormative ideals. I took my twelve year old son to see this movie, and he loved it. I like the fact that his generation is getting to see that families are not always male/female and women can be just as strong as men. It’s important, not only for little girls to see this, but for little boys to see it as well.
I one hundred percent agree. Disney’s new step towards showing their audiences that these familial female-female relationships are significant and should not be taken for granted is a great aspect for Disney to show.
I was wayyyy too excited for the scene with Oaken’s family (however I did not notice until the third time I saw the movie!) and I am so proud of Disney for finally showing the initiative to be inclusive of heterosexual representations.
Thanks for commenting!
I really appreciated this article! I have yet to see “Frozen” and I want to very badly. I skimmed the end because I didn’t want to spoil to much for myself, but I saw the part where you said there is hinting toward a gay couple. This, I will say, makes me quite pleased and that is an extreme understatement. One thing I wanted to add though was that I was really disappointed that Disney didn’t take this opportunity to expand the racial diversity of their princesses (something they have been slowly but surely improving) and have a princess who was Inuit or along those lines.
Give it some time; who knows what Disney has for us next, but I’m sure that with time they will show their diversity throughout their modern twists of fairytales. I cannot wait for them to explore these new inclusive characterisations!
Thank you for your thoughts 🙂
While I agree that much-appreciated feminist are present in ‘Frozen,’ it suffers from the same Mortis Politica that afflicted Disney’s well-intentioned ‘The Princess and the Frog.’ That is to say, they crammed so many pleasing progressive politics that it hurt the movie’s pacing and structure.
There was no time for romance to develop between the leads because Ana had to be in love with Hans for so long. They delayed the Villain reveal to the point where there basically was no antagonist for the majority of the film. Finally, and perhaps most damaging, there was so much exposition they had to take care of the movie lagged harder than Comcast Wireless connection.
I spoke with a friend of mine who saw the movie with her niece. The little girl didn’t like it. She left the film not feeling empowered or filled with righteous indignation, but simply confused. ‘Tangled’ was a much better film because they stuck to a single feminist overtone (the girl and boy having equal share of the adventure) and didn’t try to stretch the film beyond it’s structure. They had fun feminist notes as well, especially male sensitivity (such as the king crying over his daughter instead of the queen) but ‘Tangled’ never jury-rigged the plot to make more points than it needed to.
That’s an interesting perspective, Shenanigans. I hadn’t considered the fact that Disney could possibly be getting ahead of itself and cramming so much into the storyline.
‘Frozen’ will certainly not please everyone (and I know it hasn’t after speaking with someone who did not like the movie at all) but I do believe that it was another progressive step for Disney to take. Who knows, maybe it will take Disney a long time to finally get that balance right?
Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed Frozen (my one only complaint, really, being that there should have been more musical numbers, evenly placed throughout the film rather than being stacked up in the first half).
The fact that the true love was between sisters rather than between the princess and a man was quite refreshing, though not the first time we’ve been shown a strong sisterly bond in a Disney movie. Lilo and Stitch comes to mind.
I just bought the soundtrack a couple of days ago and also realised that they didn’t really spread the musical numbers all too well (I also realised that the only solo and/or song that Kristoff/Jonathan Groff got to do was “Reindeers Are Better Than People” which was quite disappointing…), however it is still a great soundtrack overall!
‘Lilo and Stitch’ definitely had that sisterly bond that is so prominent in ‘Frozen’, however this one was the first Disney Princess film to show that, which I think is important for young girls, especially because they seem to like the princesses more than the other Disney girls.
This movie has seriously some of my favorite Disney songs of all time. If I had any gripes, it’s that Kristoff didn’t have any full-blown songs, only a sort of minute long ditty. I really did love the fact that the movie didn’t make the principle male character (Kristoff) into an idiot in order to make Anna or Elsa look better. Both Anna and Kristoff were competent and developed characters. Hopefully Disney does more of this.
I totally agree! Jonathan Groff (who voiced Kristoff) has such an amazing voice and they definitely did not utilise it to its potential. I feel that a brilliant ballad should have been belted at the end of the film, but that opportunity was missed! It would have been even more amazing if Kristoff had had the chance to sing with Anna 🙁
For me the best thing about this movie was the visuals – just stunning! Made me glad I’d gone to the movie theater for it. The music was also excellent, although I had to watch the film in French and was not too happy with the synchronization of the lyrics. On the other hand, it made me think about the title issue – in France it was released as “la reine des neiges” and I just assumed it was called “The Snow Queen” in English until I saw some American merchandising with “Frozen” written on it. I can see how this would make the film more attractive to boys….though didn’t seem to bother my son.
Ughhhh weren’t the visuals just to die for? Stunning. My favourite scene (visuals and the music to match were just wonderful) was definitely ‘Let It Go’. That ice-castle was ridiculously awesome.
I actually have to disagree with Frozen being their best film. The film for me fell flat entirely.
Just on a personal level, I didn’t like the film. I am an introvert by nature, and while Elsa was basically coerced into being a recluse, the film had a distant echo that being an introvert is incorrect and wrong. The whole sequence of let it go and being happy being alone and free seems to get lost as at the end. It is almost like it communicates two different messages entirely. With ‘Let it Go,’ it is perfectly fine to be an introvert, but at the end, Elsa is surrounded by people and it almost communicates that it is better to be an extrovert surrounded by others. It’s just what I got from the movie as someone who is very introverted.
Also I found myself not liking Anna as a character at all. The climax of sisterly love conquering all comes almost out of nowhere. We see Elsa caring for Anna deeply the whole movie, but honestly Anna comes off as self obsessed for the most part. She is more concerned about her own problems, and while they are supposed to have this great sisterly bond, Anna immediately changes her opinion of Elsa after she got hurt. I remember distinctly Hans mentioning that Anna believed Elsa would never hurt her, and Anna immediately denies it and says she was wrong not even considering that she pushed Elsa into it. Elsa’s outburst was partly caused by Anna’s own insistence on helping. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain, but the sisterly bond that the movie was based upon seemed so hollow from Anna’s side.
The soundtrack I must say is one of the best I have heard from Disney. It’s fantastic, and if you’ve listened to the deluxe soundtrack with the demos of songs that got scrapped, it’s interesting to hear how the movie could have progressed with the myth of a curse.
That sounds super interesting. I will have to check out the deluxe soundtrack!
I see where you’re coming from, I did feel upon reflection that the film was a bit disjointed with the whole Anna/Elsa story line and how it kind of just fixed itself all of a sudden at the end, but I think it was a great movie all the same. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like it.
Thanks for commenting, though!
Really enjoyed your article! Haven’t seen the film yet, but the technique and the design look spectacular. I have written an article on Disney’s display of stereotypical social codes and gender conventions, the traditionalist moral values encountered in their older films, but Frozen seems to challenge these views (finally!) and offer a more contemporary reading of social and gender issues. Enlightening reading!
Thank you, Rachel! I’ll have to check out your article as it sounds like an interesting read.
When I first saw the preview for this, I automatically wanted to see it, but it being Disney, some of my friends didn’t want to go. I still haven’t seen Frozen, but after reading this, I know it’s a must see!
Absolutely check it out. You (hopefully) will not regret it. Oh and drag your friends along! The first time I saw the film, I dragged my reluctant guy friend to see it and he ended up loving it (he’s secretly a sook!).
Aside from the spectacular animation and character development, I agree that the film’s less traditional way of profiling disney characters and fairy tales is what truly made it shine. I was definitely expecting the movie to end with a kiss from the man she was unlikely to fall in love with, since it seemed to be somewhat of a plot twist already. But the fact that it ended with the love between sisters really put the message into a new perspective, and I applaud them for putting this into the spotlight, especially for kids in this generation. I strongly recommend this film!
Also it reminded the audience that you shouldn’t jump into decisions lightly (like Anna saying yes to getting married to Hans) because people can be completely different to who we think they are — an important message for people of younger generations.
Thanks for commenting 🙂
A lovely piece about a lovely movie. What I liked most about ‘Frozen’ was that Disney is sticking to its formula of colorful characters and catchy songs, but at the same time, they are flipping that formula on it’s head. Disney is adapting to the changing times and deviating from the formula of a man saving the damsel in distress.
Disney is beginning to give the woman much more power with ‘Frozen’ and ‘Tangled’. There’s a picture going around of Elsa saying “You can’t marry someone you just met” in response to Anna marrying Hans. People’s thoughts on the topic are finally, Disney, finally! They have been stuck in this cycle of man saves the day, but this formula made money. These movies were considered successful. Props to Disney for spinning things around.
I do not know about ‘Frozen’ being their best film, but I am happy they are heading in a positive direction for women. Little girls and their sisters can watch this movie and say, “I want to be Elsa or Anna!” That’s beautiful and I do not want Disney to go back to their old ways of making movies.
Also, please don’t ever make a movie like ‘Planes’ again. Please, Disney.
Thanks, Ivan. I am so excited that Disney is adapting to the changing times. It’s such an invigorating thing to see that alongside pioneering efforts for equality and feminism, Disney is also following these changes and adapting their typic storylines to show the diverse nature of a developing culture. Such a fabulous thing to witness.
The emphasis on the bond of family, of sisters, instead of the bond of “true love” between a man and a woman suggests more than just a recognition of contemporary gender and feminism issues. The divergence from the typical plot line encourages avid Disney watchers to fall in love with a more complicated heroine. Anna is the hero of the story, and Elsa is wrought with painful internal conflict. Disney has added layers onto characters by injecting them with more realistic emotions: confusion, pain, suffering, neglect, and hesitation; these sisters are deep and they are struggling not to overcome simply some obstacle that life has put in their way, but with the people they are and the women they will become. Disney is encouraging women to keep going, through bad relationships, through family problems, and through the struggle to find oneself, and starting to create characters that are reflective of the personal internal struggles that women face today.
I wholeheartedly agree, well said. You’ve basically summed up everything I was attempting to say so eloquently. Thank you.
Abby, I think you make an excellent point about Disney stretching its typical story structure to include more modern notions. I feel like viewers saw the beginnings of this concept in the Princess & The Frog, but Frozen has taken it one step further, especially in terms of success.
I also like your opinion that Disney delivers a powerful message about self-respect. When I was younger and played soccer, my coach would always tell us “if you think you’re defeated, you will be defeated.” It’s a great lesson for all young people to understand.
My last comment is a little less related to your article. You mention the awards it has won and it’s true, this film was great. However, I’m interested to see how it will fare at the Oscars. Even though Disney is a powerhouse at any awards ceremony, Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises (releases Feb 21, I think) will be hard to contend with. Miyazaki’s films are unquestionably elite in the animation industry and since The Wind Rises will be his last film, I have a feeling that this finale film will be worth every cent of an overpriced movie ticket.
Again, I enjoyed reading your opinions. Frozen is a spectacular movie and I can’t wait to buy a copy of the DVD and the soundtrack.
I haven’t checked out Miyazaki’s animation, but I’m definitely intrigued now that you have mentioned it. It will be quite interesting to see how ‘Frozen’ fares, but Disney movies always do well on the awards side of things.
As you can tell, I absolutely recommend both the movie AND the soundtrack. Both brilliant!
I couldn’t agree more with you. I was seriously concerned with the movie after ten or fifteen minutes in Anna was already ready to marry a man she had just met. My mom and I look over at each other with raised eyebrows and got ready for more stereotypical Disney. After the film was over, we couldn’t stop talking about how they really stepped out from their norm to create a meaningful piece that transcended a lot of the stereotypes they had created for themselves. A very good analysis on the importance of shifting gender roles and the importance of love being more than just between a man and a woman. Also of note, Brave stepped out of the box by creating a mother/daughter story in which a female protagonist broke the standard marriage pact. It seems like Disney is growing up!
Disney is most definitely showing their maturity with these recreations of the conventional stereotypes. The first few scenes made me cringe as well, but like you, my expectations were completely misled, ending in a spectacular movie with a very tactful ending! Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂
Lovely article. What really sold Frozen for me was the fact that, at the heart of it, it was a film about putting family first, especially during a time of need. I left the theater feeling elated that, despite the budding romance between Anna and Kristoff (and the initial one-sided infatuation between Anna and Hans), that the most important facet of this film was the sisterly bond between Elsa and Anna. I feel that it’s so rare seeing women sticking up for other women, so it was certainly refreshing to see this — especially in a Disney film. While I don’t agree with the fact that this was their best film (Kristoff’s personal story fell as little flat as it was lacking and the trolls seemed to be an after-thought as opposed to being an important part of the story), I do believe it is deserving of the praise it’s receiving.
Absolutely. I wish they had spent an extra five minutes or so giving Kristoff a song and a bit more of a backstory. The first scene where the troll mother “adopts” Sven and Kristoff is a little hazy and doesn’t really give enough away to let us know the usual amount of back story (which was super disappointing). But other than that, a fabulous movie!
I absolutely enjoyed the movie Frozen. I saw it as Disney finally reverting back to their old roots of creating movies where we learn to fall in love and hum songs that are constantly stuck in our minds (“Let it Go” never ceases to be my go to shower song). With Disney’s recent flop with the movie John Carter and rumors of the discontinuing production of princess movies, it was nice to see that two new princesses were added into the form of classic Disney princesses. It ensured me that Disney was not losing its magic and that the Disney Renaissance age was not lost.
I absolutely agree with this article’s acknowledgement that Disney is now exploring different gender roles and feminism is becoming a prominent issue in our society. It was also great to see women taking action and trying to save the world.
Great article! I watched Frozen for the first time yesterday and also thought it was one of Disney’s most noteworthy works. While watching, I didn’t even notice that Oaken’s family featured two grown men and children. When they cut to the sauna shot, it was so fast (a two-second “Yoo-hoo!” in unison) that I wasn’t able to fully take in who was there. Looking again, there is a woman/girl to the right of the centered male in the scene who could possibly pass as a female counterpart to Oaken. Seeing as a thickset, shirtless male IS centered, I don’t think the woman is supposed to be Oaken’s wife, though it’s very hard to gauge her age due to the animation’s style of merging girl/woman characters.
Ana’s character also creates an ambiguous image of a girl/woman in that she looks and dresses like a woman, yet acts like a boy-crazy preteen with a child’s endless energy.
On Olaf, I found him an intriguing character, and I love that the movie included him as a foil to Elsa. While she spends most of her life in fear and thinking of all the dangerous, awful things her powers can release, Olaf presents an attitude of complete positivity in his desire to experience summer.
It is refreshing to know that FINALLY Disney recognizes that not even girl needs a prince charming. If one thing is for certain, my children will never watch Disney movies under my roof, if I ever choose to have them. Disney and pop culture is largely responsible for heteronormativity and the idea that girls can only be validated or find their worth through a man.
I’ve never been a Disney fan, but I have always been a theatre fan. As such, I rushed to see Frozen as soon as I could to see Idina Menzel’s voice-over debut. What a pleasant surprise! It was progressive, the music is phenomenal (everyone at my college is singing it!), and it was beautifully animated. It was definitely Disney’s best!
Frozen is definitely one of the better movies coming from Disney in recent years. As a Disney fanatic, I loved the larger than life, Broadway-esque style of music that I’ve felt has been missing from many of their films. Even though the storyline drastically differs from the actual Hans Christian Andersen tale, it was a great way to incorporate many of the family-friendly themes Disney traditionally portrays while still keeping elements of the original Scandinavian narrative. As for the underlying feminist theme, I agree it definitely mocks even Disney’s own previous stance on the idea of aspiring to marry an unknown Prince Charming (cue all the online memes of Elsa’s line with Disney princesses doing just that). Personally, I find that to be just a happy byproduct of the beautiful plot line that is the story of the love between two sisters. Growing up with a younger sister of my own, I can totally relate to the dynamic between the two siblings and enjoyed seeing onscreen something the grown-up Disney lover in me can truly appreciate – all the ups and downs of family love, a love that really does overcome any struggles.
While I appreciated the focus on the sisterly relationship as you pointed out in your article, Frozen was just too much of a mess plot-wise for me to enjoy it. There were parts of the movie that went absolutely nowhere. Olaf did not serve any purpose to the story that could not have been served by anyone else. Sven was entirely useless. The trolls and their random song accomplished nothing. In fact, all the songs themselves didn’t seem to follow any kind of musical theme – there were choral ones, Broadway ones, poppy ones… If you were to point to any two songs from the film I wouldn’t be able to guess they were from the same movie. The whole film just felt like a bunch of ideas the writers threw together but none of them built off each other in meaningful way. And the message that “You can’t marry a guy you just met!” falls flat seeing how Anna falls for a guy she only knew for two days. I wish they didn’t have a Hans or Kristoff romance and just focused on the relationship with the sisters. We barely see them interact before Elsa shuts Anna out of her life so their relationship doesn’t feel real.
Also, why the heck isn’t Anna allowed outside the castle? She doesn’t have to worry about freezing anyone. I think the story would have been more powerful if Anna WAS allowed to leave and she made friends with people outside. She would be upset that she couldn’t hang out with her sister because she’s become a social recluse, but after years of trying to get her to open up, she ultimately gives up. That way, after Elsa disappears, there’s more at stake for Anna to rekindle her relationship, and she could show that she hadn’t given up on her sister by risking everything for her.
The biggest mistake of the film in my opinion was that Elsa was not the main character. I wanted to see more of her struggle with her powers and her development. I wanted to know what she felt like realizing she could create sentient snowmen! (Seriously, though. I feel like that should have been a bigger deal than it was.) And Idina Menzel needed more musical numbers! When you get a voice talent like her in your movie, you’d better use it to its full potential.
Anyway, sorry I rambled. I just feel like this movie could have been a lot better than it was. I appreciate the messages it was trying to send, but I feel like it just didn’t portray them as effectively as it could have.
Like you, I appreciated that Elsa provides the “act of true love” that saves Anna. You make an interesting point about Oaken, but unfortunately I don’t think this does as much as it could to subvert heteronormative expectations. I didn’t even notice his family in the sauna! If he is meant to be a homosexual character, that’s a great step for Disney, but I’d like to see much more from them. Frozen still has its problems, but Disney certainly took some positive steps toward making a less-traditional film.
You make some excellent points and I just want to point out again how amazing the music was in this. Do You Wanna Build a Snowman was as cute as it was infinitely sad and Let It Go had such a majestic quality about it. Along with how different the plotline was from other Disney movies Frozen really stands out.
I’m glad that Disney moved away from the “find a man” requirement and showed how ridiculous the fairy tale notion of true love is. Not to say that you can’t find someone that you’re a destined for, but to find them, acknowledge this true love, and decided to get married all on the same day is far fetched and has left way too many people (myself included)with ridiculous expectations of love. I also really enjoyed how the sister bond was more important than any relationship. In many Disney movies, such as Pochahontas and The Little Mermaid, the main characters were expected to leave/disregard their family once the love interest comes into the picture.
Frozen is definitely a great addition to the Disney princess movies and I don’t see why it should “dethrone” The Lion King. Disney’s job has always been to instill values to children that will help them love themselves and each other better, and thus I think that the message that Frozen wants to deliver is as important as the message from all of our beloved Disney films who at their time were equally progressive and outstanding. I totally agree with you that the leap that Frozen has taken is very important for our current society, but would also see how the movie had some moments were the plot development could have been better. In the end, I think that we should celebrate the good things about Frozen rather than beating it down for its weak areas. I really enjoyed your article. 🙂
There can be no doubt that Frozen is a major turning point for Disney as a studio (a little late to the game), as I exited the theater to a group of boys and girls triumphantly singing “Let it Go” for the upteenth time, but also as yet another indication of the mainstreaming of more progressive and liberal thought towards women and the LGBT. It will be interesting to see if Disney can maintain its fairytale aesthetic, while also continuing to maintain its intellectual progressiveness, in a world where fairytales largely functioned as means to assert moral principles and hierarchical structures from an early age. I look forward to Disney’s future if they can evolve with the rest of society.
Your article brings up a lot of interesting points and I LOVED how you honed in on the deviations from traditional plotlines. That being said I think Disney is still pretty far from the mark when it comes to feminism/equality of gender roles.
To be honest, when I first started seeing trailers for the film all I could do was roll my eyes at the fact that there was another skinny, flawlessly beautiful princess struggling with her magic powers. Maybe it was a marketing flaw or maybe I just didn’t see enough trailers (other than the one with Olaf the snowman and Sven the reindeer sliding around a frozen pond? Relevant, Disney), but I wasn’t really sure what the movie would be about. I had no inclination to see it, but when my seven-year-old cousin begged for me to see it with her I caved. I just don’t understand why Disney hasn’t thought to branch into other ethnic backgrounds (okay–ONCE in princess and the frog, but that was filled with so many offensive stereotypes I can’t even begin to get into that right now). I’m half Caucasian myself, but I just don’t understand why Disney sticks with this model of a princess. I DO agree with you that they made strides in this movie by giving characters like Anna and Rapunzel in “Tangled” that clumsy-but-endearing personality (finally showing that princesses don’t have to be perfectly proper and 100% free from doing a single wrong). Why not dive into hispanic cultures? Vietnamese? Japanese? Greek? Italian? Mulan was a huge hit! And children are exposed to so much more in films with historical or cultural vibes than they are from movies set in these fairy-tale lands. I didn’t want to take my cousin to see a movie with these white princesses without an inch of body fat taking on the world. I want her to watch more movies that show people just like her. The only time Disney ever really strays from the ideal body type is when they make sidekicks or villains. Why can’t the major characters be more relatable?
Now, I completely agree with you that Disney is trying to change for the better–especially when the ‘Act of true love’ was Anna sacrificing her life for her sister, rather than having true love’s kiss solve all their problems. However, they still made Anna kind of helpless. Albeit, she was a teenager who grew up sheltered in a castle who never had to face the world before going out to find Elsa, but she still had the “damsel in distress” thing going on. They had a real opportunity to make Kristoff and Anna a team, but most of the time Kristoff was having to save Anna’s neck. I know every protagonist has to fall at some point, but Anna had WAY too much help to start preaching about gender equality. I think Pixar was the first to really take a stab at trying to break free from Disney’s gender trap when they made “Brave”; however, they may have been too blunt with the whole “I don’t need a man to define my life” and, despite their target, I think they missed the bulls-eye and instead had to endure the claims that the ONLY explanation for Merida’s independence was because she MUST be homosexual. This time they didn’t have a Prince come and save the day, but I feel Anna’s heroism is just a tiny step in the right direction toward finding Disney’s balance between gender roles.
There is so much more to be said, but overall this was a great article! You really open the movie up for discussion!
I think that it is true how important it is that Anna’s love of her sister is what ends up saving her. It’s really a step further in filmmaking when a writer decides to make this decision.
I thought that was such a great plot twist! I was not at all expecting it and I loved that it really emphasized the main theme of the whole movie.
I loved Frozen so much, I loved the script, and the plot, and the fact that it was so progressive. I really applaud Disney for making a film that centers on family and sisterhood. The real love story in this film is Anna and Elsa’s.
I actually went to see this movie expecting to hate it. I even made sure to not pay full admission price as I felt it would not be worth the money. Suffice to say I was shocked to find this film to be as great as it is. Granted I am a 90’s kid so my heart remains loyal to the 2D Disney animated films, however the story which parodies the Disney stereotype and story format manages to bring some “new” ideas of love in terms of other kinds of relationships including one of equality and consent in regards to Anna and Kristof. That said, my only qualm is that film focused on Anna when Elsa should have been the central protagonist, after all this was a story about how she gives herself permission to let go of her fear and be free to be herself.
I have not actually seen this film but I have heard some raving reviews. However, I will tell you this, Disney has had its bumps in the road. However, this film is real. Real in the sense that it captures the attention of young, old and everything in between. It’s a beautiful story.
After watching The Little Mermaid for the first time as an adult, I was shocked to see how much Ariel cared about Prince Eric for the few glimpses she saw of him before saving him. Not only did she give up everything she was familiar with to be with him on land, she gave up everything for a man who fell in love with the wrong girl, just because she had a beautiful voice. So watching Frozen was like a breath of fresh air, as it teaches young girls that, like you said, a man isn’t the most important aspect of a life, and that women are no longer needing to be saved from towers. I completely agree with you, as a feminist it was wonderful that a Disney movie finally caught up with the times and showed sisters saving each other, with the male love interest being a bit too late.
Wow, I really think it’s time I see this. As a 90’s kid who grew up on Disney, I think I owe it to the little, suffocated girl inside me.
Did we forget about Mulan?
Anyways I’ll keep it short…too much singing and a cookie cutter plot…I can’t believe people said it was better than Lion King…
Great movie article! I loved Frozen, the plot twists were unexpected but really appealing to me. It sucks that a few people are commenting in a rude way just because they like other Disney films better- they need to find something better to do! I liked how the film functioned similarly to a musical, with repeated strings and chords- it felt more together musically than Tangled.
Great work!
I wish I could have read more about the movie, I had to stop because of the spoilers. We plan to see this movie with my soon-to-be 6 year old. I’m happy to know that its not the same formula as the other Disney films, and I did see (accidentally, and I am bummed for the spoiler) that there may be gay characters, and that’d be great.
I haven’t seen it yet but based on this article and these comments, I am SO excited! ::Looks up DVD release date::
This movie must be one of the most memorable productions by Disney that I’ve ever watched, or even watched more than a few times. The romantic aspect of the film was not exactly emphasized because the film does circulate around a few characters such as Elsa, Anna, Prince Hans, Kristoff and even Olaf. As a matter of fact, this brings to surface a distinctly new feel by letting the audience absorb the slight multiple character developments throughout the film as well as being able to understand the rather common modern day conflict that is portrayed through Anna’s alienation from her sister and society, and the loss of her loved ones early in her childhood. A great addition to this film is the musical factor. Booming in the current day media, “Let It Go” and “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” has been increasingly vibrant throughout YouTube, Facebook, Vine and as a whole, social media. According to your review on the film, you’ve mentioned the introduction of “gay” characters being Disney’s “big step” outside of its tradition. I believe Disney’s made a huge respectable decision that can really introduce a new insight for our younger audiences as well as a improved understand of human equality.
I’m glad you mentioned Oaken’s sexuality. That’s a minor detail that a lot of people miss, especially if they’ve only seen the movie once.
I’m not sure that men are considered a “race” though.
Loved your eloquence. When I saw it, at the beginning,”finally, a film that doesn’t promote the extrovert ideal”, but as the movie progressed, I was disappointed, as Ana says “No one wants to be alone”, and is apparently proved right in the end. I was, however impressed with the movie on a whole, especially the parts you highlighted such as the lack of “guy gets girl” ending.
I was also impressed with Oaken’s (and his family’s) appearance, and loved the plot twist with Hans. However, I didn’t personally buy the whole “act of true love” via familial love. This is old news; Frozen isn’t the only Disney movie to portray sisterly love in the way it has. Take Lilo and Stitch, for example. Nani raising Lilo alone proves how hard the two siblings care for each other and love each other, even if they might fight (just as Ana and Elsa have fought). You could even take the Princess and the Frog if you want to talk about true love; while yes, the end of the movie ends in a male/female typical wedding, other relationships also demonstrate acts of “true love.” Ray, the lightning bug who befriends Tiana and Naveen, loves a star he calls Evangeline. By the end of the movie, he is presumed to have ended up with Evangeline in the night sky.
That being said, I really did enjoy Frozen.
Great article! I haven’t seen the movie as of yet, but this was wonderfully written 🙂
For me, the sister theme was what made the movie so powerful. I can think of very few movies directed toward children that even deal with filial relationships over romantic ones, plus this is the only one that explored the complexity of those relationships. The way Anna and Elsa wanted to be close but remained separated, tied together only by small things such as chocolate, was heartbreakingly similar to my relationship with my sister for many years. I hope Disney continues to shift its focus to exploring all the complex relationships in our lives; the romance was getting a little stale. 😉
I’m watching this for the first time tonight! Cannot wait to see it. I’ve heard such good things about it. And of course, I’ve heard “Let It Go” a billion times.
I loved this movie, even as an adult. It was so perfectly feminist and empowering and broke the stereotypical Disney film while still maintaining the classic Disney charm. Great article!!
I agree that Frozen was an unconventional princess movie, which is pretty awesome!
I did enjoy the film and I do like that the they did not have a specific villain, until Hans came in, till the end. It was more about Elsa’s struggle to control her powers and accept them. It had more ‘morally’ grey lines than most Disney movies tend to have. (Animated ones at least) With the exception of Mulan perhaps. 🙂
I found frozen overrated and poorly written, Hans being the villan wasn’t surprising more like random, the songs in frozen didn’t advance the story.Where did Olaf come from anyway?He was added so movie would be liked more,the humor was meh to me,not much character development something previous Disney movies had.This isn’t the first Disney movie to represent feminism, Mulan was the first,lilo and stich was about sisters too.definitely not the best movie since Lion King,just overrated. Its an okay movie but not the best Disney movie.
As much as this movie was good…. I disagree on one comment made in this.
Another difference was the lack of the man saving the world and the woman at the climax of the film. We are conditioned to believe that as in every other Disney movie, the Prince or the protagonist’s ‘One True Love’ will save the Princess and restore peace to their respective kingdoms.”
This statement is just not true, I fear. Not every other disney movie has the male saving the day. Mulan saved her country. Yes, she had help (but, come on… so did Anna.) but it was Mulan’s ideas and Mulan’s quick thinking that saved China. I am sorry, I just hate people saying this is the very first Disney movie to show a woman saving the day. And to be truthful, it was not until the very end and the emperor’s nudge that helped Mulan land the man. Yes,she liked him throughout the movie but she did what she did for her country and her family, not the man. He wouldn’t even listen to her. So again no, this is NOT the first movie to show a strong, brave woman saving the day. Just saying.
Frozen is still a good movie… but let’s not forget about Mulan, yeah?
I never noticed that about Oaken. Interesting. Still, Disney has always been traditional. This is a step but the fact they still can’t bring it in the open means they’re not quite there yet. I liked Frozen anyway. It’s not the best film they made, I still hold that the Lion King is better but it’s still a good movie.
Lovely article. I’m a fan of Frozen too, although I’m not going to get into whether it was better than Mulan or The Lion King (haven’t really thought through the rankings). I’d have to say my favorite unconventional part is the fact that Elsa is not a villain, although her ice powers are a negative force. She is perhaps the first and only Disney princess ever to confront something intensely negative/flawed about herself (as she sees it) and learn to accept it so the flaw does not become tragic.