Austin Bender

I aspire to work in film and television and enjoy writing on the subjects I love.

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The Continued Rise of Superhero Shows

With Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Agents of SHIELD currently on the air and with more in development, analyze what is making the superhero genre attractive for TV. Discuss the difference in viewers between shows and networks and if that is a hindrance to some of the programs.

  • I think Daredevil is the perfect example of a superhero show because it doesn't/hasn't yet overcomplicated things by trying to merge with other series' plotlines. I am finding it difficult to muster enthusiasm to get into Arrow, The Flash etc. because it just seems such a hefty commitment. – CalvinLaw 9 years ago
  • i completely agree with the above comment, i watch them all, but you have to start from the beginning or else you'll probably be lost. the flash and arrow are huge commitments! also, Gotham you can't forget about Gotham. That show is marvelous, and really proves what a really good superhero show can do. – scoleman 9 years ago
  • I think that this is a good topic. To elaborate on what could be discussed, I think it would also be interesting to hear if the crossovers between shows would be ideal and encouraged. If so, should the networks do them more often? One of the shows on the rise is Legends of Tomorrow, which from my understanding is almost entirely taking characters from Flash and Arrow and combining them into a team. Good or bad idea? – Danny Phantom 9 years ago
  • One thing that I like about superhero shows is the antihero. For example, Oliver Queen. He's not your typical, do-good superhero we often see. He's willing to kill people if it comes to it, something not every superhero is okay with. I like the darker side of superheroes. Another new superhero show that's taken over is Jessica Jones. She's also not your traditional hero and she's a badass. The show is dark yet the plot isn't over complicated and easy to follow along. You're always rooting for her. Gotham is another good show, also. – diehlsam 9 years ago

YouTube Red and what it means for the Internet

Analyze YouTube’s announcement for a paid service as well as what it could mean for the future of the internet and streaming videos. Describe the already announced programs and mention some of the early criticisms it has received so far. How will it impact the free side of YouTube, will quality go up or stay the same? Could this change hurt YouTube as a whole.

  • There are already paid services such as Netflix and Hulu, so some people might be hesitant to buy Youtube Red because of the amount of subscriptions they need to pay for. I also don't know many original series Youtube Red has announced other than 'Scare Pewdiepie', which is created by the creators who made 'The Walking Dead.' – YsabelGo 9 years ago

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Very enjoyable read! I hadn’t really thought about the shared setting, the city, before reading this. But as I think about, I do tend to associate each of these with New York. Would love to someday see any of these in the city.

Historical New York Musicals and the Human Spirit

Ocarina of Time was quite possibly the first video game I played, if not, then definitely one of the first few. For that reason alone it holds a special place in my heart.

Does Ocarina of Time Still Hold Up By Today's Standards?

Great article. Love the comparison to being a modern day vampire. Never thought about it like that. Makes sense, though.

American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

It’s tough adapting a novel into a film, almost to the point where their success sends to be nothing but luck. I think the most successful adaptations tend to keep the essence of the characters, if not anything else.

How 'By the Book' Should Literary Adaptations Be?

As a fellow Whovian, I must agree that seeing those two made both appear on the show made my day.

5 Reasons Why 'Arrow' is the Best Superhero Show Ever

I feel like I’m the only who hasn’t seen it, that being said I do plan to watch it when it’s on DVD. Disney typically makes great movies, at least the ones I see.

Frozen: Why Disney’s New Film Is One Of Their Best

I remember watching this once as a kid when I was too sick to go to school. I don’t think I’ve seen it since. I’m not sure why it isn’t widely considered to be a masterpiece. Maybe a lot of people are like me and haven’t seen it in ages.

Gulliver’s Travels: The Making of a Classic…75 Years Later

Yeah, there really haven’t been that many great superhero shows recently. I did enjoy Smallville, but comparing Smallville to Arrow is useless. They’re two different shows with different strengths. Arrow is definitely a win in my eyes.

5 Reasons Why 'Arrow' is the Best Superhero Show Ever