Video game narratives have evolved with the technology and audiences available to them, becoming more complex, vibrant, and central as...
Christopher Vance Jan 28, 2015
Dark Cloud is an adventure role-playing game developed by Level-5 in 2000 that has a small following behind it and...
Siothrún Jan 27, 2015
*Spoilers for the 1995 Super Nintendo title, Chrono Trigger.* Looking back on it after nearly twenty years, the world as it was...
K.W. Colyard Nov 5, 2014
If you have no idea what the words "Fate Stay Night" mean to you, turn back, pick your favorite streaming...
Austin Oct 9, 2014
The Sims series has always been much more progressive than it often gets credit for, despite its fairly tame image....
Spencer Sep 21, 2014
Video games, by design, are the product of multiple objects acting together under a common set of rules. Game objects...
cwdey Aug 12, 2014
In one sense, video games came into existence when they were first created.On the contrary, video games as a cultural revolution...
Mo Sadek Aug 9, 2014
*Spoilers for the Legend of Zelda Franchise* Since the first game's release in 1986, Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo's The Legend of...
Jemarc Axinto Jul 23, 2014
As video games grow more dynamic in terms of graphics, online functions, and console capabilities, the types of games available...
S.A. Takacs Jun 21, 2014
"My greataxe swings down on the goblin dealing seven damage". It is not uncommon to hear someone say things like...
Michael Krebs Jun 18, 2014
Gone Home is a slight, first-person adventure game, something of an “art game” with its focus on untraditional game narrative,...
Nilson Thomas Carroll Jun 17, 2014
E3 is just around the corner, and Nintendo fans will no doubt be waiting nervously to see what games the...
George Underwood Jun 3, 2014