Gravity: Braving Tragedy
Space. It’s awesome.
And not in the overused sense of the word that is so often employed to describe things of a slightly interesting nature (“Dude, there’s leftover pizza in the fridge. Awesome!”), but rather in the classical sense of the word which was almost exclusively used to describe things of startling and humbling magnitude (e.g. God, the cosmos, the oceans, atom bombs).
While filmmakers have often made space the setting for their movies, few have used it as uniquely as Alfonso Cuaron did in his 2013 sci-fi drama, Gravity. It’s acted as the stage for biopics depicting our sojourns into that majestic unknown (The Right Stuff, Apollo 13) and it’s also been used as the backdrop for survivalist narratives showing man’s struggle to ensure humanity’s continuity (Armageddon, Interstellar). But Gravity depicts space as a blanket, a shield from tragedy that is truly impenetrable. Through Emmanuel Lubezki’s stunning cinematography, space is rendered both as a protective cocoon in which the film’s protagonist, Ryan Stone (played by Sandra Bullock) protects herself, and the dangerous, unknowable abyss that threatens to kill her.
Ryan has experienced about as terrible a series of events as anyone can in a single lifetime. The father of her daughter (it’s never detailed whether he was her husband, boyfriend, or just some casual acquaintance) abandoned them. Ryan raised her girl, loved her, fostered within her all the good things that should be fostered in a child, but even then the insidious tentacles of tragedy constricted themselves around Ryan’s life again. One day at school, her little girls slips, falls down some stairs, and breaks her neck. Just like that she’s gone. As Ryan aptly describes it, “It’s the stupidest thing.”

Without much left to live for, she devotes herself to NASA, finding herself on a repair mission along with astronauts Shariff (voiced by Phaldut Sharma) and Matt Kowalski (played be George Clooney). The mission goes fairly well for a while, but then goes kaput when shrapnel from a destroyed satellite starts hurtling towards them. Bits of the scuttled ship kill Shariff and destroy the craft on which Ryan and Matt were anchored, causing them to be adrift in space.
Matt finds Ryan and he begins to tow them to the nearest craft, a Russian station. It’s at this moment when it becomes clear that this sci-fi thriller is a whole lot more than just a fun survival narrative. Sure, all the excitement is there, but unlike most disaster movies, there is an element of poetry thrown into the mix. Any of you who have taken a literature course have probably heard of the “pathetic fallacy.” Basically it’s the personification of human emotions in the environment. Remember the part in The Shawshank Redemption when Andy crawls through the tube of human gunk and it’s raining outside? Following the rules of the pathetic fallacy, one could read that as a symbol of Andy’s having to endure over a decade of prison time for a crime he didn’t commit and his ultimate cleansing of the past. It’s a neat little metaphorical trick that can certainly add a level of meaning to any story, and it’s without a doubt present in Gravity.
Ryan could’ve done anything for NASA, right? She’s an engineer, but that doesn’t mean she had to go into space. She could’ve stayed on Earth and worked in a cubicle if she wanted. But she voluntarily decided to go to space. Matt’s an adventurer; he loves going into space and risking his life and, at the end of the day, he doesn’t have a wife or kids to go back to so, even if he were to die during a mission, it wouldn’t hurt anyone. He can tell Ryan is anything but an adventurer, so he asks her, “What do you like about space?” Without hesitation, she replies, “The silence.”
Silence. That doesn’t just mean the absence of noise. Silence means perfect stillness, quietude. In a word, harmony. It means not having to deal with all the problems life throws at you. It means taking a permanent trip to Neverland, where one gets to stay a fussy kid forever without the impending, and necessary, period of growing up. This doesn’t mean Ryan is a childish person, but it does mean she has a childish view of things. She thinks that if she can just get far enough away from people, then she’ll never have to experience tragedy again. And what does she learn? Even in space, even in the complete absence of people, trouble can, and almost certainly will, find you.

It isn’t an easy lesson for her to learn, though. In fact, she spends a substantial amount of the movie trying to keep from learning it. When she and Matt arrive at the Russian station, they get jumbled up on the rigs’ parachute and Matt sacrifices himself so that Ryan won’t get dragged away with him into the colossal maw of the cosmos. She manages to enter the Russian craft, but finds out that there’s no fuel to get her back to Earth. This is the worst of the worst for her; she took a chance with Matt and ran smack into a dead end. In lieu of any viable options, Ryan decides to resign herself to the situation and die.
But before she suffocates, she dreams or imagines Matt entering the capsule with her. It’s in this moment that Matt breaks down the rules for Ryan, rules as wise and true as those found in any great work:
Listen, do you wanna go back, or do you wanna stay here? I get it. It’s nice up here. You can just shut down all the systems, turn out all the lights, and just close your eyes and tune out everyone. There’s nobody up here that can hurt you. It’s safe. I mean, what’s the point of going on? What’s the point of living? Your kid died. Doesn’t get any rougher than that. But still, it’s a matter of what you do now. If you decide to go, then you gotta just get on with it. Sit back, enjoy the ride. You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start livin’ life… It’s time to go home.
In his novel The Lord is my Shepherd, Rabbi Harold Kushner talks about Psalm 23:4, which reads, “Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.” He pays extra attention to the adverb – through. Religious or not, anyone can appreciate the meaning of the Psalm. “The Valley of the Shadow of Death” is the most piercing bit of knowledge that all people possess; that one day we are going to die and along the way we are going to have a lot of pain in store for us. It’s just one of the things that comes with being born. People will let us down, betray us, and at worst, the people we care about the most will pass away. Yet, there’s no going around the Valley, there’s no going over or under. One can only go through. And even then, there are those who can’t muster the strength to traverse it. As Kushner, a man who lost his own son to Progeria, says in the book, “I have known people who were hurt by life and chose to remain in the shadow. They never made it through the valley to a place where the sun could shine on them again. I often wondered why they chose to stay there” (p.94). He goes so far as to answer his own question by saying that receiving sympathy can almost become addictive. Once one is pitied and aided, there is the temptation to live in a coddled state where all of their problems are taken care of by others.
One can survive that way. By that isn’t living. Not by a long shot.

In the end, it’s all Ryan’s choice. She can stay and go to the only place that can assure her closure, peace, and quiet (death) or she can live, which takes courage and strength. She chooses right. She gets to work, and rather than being overtaken by the situation, she starts taking control of it. She manages to fly to another station and from there she begins her return to Earth on one of the capsules. She lands safely in the water and manages to crawl back onto the shore. She stands tall and, though she trembles like an infant, she takes her first steps back to the land of the living.
Lest I sound like a callous brute, I do not mean to say that people should immediately tell others to “just get over” life’s tragedies. It’d be very cruel for a person telling a grieving parent, widow, or orphan that they should “just get over it.” But life doesn’t stop just because one experiences an injustice, a tragedy, or a moment of despair. In the words of Deadwood’s harshest inhabitant, Al Swearengen, “the world ends when you’re dead.” The easy way out is available to everyone. But for the courageous and for those who seek meaning in life, there is the capacity to overcome life’s difficulties, even after the worst tragedies.
Turning to another source of bountiful and nourishing wisdom, Rabbi Naomi Levy (them Rabbis sure are smart, ain’t they?) once talked about a discrepancy in the translation of one of the Hebrew Psalms. One translation reads, “Let me not die, but live.” That’s a nice enough sentiment, certainly a call to adulthood, enterprise, and endurance. But there is another translation, one that is just as powerful, if not more so than the original. The same Psalm can be read as, “Let me not die while I am still alive” (my italics). Despair is basically death without the mystery. It’s the lack of happiness, interest, or energy. It is spiritual entropy. And perhaps its most insidious characteristic is that it is so easy to fall into. That is, in essence, what space is in Gravity; as the opening title card reminds the audience, “Life in space is impossible.” That isn’t just because there’s no oxygen or air pressure. Life in space is impossible because there’s no one there to share it with.
Such despair can, however, be overcome. It takes a lot of work – there’s no doubt about it. It takes going back to a vulnerable state where some of the most important answers to life’s questions are always just a little out of reach and where one has to admit that they aren’t in control of everything.
But as Ryan shows, it’s worth it. Life is worth living, even with all its disappointments and setbacks. Life is seldom fulfilling for those who treat it like a spectator sport, just sitting back and letting things work themselves out. It is fulfilling to those who charge nobly into the fray, navigating it as best they can, so as to make their life and the lives of others more meaningful.
What do you think? Leave a comment.
Gravity was the first time in a long time for me that a highly anticipated movie actually met expectations, and actually exceeded them.
Truth be told, I went into it simply expecting a fun adventure movie. I was delighted to learn that it was so much more.
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Everyone talks about the visuals, but the music was incredible. The two combined made the film what it is.
The music was okay. The only song that I remember standing out was the one that closed the film. Still, there are many reasons to appreciate any given movie.
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I agree about the music. Combined with the sound effects and visuals, it could have conveyed everything important during the re-entry into earth’s atmosphere. Instead, there is some clunky dialogue during this scene that is disappinting. I still cringe during Ryan’s “no harm, now fowl” moment.
I found myself not able to really judge it as a ‘movie’, because the experience of floating around in space with those two was so utterly engaging and even moving that I could not be bothered to be critical of a single second.
Perhaps it was because I saw it in 2D, but I thought the story, minimalist as it was, far surpassed the visuals.
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For me, it was a frustrating experience. There’s something lacking here. The scene that really put me off was the lack of subtlety with the whole “fetal position” scene.
The symbolism can be a bit obvious from time to time, but to me that doesn’t make it any less important or meaningful. Even still, I heard from others that the film’s minimalist approach was a bit bothersome.
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Awesome post. Very thought-provoking. I’ve never seen “Gravity”, but you presented a very tangible picture of it.
Thanks for the kind comment. I appreciate it.
I have not seen the movie itself, but this article definitely put it into my “must-watch” list. You put an interesting perspective on what the movie is symbolizing.
That’s nice of you to say. I hope you enjoy it.
I never saw Gravity, but it sounds like the creators took an exceptionally painful subject and treated it with sensitivity. Good work on this article.
I appreciate the kind words.
You know, before I read this article, if you had asked me to reflect about Gravity, I wouldn’t have recalled many details about the characters (certainly not Ryan’s past). I just remembered how intense and gripping the movie was and that I was glad that I never aspired to be an astronaut, because man, her situation was terrifying. I thought it was a movie all about the experience of being in outer space, and how terrifying it is, with the characters taking a backseat to the setting. I can appreciate the film more now, knowing that it can be interpreted as a much more personal story about Ryan and her struggle. Great work!
Thanks for the kind words.
I’m happy that Gravity is a success; by studio measurements Children of Men was a box-office flop. He’s one of the few directors today I aim to follow. I only hope he can find a balance, as many of us strive for, between realism and fantasy.
I hope Cuaron does more work, as well. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like he’s got much under his belt. He made Y tu Mama Tambien and HP: The Prisoner of Azkaban (which I’ve heard are good) and Children of Men (which I know is good), but aside from that, I haven’t heard much for him. He certainly leaves one hoping for more.
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Without a doubt one of the most compelling films I have seen in the past few years.
It was pretty solid.
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I loved it. Those kinds of heights are are very exhilerating, and it reminded me of the story Kaleidoscope.
I haven’t heard of it. Sounds interesting though, if it reminded you of Gravity.
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I believe that “Gravity” is a metaphor about the struggle with depression but I’m probably wrong about that because I also connect emotionally with “The Fountain”, so what do I know.
That’s a pretty good interpretation that I’d certainly endorse.
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It’s a very good movie but I don’t really feel like its going to last with me for a long time.
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I like the breakdown of the film; it paid much attention to detail I think many people tend to forget about due to the visual spectacle of the film. Also, I enjoyed the funny bit in the opening of the article. It made it easier to be receptive to the difficult subject the film explores.
I agree whole-heartedly that the visuals seemed to cover up the great story that lay at the film’s core.
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Love the connections you made and also with the title card. Loved this article and will make these connections upon rewatch!
I appreciate the kind words.
Gravity is quite possibly the best short film ever made. Let me qualify that — this film was extremely low on plot: there’s a disaster in space and they have to escape.
I agree completely. It was incredibly short, the story was simple, it was told in real time, and was highly minimalist in spite of it’s two stars.
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One of the most stunning films ive ever seen, technically speaking.
It was a pretty movie, but as I’ve said before, for me the plot was what mattered most.
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I think this film is most impressive in how while the film is driven forward by a grippingly tense plot of non-stop action sequences, it meanwhile hints at larger themes, although those themes are up for interpretation.
That’s a neat way of reading the film’s pacing. A lesser film would’ve seemed to be dragging (even though it’s only 90 minutes), but this movie always had something going on, thus there was never really a boring moment.
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I have personally never liked Sandra Bullock or George Clooney, but their performances, especially Bullock’s, were fantastic. Clooney’s suave, calm, and collected character who is slowly starting to realize how dire the situation is and is doing his best to not put Bullock’s character in a panic was pretty believable.
That’s a great way of reading Clooney’s character, and how his dynamic with Bullock’s add intensity to the film.
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Oddly enough, the acting was far better than the writing.
That’s a pretty solid point. The script itself is incredibly simple, and if it were read as plainly as it was written, it’d probably would not have been as emotional a story.
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Very well-written article. I never understood why some people hate this movie, and it is usually because they felt it was “over popularized”, which is an unfair way to judge a film. Alfonso Cuaron masterfully showed the horrors of space without having to rely on villains, instead showing how space is deadlier than we often think. It is also amazing how they captured how there is no sound in space, which is not often seen in movies.
Thanks for the kind words and I agree; while there was a lot of hype surrounding the movie, a lot of it was well deserved.
Thanks for the kind words and I agree; while there was a lot of hype surrounding the movie, a lot of it was well deserved.
This is the most visually breathtaking film I have ever seen.
It was pretty good in terms of cinematography.
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I love films that can give a simple, universal theme for anyone to interpret in their own way.
I agree.
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Great article. I like your style and bits of humor. Haven’t seen this movie before but I think you just convinced me to put it on my to-do list.
I appreciate your kind words. I hope you enjoy the movie if you see it.
Found Gravity to be mesmerizing in the sense that 3D finally lent itself properly to the film medium.
While I didn’t see it in 3D, I did hear from my friends that it was a fantastic experience.
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Originally, I saw gravity as almost a meaningless movie, but after reading the article, I rewatched the movie, and felt like I could understand it. Its much deeper and beautiful than many realize.
I’m glad you gave it another go and got more out of it.
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It was hard for me to watch Gravity. I think watching people wander aimlessly into space, gives me anxiety. But, likely this article did none of that. I loved reading this article. It definitely gave me a different perspective on the movie.
Thank you for the kind words.
Gravity is not for entertainment. It is about the power of our will for living, and what a person can achieve when being put under an extreme condition.
It is harsh and in the end it is very touching.
I’m with you.
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The fact that space provides such a good canvas for personal growth in cinema characters only shows the more that we need to get out there as a species.
That’d certainly be a marvelous adventure.
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This was an excellent movie and you did a good job discussing it.
The Ryan character had quite a few conditions similar to a more traditional convent, particularly one with an vow of silence.