Horace Greeley once said that fame is a "vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures...
Elaina Chastain Aug 22, 2014
In Part 1 of a two-part essay, I examine the American writer of “weird fiction,” H. P. Lovecraft, on the...
CDK Aug 16, 2014
Thomas Hardy published his last novel Jude the Obscure in 1895. Originally, the novel appeared serialized in Harper's New Monthly...
Amanda Dominguez-Chio Aug 9, 2014
The writers of what is now widely known as The Beat Generation have been both praised and criticized, loved and...
Brittany Goodin Aug 4, 2014
With 4.3 million copies sold in 2010, The Hunger Games rapidly became a cultural phenomenon. Its popularity tripled after the...
REBGuest Aug 3, 2014
While one may not be constantly conscious of the fact that a novel that they are reading was made from...
Matthew Sims Aug 1, 2014
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, set in 1940s New York, shows us the limits of our moral, social...
REBGuest Jul 20, 2014
In the realm of literature, there are many rhetorical devices that shape the way a reader interprets a story. One...
S.A. Takacs Jul 19, 2014
Dystopian and post-apocalypse genres are on the rise with novels such as The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Divergent...
April Roach Jul 18, 2014
Fair warning: If you are reading this article, it will be assumed that you have read the series or at...
Adnan Bey Jul 9, 2014
The Lord of the Rings created the very image we have today when we think of the fantasy genre. Many...
Erin Derwin Jul 8, 2014
Both the play entitled A Woman Killed with Kindness, written by Thomas Heywood, and the play Arden of Faversham, a...
Helen Parshall Jun 29, 2014