127 Hours is based on the true story of Aaron Ralston (played by James Franco), who fell down a crevasse...
Thomas Munday Jan 11, 2015
*Warning: Some How I Met Your Mother spoilers are present. Read at your own will!* Many young people today see...
Brianna Jan 9, 2015
We have seen eleven major villains in the four seasons of ABC’s Once Upon a Time, slated to return from...
ekeating Jan 7, 2015
After a successful run, Kurt Sutter's hit series Sons of Anarchy ended on December 9th after seven years. The show...
Amanda Dominguez-Chio Dec 29, 2014
As Glee returns to our television screens this January, It's about time we look at the rise and fall of...
Wilson Allen Williams Dec 28, 2014
In 1995, Walt Disney achieved what is to this day considered its crowning achievement. A new movie took hold of...
Adnan Bey Dec 24, 2014
In 1985, the comic book genre was forever changed when writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons made the graphic...
Aaron Hatch Dec 21, 2014
Kazuo Ishiguro’s acclaimed novel Never Let Me Go (2005 ) is difficult to pin down under any particular genre. The...
Connie Dec 20, 2014
Even before the creation of the computer, mankind has always seen machines as a source of wonder and amazement. Dating...
Robert Gilchrist Dec 18, 2014
Based on the book by Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club is an important and affecting examination of reality in the 20th...
Thomas Munday Dec 16, 2014