In the CW’s Arrow, before Oliver Queen got stuck on Trauma Island, he was a stereotypical Billionaire Playboy. When he got back, he spent a lot of time pretending he was still the same person, in order to cover up who he had really become: a vigilante on a quest for justice. Oliver pretended his five years of trauma hadn’t dramatically changed him. This was part of Oliver’s strategy for recovering from his trauma. While he worked on becoming a healthier (less angry and murderous) person with the help of his trusted friends, he pretended he had already recovered. An article on this topic could analyze the progress Oliver makes on his trauma recovery over the course of the show.
Going on the Arrow sub-reddit there seems to be several "who’s in the grave?" everyday. I suggest having a definitive roundup of who could be the person theorised about so much. Whose death would have the biggest impact on the show? Are Felicity and Thea in the clear now that they’ve survived near death experiences? The writers/show-runners say Felicity is not in the grave, but could her body be elsewhere and the Felicity in the car with Oliver be a hallucination much like Shado was in the flashbacks. What about Oliver’s son? He seems like the next character the show is teasing to die after Malcom told Darkh about him. Would a character the audience has seen maybe just two times leave a big enough impact on the viewers? Would they even go so far as killing off a child? Even with its somewhat darker tone, Arrow still doesn’t seem like the sort of show that would do this.
This should aim to be the definitive piece for the "who’s in the grave?" theories. Which characters make sense? Which characters don’t?
Prime candidates: Diggle, Laurel, Felicity, Thea, William Hawke and possibly Quentin Lance. Finally, is this who grave talk taking away from the rest of the show? This seems like a tunt to get the fandom in on speculating who is going to be killed off when this could have been handled as a surprise death.
Analyze the contribution to the storyline of the crossover episodes of superhero television shows. In particular, Arrow, The Flash, and Constantine have had crossover episodes. Do these contribute to the story in a meaningful way? Are they forced, making the episodes feel like a commercial for another show? Another example related to this might be when Superman makes "appearances" on Supergirl.
Definitely look into the comic book history of these superheroes, and perhaps consider any links these heroes may have in previous television shows, cartoons, what have you. – John9 years ago
A very interesting perspective I had not thought of before, cannot wait to see where someone takes this! – emilyinmannyc9 years ago
I really like crossovers - it gives the impression that the shows take place within a larger universe! – Winterling9 years ago