Assassin’s Creed

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Assassin’s Creed and Feminine Freedom

As the Assassin’s Creed franchise continues to grow and explore more of the world, so too has its options for players expanded… Sort of.
More recent assassin’s creed games have allowed players to choose which gender they want their player character to be; such as choosing between Kassandra and Alexios in Odyssey, or choosing how they want Eivor to present in Valhalla. These characters’ stories, however, are frequently defined by their womanhood and their importance severely limited by production decisions.

For example, Kassandra has a male lover and a child in the ‘canon’ of Odyssey (Legacy of the First Blade), no matter if the player turns down male lovers and plays her as a solely sapphic character. In Valhalla, there are certain times during the game where a female Eivor will be presented as male. In earlier games, the female playable characters received even less recognition; Evie is only playable for ~30% of Syndicate, and Elise was initially designed to be a playable character in Unity, but that was scrapped by Paris Editorial.

Why do the Assassins Creed games have such a hard time allowing the player to play as females, and to then not have their gender be a limitation or a core aspect of their narrative? The company needs to have a linear narrative, thus the character has to do certain things so the desired story can exist. However, particularly when it comes to female characters, this often contradicts the player's desired narrative choices for their character.
This topic would examine the roles of RPG companies vs players in determining the female characters' narratives and 'playability' in Assassin's Creed. Should players just accept that their character's decisions are always limited by the company's desired storylines, or should companies be working harder to have inclusive storylines that honour the players and their choices?

  • I've never played Assassin's Creed myself, but I think this is an interesting topic, and one I've seen discussed in regards to different games. There are a number that have male and female character options, but the game assumes the player will be male (sometimes leading to dialogue or scenes having funny implications). I do think that a player's character decisions will always be limited to some extent by the framework of the story and gameplay mechanics around them, since you can't have everything. But that doesn't mean that companies shouldn't have more inclusive storylines, especially if you're trying to give players options that are ultimately unsatisfying. – AnnieEM 3 years ago

The Rise and Fall of the Assassin’s Creed Empire

Once hailed for its attention to detail, fascinating back story, and historical accuracy, the Assassin’s Creed’s legacy has slowly begun to diminish. As a fictional universe, it can be expected that not all historical features will be completely accurate, but has the furthering of plot and milking of the franchise begun to corrupt the series as a whole?

Analyse the historical periods that the franchise has covered as well as which games most effectively combined the assassin trope within its historical context. This article would also try to avoid “playability” as an argument (e.g. Black Flag: is it fun to play? Sure. Are assassin’s and pirates accurate? No.) From this regard, an article like this could also look into what the true identity of Assassin’s Creed is and whether game-play and the templar plot-line is more crucial than its historical back drop. It would also need to consider whether Assassin’s Creed Origins was an attempt of getting rid of the series’ baggage and whether its new format can help bring the series back to its former glory.

  • As a die hard fan, the idea that the series is diminishing is not something I like to hear. However, I'll admit that Origins was, for me, a low point. Speculating on what the new title "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey" needs to do to reignite the series would also be interesting. – ValleyChristion 7 years ago
  • I think Assassin's Creed is more a victim of "the one year between release" formula was used until recently. Taking a year off before the release of Origins was a good thing, which helped develop interest in the franchise and the addition of more RPG elements changed up some gameplay. – Sean Gadus 7 years ago
  • Usually, articles with "the rise and fall of" in the title are predictable and unattractive. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

French Revolution-era Paris in Assassin's Creed: Unity

Anyone who has played this game knows that the developers did a fantastic job. Anyone who has both walked the streets of Paris and played this game has most likely had their mind blown. I am the latter, and also a student of French language and History. The accuracy with which a Revolution-era Paris is depicted not only thematically but geographically accurate to an incredibly detailed degree. If anyone out there is a Revolution buff and enjoyed this game, aidez-moi!