What would fiction be without at least a little fantasy? The world of storytelling is a diverse one that ranges from emotionally...
IRBurnett Aug 27, 2015
The world of Middle-earth is real. Professor JRR Tolkien created a work of literature which has highly developed cultures with...
Jeff MacLeod Jun 9, 2015
Patricia Briggs writes in her novel entitled Blood Bound that "even after all this time, I keep forgetting that heroes can be found in...
Helen Parshall Oct 12, 2014
Images and metaphors of bogs, swamps and other wetlands permeate British literature and its language. If we feel stressed we...
hetta Sep 25, 2014
At screenings of Inland Empire, David Lynch has been known to limit his introduction to a cryptic epigraph: “We are...
KateK Jul 12, 2014
As the credits rolled of the Australia REEL anime screening of Madoka Magica: The Rebellion a hefty cry expels from the audience...
Jordan Feb 9, 2014
When Christopher Paolini's fantasy phenomenon Eragon hit cinemas in 2006, it created a ripple of anguish worldwide. Book fans and movie...
Jordan Dec 24, 2013
Despite its overwhelming popularity, The Hunger Games is born and bred for intellectual discussion. Though its agenda is ever present...
Thomas Munday Nov 24, 2013
With the recent release of Peter Jackson's The Hobbit and a renewed interest in fantasy fiction in general, some rather...
Robert Miller Feb 20, 2013