There are many websites trying to give tips and tricks on how to make a viral video, but is there really a formula? What are the first few ‘viral videos’ known on the Internet? What type of content goes viral, and what lengths do people take to make their video have ‘viral content’?
Mentioning White and Black Hat SEO techniques are probably worth adding to the discussion. – Jordan9 years ago
One thing people might do is focus on YouTube, because it's the biggest video-sharing platform on the internet today. Viral videos could be found on eBaum's World, Newgrounds, and albinoblacksheep. It may also serve to make a distinction between viral and popular. Channels/users that regularly get a large amount of hits are hard to go viral since their footprint is always that big. On the same token, people should look at viral users such as Fred/Lucas Cruikshank, people that are one-man teams that took off at the beginning of YouTube. – John9 years ago