
The Implications of Carrie Fisher's Death in the Star Wars Franchise

After the passing of its iconic and lovable star Carrie Fisher, the makers of Star Wars have reached a standstill about how to respectfully write out her character of Princess Leia. Consider the ethical, technological, and creative methods by which Fisher’s memory can be served in a series built on a foundation of visual breakthroughs in film.

  • This will be huge for Episode 9, as Carrie Fisher supposedly finished her scenes for Episode 8. This article will be relevant for a few years! – SeanGadus 7 years ago
  • You might also look to The Fast and Furious franchise and how they responded to Paul Walker's death. They ended up using his brother as a CGI stand-in to finish some sections of the film he never was able to finish. – Nate OcĂ©an 7 years ago
  • Mustn't forget Heath Ledger who finished filming his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) . He died while the The Dark Knight was being editing and during filming of his last role in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009). Although his untimely death garnered criticism over the unfettered promotion of the Batman film, Ledger received many posthumous accolades for his critically acclaimed film performances. Wouldn't be fair to fans either, only days away from completing The Crow (1994), Brandon Lee died on the set after being shot by a faulty prop gun that fired the tip of a dummy round left accidentally lodged in the chamber. The film was completed by script re-writing, CGI, and stunt doubles. It was released one year after Lee's death to critical and commercial success, unlike Ledger's fallout. The Crow (1994), based on the 1989 comic book series, is now considered a cult classic. Brandon's death only added to the mystique surrounding his father's equally jarring demise, martial artist Bruce Lee. – L:Freire 6 years ago

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