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Top Young Adult Movie Adaptions

Mockingjay part 2 has just come out with the last Divergent movie in the line up for release. Write about the top movies that are adapted from young adult novels. How do they stand up in time? Is their target audience broader than young adults? What similarities or differences are there between them? Movies of interest may be the Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, Enders Game, The Fault in Our Stars, Twilight…etc.Of course, there are more out now than ever and the list does not need to be confined to trilogies, so long as it is adapted from young adult books.

  • This is very interesting. I really like this topic, especially your emphasis on the target audience, and what makes them stand in time. You could even talk about the Eragon series. – emilyinmannyc 9 years ago
  • Oh God that Eragon adaption was infuriating! I like to pretend it never happened. Thanks for your feedback. – Jordan 9 years ago
  • I feel like there really aren't too many differences in most of the movies you mentioned. Almost all of the movie-adapted young adult novels are in the apocalyptic/science fiction genre. Many of the movies all have the same "feel". I still think this is a good topic though! – Dominic Sceski 9 years ago
  • What an interesting topic! One could even start looking back time and considering older (pre-Twilight) young adult adaptations, before the genre exploded as a "thing." The Harry Potter series, for example, or less "huge" films Inkheart or the Narnia movies. Maybe the question is, why has young adult become SO popular as a genre? – sophiacatherine 9 years ago
  • I think "Twilight" would be a good one to talk about. Along with Harry Potter. Those are two series that come to mind when I think about YA movie adaptations. Especially since their Fandoms are so loyal and unwavering. – diehlsam 9 years ago
  • Too funny, Jordan: my daughter's opinion of the Eragon movie "Ugh. Horrible." – Tigey 9 years ago

Anime for Children that Didn't Make it to Television

There are many anime aimed toward children, although only a small number of those are aired on televisions in the West. What are some of these series? Why might they not have been aired on television and instead released on DVD only? There is an Answerman on Anime News Network on "Why are anime still censored?" which could be useful to refer to. Fancy Lala, Creamy Mami, Kaleido Star other magical girl series, and maybe even Tamako Market are some examples that could be considered appropriate for that audience.

  • If possible, read "Killing Monsters" by Gerard Jones! – Ian Boucher 9 years ago
  • It would be a curious thing to know what quality parts of the anime allowed for translations in other countries, with the U.S. being a notable recipient. It might be a decent idea for someone to study the background of countries that aired the anime (perhaps who aired the show and what the demographic are watching), to see what distinct traits might be consistent with the argument. – N.D. Storlid 9 years ago
  • I definitely agree with this. There are a number of children's anime that came out in Italy and France, for example, that didn't make it here. Maybe there is more of an audience for them in those countries? – Jordan 9 years ago

When Does the Anime Harem Genre Thrive?

The harem genre is a term used for anime that have one guy surrounded by a bunch of girls (usually they have a romantic interest in the main character). Sometimes there are 'reverse harems' where it's 1 girl surrounded by a bunch of guys. Take a look at the history of the harem genre in anime, which series have been popular, why the harem genre is popular/interesting and some of the most entertaining, high quality, maybe even odd harem anime. Are love triangles a more effective system?


    Anime that Deserve a Reboot

    Take a look at anime that either were adapted so poorly from the manga or are left incomplete that deserve to be remade from scratch. Kanon 2006 or Space Battleship Yamato are examples of anime that have done this.


      Anime That Fit into US and European TV Genres

      Write a list of anime television series which may not have been big cross-over hits like Attack on Titan and Full Metal Alchemist, but probably could work as popular series in this market. Series that come to my mind are Eden of the East, Paranoia Agent, Terror in Resonance (mystery series), High School of the Dead (zombies), Maison Ikkoku, Nana, Usagi Drop, Kaleido Star and other sports anime (soaps), Dance with Devils (fantasy), Sound Euphonium (music)… any others that come to mind may be added, but try to avoid anime-only genres such as mecha, ecchi (too much of it anyway) and magical girls.

      • Before you got to the examples, one of the series that was screaming in my mind was indeed Eden of the East. It is series like these not are not only easier to relate to a US/European audience but also make it easier for them to watch as it becomes more relative. – Kevin Mohammed 9 years ago
      • Great to hear you agree! That show is fantastic. – Jordan 9 years ago
      • A bit concerned about calling 'zombies' and 'music' TV genres - that makes the article swing more towards the realm of finding shows that remind us of Western shows (The Walking Dead being the case in point for the former). Unless that's the point. In fact, a guide correlating a really popular Western show to a few anime, popular or not, could help shed light on how the moe side of things isn't all that different to whatever you're planning to binge on Netflix tomorrow. I'd happily try to put that together. – JekoJeko 9 years ago

      Anime Production Companies and How They Differ from Western Studios

      Compare the Japanese and Western animation industries. In particular, look at some of the major studios in Japan today and in the West, and compare how they function. How is the work load divided? Is the software used to animate the same? How many series will be created at once? Is the pre or post production sequences done differently? Interviews with anime staff on Anime News Network, Youtube documentaries on Animation production, or information from the Hey, Answerman column may be useful to refer to.

      • This would be fascinating to read about, looking at cultural differences in animation studios, are there any in particular you had in mind when considering this topic? – Camille Brouard 9 years ago
      • Other than Studio Ghibli, there's very little information on how Japanese anime is produced that I've been able to track down in either video or written form. I've always wanted to understand the methodology behind how they draw each frame of movement, and how they choose when to draw that frame. Because while anime is often very limited in its animation, it is decidedly skillful in how it retains a strong sense of expressionistic and stylistic movement, that also incredibly fluid when it needs to be, and subtle and frugal the rest of the time. But no manual exists for this that I know of. There's also no explanation as to how, where, and for how long Japanese animators learn their craft for the stunning animation they produce in the amazingly short time spans that they do. Each studio is different, and has reproduced the art-styles of numerous directors, but in almost all cases, everyone is a brilliant talent, unlike a lot of animation produced in the West, where we're much more simplified in our art-styles, rather than semi-realistic with a unique shape to faces and eyes. The best documentary I've seen on the system is the 45 minute piece created for "Little Witch Academia." And Studio Trigger is definitely one of the strongest examples of Japanese animation today. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
      • I think how you search for the information (search terms) can make a big difference. I've seen a number of videos on it. There are also books. Some other studios which might have information are Sunrise, Toei, Gonzo, Gainax, Production Ig, Bee train, Bones, Kyoto animation, Madhouse.... – Jordan 9 years ago
      • I believe I saw a video on an American produced Japanese culture Youtube series which toured Madhouse for a special episode. Ghibli just seems to be the main one that gets the most coverage in terms of televised documentaries and other special behind-the-scenes footage. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
      • The main avenue of investigation seems to be drawing style. Investigating this would likely yield much of what you seek. – JDJankowski 9 years ago

      Significant Mecha Franchises in Anime and How They Stand Today

      Compare, contrast, give history, information on influence and possibly rank famous mecha anime franchises. Ones of interest may be Voltron, Gundam, Patlabor, Macross, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Fullmetal Panic.

      • As an expansion, I think it'd be kind of cool to talk about which type of mecha would be most useful in real life today. – Tatijana 9 years ago
      • Interesting idea Tatijana. Do you mean which weapon would be the most useful if mechas were real? – Jordan 9 years ago
      • Of course there are already plans for the US and Japan to have a mech fight which can be thrown in as a part of this article or even to introduce it. Granted it may not be like what we see in anime it is still something that we are actually going to have a live giant robot fight happening soon. – Kmo 9 years ago

      The Portrayal of High School Life in Anime

      The majority of anime are aimed toward teenagers to young adults, so high schools appear time and time again as a setting. How is the experience of high school portrayed in anime? Is it optimistic, pessimistic or somewhere in between? Does it depend on the genre? Are there any particular titles that break the mold or explore aspects of Japanese high school life in a different way? As a background, some mention of how Japanese schools differ from the West would be useful. A title of interest might be Flowers of Evil.

      • I've often seen Japanese high-schools in anime as being a rather cordial and pleasant environment compared to how American schools are often portrayed. Japanese schools seem more bright, more airy, more inviting. Usually they only get presented in a negative light when the main character we follow is having a strong negative response to their environment. They believe that their lives are a cage wrapped around them and they want to escape. Or they think that their fellow students and teachers are all beneath them, are idiots, and this is a waste of their time. But besides that, the schools seem pretty enjoyable, especially in the lighthearted, comedic, slice-of-life shows like "Azumanga-Daioh," "Lucky Star," "Genshiken" (although that's technically a college I think), and "Pani-Poni Dash." – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
      • In Japanese and Korean culture, high school is considered more of a pivotal moment in one's life, both socially and educationally. Because of this, compared to Western culture, school life is actually riddled with studying for grades and club activities as students have the intent of getting into a prestigious university to further their lives. It could be said that anime depicts much of its settings in high school to give the essence of the lighter side to a busier lifestyle. You could also say that since high school is a pivotal moment in a person's life, the anime takes place in high school since the story is a turning point in the lives of the protagonists as well. – Baek 9 years ago
      • That's a really good point, Baek! The cultural implications of high school ought to be mentioned in the article as well. Thanks for your feedback. – Jordan 9 years ago
      • High School life series have become a common theme in most anime. Many people question as to the reason why. In my opinion, the reason is because they are attempting to appeal to that type of demographic. People try to find the legitimacy within a high school life anime, but isn't it possible that the theme is done that way specifically for the point of having a "get-away" type of feel to it, making people wish that their high school life were actually like that or creating some form of fantasy within the viewers life about what high school could be like. Whats more, there are even some series that take an interesting twist and instead focus on college lifestyle like "Golden Time" which definitely got a lot of people's interest. – Kmo 9 years ago

      The Strengths and Weaknesses of Each 'Big Four' Anime Series

      Bleach, One Piece, Naruto and Fairy Tail are often referred to as the anime 'Big Four'. They are often seen as gateway titles. Many anime fans discovered the medium by watching one of these series. As much as humanely possible, compare and contrast each series. Look at the history, production, manga, movies and common themes. What makes each series different or unique – are there animation, music, character or story elements that set them apart? It is highly recommended to look at 'filler guides' for each series and research significant episodes or story arcs. Inuyasha and Dragon Ball/Z/Kai may be useful to add to the list, but they are often not grouped together in this way. The ultimate goal is to try and decipher which series may appeal to what audience and the best way to approach the material.

      • Why aren't "Pokemon" and "Yu-gi-oh" part of this bunch. One Piece is slightly older than the others and would have been enjoyed around the same time as Pokemon and "Yu-gi-oh," while "Bleach" and "Naruto" are contemporaries of each other, and Fairy Tale came out after all of them. I'm also pretty sure "Dragonball-Z" is still a big part of most anime fans around the 20-25 year old range. I'm not really very versed in the trends of late, so maybe the four you state are the current highest ranking shows in the West. But it'd be a shame to leave off the two card-trading shows which likely got as popular as they were "because" of the card trading and card battling/gaming aspect. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
      • I think because Pokemon is aimed toward children and so it hasn't caught on in the same way the others have. Yu gi oh has it's dedicated fans, but I wouldn't say it's popular enough to be part of the "Big Four". I think this 'list' is derived of what got teens into anime in the early 2000s rather than the 90s, which is why I think Inuyasha should still be part of the list. I hope this answers your question. – Jordan 9 years ago
      • Yeah, I would kind of argue about those being the big four. But then again, it might be an age difference in my case. I would maybe change it to compare and contrast and also why those are good introductory animes. As far as I'm concerned my intros were Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball. I'd also point out that I think most people just get one intro. I think once you've dedicated your time to something as big as Naruto or One Piece, you are well on your way to researching "intermediate" animes. – Tatijana 9 years ago
      • I see what you mean, but at least in the anime community the "Big four" is a key buzzword which is why I put it in the title. Maybe the person can explore the points you mentioned as part of the article? – Jordan 9 years ago

      Live Action TV Shows that Appeal to Anime Fans

      Some anime fans are apathetic to live action tv. Explore some of the live action or animated (not Japanese) series that appeal to anime fans. Some of these are Adventure Time, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, RWBY and Rick and Morty. What do they have in common? What features make these series appeal to those who generally prefer to watch anime?

      • I feel like this one would be kind of hard to do unless you are that said anime watcher. For example, where do I find data on how many people exclusively watch data and don't like other types of tv? And as far as exceptions to the rule, I feel that they'd be pretty standard. I think there are a lot of people out there who love anime but aren't opposed to watching other tv/movies. Because of this, I'd think you should reword you topic to be more like "Why people love anime." Or maybe leave the title, but remove saying that there are a lot of people out there who exclusively watch anime and nothing else. That said, I fear that this subject might be pretty closely related to other articles/topics already posted. – Tatijana 9 years ago
      • I'm sure you're right that there are some anime fans who are so stuck on the aesthetics and the types of characters and stories that they prefer nothing else. Although that may speak to a deeper personal issue of disliking reality and preferring idealized fantasy, if that's all they choose to watch. In any case, I doubt if there are sufficient poles or sufficient studies on just how many people fall into that category, or really any direct information as to why. You'd do well to at least state where you got the idea for this topic in the first place. You must have seen a few specific people express that they don't like live-action tv, somewhere online. Otherwise you wouldn't have offered this up. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
      • Sorry, I am talking about one of my friends and myself who have this issue. Of course, it might be difficult to find the information except on forums. I think there is a topic on US cartoons versus anime so this might be rehashing already covered ground. How about changing it to - "Live Action TV shows that appeal to anime fans"? – Jordan 9 years ago
      • I think you'd actually do well to write a personal blog entry about your experience with this particular preference with media. I'd be rather curious to hear about why this is so in your case. As for an alternate topic, I might even be interested in looking into Live-Action shows that could appeal to anime fans, so feel free to change the topic. It's not really something I've seen fully covered before. I'm not sure if my exact experience with anime would be quite the same as others, though, since I haven't quite watched some of the more recent popular series. Then again, I'd still be willing to give it a shot with my unique perspective. =) – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
      • No worries, Jonathon. I'll change the title. For myself I have little patience with live action television shows since the amount of planning in regard to episode numbers and scripting seems different to anime? When an anime comes out it is already clear how many episodes it has, with live action it is ambiguous... a series could easily be made three or more seasons too long. I watched How I Met Your Mother all the way through and it could have been 4 seasons shorter. This still happens with anime but generally it is less common. I could go on, but that's the one major difference. – Jordan 9 years ago
      • So, do you want someone to discuss those specific shows, or do you want someone to discuss what makes Western shows in general (be they live-action or animated) appeal to an anime watching audience? – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
      • Both? General might be better. – Jordan 9 years ago
      • This is a hard topic, although I know exactly what you're talking about. Me and many of my friends fall into this circle -- lovers of Sherlock and Dr Who who nevertheless feel right at home at an anime convention. Perhaps its the nerdiness of said shows? Perhaps its the community that builds around these shows (on tumblr, for example) that draws people in? – sophiacatherine 9 years ago
      • Yes exactly, there's something about the 'nerdiness' about these series, but it would be interesting to define exactly what this encompasses. – Jordan 9 years ago

      Exploring the History and Prevalence of "Abridged" Series

      Look at the boom of Abridged series over the internet. Describe how they became popular, what mediums they have expanded to and what makes a good quality abridged series with examples.


        Where are They Now? Quality Work from Young Adult Film Franchise Stars

        Stars of young adult book adaptions often become cast in later work as similar roles. Depending on the quality of their work at the time, these actors can sometimes get a bad reputation. Take a look at high quality films with these actors/actresses – like those who were part of the Harry Potter Franchise, the Hunger Games, Twilight and Divergent. For example, Camp X-Ray with Kristen Stewart and Silver Linings Playbook with Jennifer Lawrence have been well received by critics.

        • Very good idea. In particular, focusing on the likes on Radcliffe and Watson edging out into more adult but still relatively commercial fare, comparing it to the more 'edgier' approach of Grint. Also looking on whether they've transitioned into supporting roles or kept doing lead roles would be interesting. Kristen Stewart's given some good sterling work in the likes of The Clouds of Sils Maria and Still Alice in supporting roles, so that'd be interesting to look into. Jennifer Lawrence I think you could also explore how she was already an established up-and-comer before The Hunger Games, with an Oscar nomination under her belt and a role in 'X-Men First Class' – CalvinLaw 9 years ago
        • Thank you, Calvin Law. I was worried the title may not have reflected the subject matter clearly enough but it sounds like you don't see any problems with it? – Jordan 9 years ago
        • I think that this would be a very interesting topic. However, I feel as though most of the Young Adult Film Franchise Stars that you are referring to are really still very popular in the media, and most people already know where they are now. For instance, Jennifer Lawrence is everywhere and is currently starring in the Hunger Games fourth movie along with the rest of the Hunger Games cast; so I think it is a bit too soon for a "Where are They Now" for the Hunger Games. Twilight star Kristen Stewart is also everywhere. She is starring in a bunch of movies this year, and tabloids all still comment on Robert Pattinson, Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, and of course Emma Watson. I think maybe if you focused on a "Where are They Now" for older movie franchises such as Die Hard, The Matrix, The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Trek, Star Wars, Indiana Jones,etc. or maybe change from movie franchises to TV shows ( I think that would draw a great deal of attention) then your topic would have a lot more success. – GretaCordova 9 years ago
        • That's a good point! I guess it would be up to the author as to which franchises to focus on. – Jordan 9 years ago

        Oldie but a Goodie: 70 and 80's Anime that Are Still Great Today

        It can sometimes be difficult for reviewers to be objective because nostalgia clouds their perception, so it would be worthwhile to look at anime from the 70's and 80's that still stand up in time. This would include doing research on popular titles from those time periods and watching them. The ANN Cast "Top 80's anime' podcast might be useful to refer to. To anyone who wants to write this particular piece, since the project is enormous, I would like to collaborate. I will likely send a PM as I have seen quite a number of series from this time period (Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, Ranma, the Mobile Suit Gundam film compilation trilogy, Dimension Fortress Macross…) and it could make the process easier.

        • Wait? So if you post a topic here, you CAN take it for yourself? I thought the point was to offer topics for others to pick from. And then if you want to write something you yourself came up with, you just go and start writing it. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
        • Yes, I think that is still the case. I just thought I'd put this one because I'd like to collaborate with other writers on it. I think I'm allowed to do that? – Jordan 9 years ago
        • I'd love to contribute to this article. I'd have to say Rumiko Takahashi's and Osamu Tezuka's works definitely have to be up in the list. – coriandres 9 years ago
        • That's awesome to hear, Coriandres. Thanks for volunteering. I can't seem to find the button to PM you. Are you able to PM me and we can figure out what shows we should divide between us and that sort of thing? You can snag the topic and I can message you through what I've written as I go. – Jordan 9 years ago

        PTSD in Full Metal Panic: Is Sousuke Sagara an Accurate Portrayal?

        Since a new series of Full Metal Panic got announced, I thought it is timely to look at this topic as Sousuke is a popular character and has been subjected to a lot of opinion about whether he is realistic or not. The writer could look at the light novels and anime for how to back up their argument, as well as literature and criteria for PTSD. I would be willing to collaborate with someone on this title (I am busy) I am studying Psychology and have read all of the light novels and seen the anime.

        • If anyone would like to collaborate with me on this please PM me. Thanks for support so far! – Jordan 9 years ago
        • It would see to me like an obvious no. While I'm certainly no authority, from what I understand PTSD involves nightmares, flashbacks of the traumatic event, and anxiety. Also depression, insomnia, fear, anger, jumpiness, difficulty trusting others... but Sosuke is calm, methodically rational, and trusts his allies with his life (though I haven't read the light novels, so I may be wrong). The only symptom he exhibits regularly is Hyper-vigilance, which is really just a normal part of his character. Most of the time when he pulls his gun too eagerly, it's not because he's paranoid, but because he doesn't understand normal social protocol, and misinterprets people and situations. You can see this when he changes environments. At a high school he's out of place, and his nature would appear to be overly aggressive or paranoid. But on the battle field, his natural environment, his actions are right on point. From what I understand, a PTSD victim would not make a good soldier because they may cave to stress, and cannot accurately assess risks. But Sosuke is the perfect soldier. His quirkiness at a high school isn't a symptom of PTSD, but a symptom of just not knowing any better. – LangsEnd 9 years ago
        • Yes Langsend, I think you may be correct, although Hypervigilence also comes under high anxiety, jumpiness and difficulty trusting others. Being overly rational could be a defense mechanism (intellectualizing), and since the story doesn't happen from Sousuke's point of view, he may very well have nightmares and flashbacks but we do not see them happen. PTSD affects everyone differently and to my knowledge a lot of soldiers have PTSD but don't seek treatment because they risk loosing their job (I don't think this risk is as bad now but it may depend). Anyway, I think to some extent it becomes a grey area which is why it would be interesting to explore it. Thanks for your feedback! – Jordan 9 years ago