Diego Santoyo

Diego Santoyo

Full-time English enthusiast and part-time philosopher.

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Titus Andronicus and Revenge

This topic would need to illustrate how revenge is a thematic pattern in Titus Andronicus. In what ways do we see revenge continue on with its role? What literary devices help people understand that revenge is the concept/theme in the play? The topic can focus on Titus and Tamora being revengeful towards each other, and then give examples as to how revenge just turns into a pattern with no positive outcome.

  • This is fascinating, especially because although Titus was one of Shakespeare's earliest works, it was one of his most popular with Elizabethan audiences, and continues to be performed a lot today at every level of theatre. It'd be interesting to explore the changes Shakespeare made to the original Roman Revenge play that Titus is based off of, and other ancient intellectual lore certain characters are based off of. For example, Lavinia's rape mirrors that of Philomela, but the brothers take Lavinia's torture a step further than Philomela's and cut off her hands as well as her tongue, so she can't sew a tapestry as Philomela did. Also take a look at the ambiguity in the ending-- is the boy a sign of hope? a sign that the cycle will continue?--Sarah Noschese – SarahCarr 9 years ago

Books Adapted into Movies

It would be a great idea to analyze a bit more on what made film producers want to create a film after a book. This analyzation can introduce the readers to a few reasons that may have attracted the producer to want to see a story from an author come to life. The topic can focus on the romance genre as there have been many movies adapted from books of romance. For example, 50 Shades of Grey which has been a big deal in today's generation. The book trilogy got not just one movie, but three. What were the attractions that the film producer got from the book that he/she wanted to see on the screen?

  • I think it has a lot to do with popularity, i.e. being listed as a bestseller book and a growing fanbase. From that fact alone filmmakers might have a sense of built in security that the theaters will be full. Take a look at the recent trilogies becoming movie franchises (Hunger Games, Divergent, etc.). Also notice similar plots and themes. Genre craze. In regards to Fifty Shades, there really isn't much guesswork to be done. Sexual content, and twisted romance pulled the crowd in just to read. Who would miss it on screen? Modern TV nudity doesn't cut it anymore, rated R movies with "unusual behavior" seems to attract people. – sbermudez 10 years ago
  • Maybe include something about how when a book is translated into a movie the content usually changes some, or something gets left out, and how that affects the viewing experience. – rinamg 9 years ago
  • I would pick a few different movies that started first as books, and talk about how the producer came to choose that book to make into a movie. Then discuss what they might have added/taken away from the original plot and way. Then maybe finish with what you/others consider to be the better of the two options between the book and film. – BlueJayy 9 years ago
  • Because film is a more popular medium, the scary thing is that a lot of people don't even know that many films adaption even came from books. – Lazarinth 9 years ago

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Latest Comments

Diego Santoyo

Love the article and love the show! I’d love to see more of each journey. I sometimes feel like each journey should be a full season. There is so much that they catch and we don’t get to see it all because it’s aired in an episode or two. Anyway, great read!

'My 600-Lb Life': Dead Weight TLC Should Shed?
Diego Santoyo

Your article is very engaging. It is a good read and I love that you mention the show Roseanne! That show does a good job at representing the lesbian and gay community.

Transgender Characters on Television: Quality vs. Quantity
Diego Santoyo

You have a very informative article that I enjoyed reading. I loved the way you started it because it made me laugh. It’s hard to escape “Let It Go” because it’s everywhere!

Why is Disney Overemphasizing Frozen?
Diego Santoyo

You have a great article. I also think it is important to take the time to develop these characters more. Developing them well will provide a better character universe.

A Successful or Disappointing Future for Superhero Movies?
Diego Santoyo

Very insightful article. Wow, these characters are very explicit.

Sexuality in American Superhero Comics
Diego Santoyo

Cool article! I still remember when the cards used to be in.

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Terrifying or Inspiring?
Diego Santoyo

Very cool article. As a kid I remember playing so many Pokémon games. Haven’t played anything in years.

Pokémon: The Unique Experience of Fan-Made Games
Diego Santoyo

I love that with fiction you really can make anything possible. Great article.

Plot Twists in Fiction: Making a Story Standout