Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor I
Why is it so difficult to make video game film adaptations?Movies based video games have a fraught past. From the goofy live action Mario Bros movies to the more modern and highly divisive Assassins Creed film, the level of success has not been high or constant for that matter. For the piece you could research a short history of some prominent video films and their failings, as well as any successful video game films, and give some insight on why the movie industry has such a strong disconnect from the gaming world. Is it because studio execs don't think the gaming community wants movies based on their games? And do they? How does this relationship compare to the relationship between books and film? Why is it so easy to adapt a book but not a video game into film? One could be quick to jump to the idea that it's simply economics: studios don't think the video game adaptations will make money. But this all changes in 2020, with the video game market being worth more than film and sports as of recently. Video games are where the money seems to be, so why aren't these films put in the right hands with the right funding?
Halo's Mystery Is Quickly Becoming An Endangered Species | |
Good explanation for one of the games that has been eluding me for years. I think this falls in line with many movies, tv shows, games, and even albums that leave us a tiny trail of narrative bread crumbs without actually leading us anywhere. It is an interesting plot style and just like Sigur Ros’ album “()”, these are purposefully “unfinished” works so the viewer, listener, player, or reader can finish it for themselves. | The Narrative of Five Nights at Freddy's |
I was just talking about repetition in my poetry class during a lecture about popular music and poetry. We were discussing why pop singers will repeat certain words, like a catch phrase or in a row (think “haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate). It was interesting to see how many different purposes people in the class thought repeating phrases had, and it shows how each poetic device can be made anew by a talented poet. My take was it was a sonic thing, as in the repeated the words like a classical composer would have the same note a few times in a row, resulting in a subtle emphasis on the phrase or note. Obviously, in this book, it takes on new meanings and boundaries. Great read. | Poetry: An Appreciation of Repetition in Stan Zumbiel's "Standing Watch" |
Really interesting point. I was taken in by the title alone. When I was playing Halo 5, I couldn’t help but feel like their was something off. Even though they were loading me up with lore, I felt like I was getting LESS. I felt this because the lore was often used rather than introduced. For example: bringing a character from the books into the scene without telling me the who or why.