Relatively recent university grad with a BA in English. Trying to get some poems published, interested in copy writing and working on my first novel.
Junior Contributor I
How 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) and Drive (2011) Operate as Multi-Genre FilmsAnalyze how these two films balance multiple, often opposing, genres to create something unique and engaging. In what ways are the films similar in their approach to genre-switching? How do the liberties or risks each film takes illustrate that risk-aversion in movie making can be limiting?
Relationship Entertainment: Navigating the Struggle between Romance and Friendship on TV | |
![]() I would consider your use of rhetorical questions. What purpose would you say they serve? I find that they don’t add anything to your article. Also watch out for over use of colloquial sentence structure. If used it should be to affirm a point or antidote rather than assume the knowledge of your readers (e.g “exactly”). Overall I found that your article didn’t present any answers to or insight about the topic. You need to expand on your ideas, not just state them. | What Should Happen To Captured Super Villains? |
![]() Loved your short-but-sweet article! However, I would have loved to hear more about the post-golden age Hollywood changes, as well why you think its so frustrating that most studios/ directors choose to advertise their movies this way. You also failed to acknowledge that their are many more studio movies besides Midnight Special that have ambiguous trailers. | Time to Trim Trailers? The Death of Surprise in Modern Hollywood |
![]() Although I don’t agree with some of your assertions, such as that socio/ psychopathy inherently lead to violent actions, I see that you have given some thought to what your writing since you define some of your terms. I would recommend outlining your argument from your thesis, since your thesis had a tendency to get lost in other tertiary points your gave in the second half of your paper. Also, be mindful of spelling/ grammatical errors. | Superhero Villains and their Struggle with Morality |
Very well thought-out, and beautifully written article! Any holes in your thinking are not holes at all, but further opportunities for thought and investigation for future topics/articles. This, of course, is the best thing an article/essay can do. Keep up the good work.