

I'm an aspiring novelist who has a long way to go. I like anime, video games and literature and so articles I write will likely be from these topics. Thanks for helping me ou

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Naruto political world

What is the political situation in the Naruto anime/manga world? The relationship between the villages in particular. Is the leaf village the leader? If it isn't, why not, since the leaf village seems so much more powerful than the others? If it is, why do they act independent from each other (equal)? In the fourth great ninja war most of the battles were won or led by ninja from the hidden leaf village (I admit not all but most). Is the political system in the Naruto world believable or not? And why?

  • Naruto-verse is divided into, first, Lands: Earth, Iron, Fire, Lightening, Water, etc. Each Land then has their own hidden ninja village; the Land of Fire is where Konohagakure is- Konoha being the first ninja village to be formed. The politcal system in Naruto I believe is that each Land is independent, politically, which is why the Fourth Shinobi War is supposed to be significant, since all the Lands don't often all work together. In addition to Kages, each Land has a daimyo. I agree that the Land of Fire is often depicted as strongest- the Hokage, after all, is always said to be the strongest of the five Kages. – ees 8 years ago

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Thank you so much for your analysis of Naruto. I am so conflicted by this anime, in some instances i think it excels and is amazing, in other parts I grow to hate it, there is no other franchise that incurs my hatred and adoration.

Naruto: The Unresolved Revolution

I preferred the original trilogy but am baffled by the hate for the prequel they are good movies, and a lot of people forget that they were very well received when they first came out

In Defense of the Star Wars Prequels

Really good article! While playing the game myself I grew to like Josh and did my best to save him, of course without success. Your article ends with the idea that this video game could have challenged the accepted view of people with mental health issues are without hope. This medium of video game grows stronger everyday with the stories they tell and make you experience, and there getting better at making people take the lessons they teach into our real lives and think for a moment ‘why couldn’t I save him’. Perhaps by portraying the end in that way in a fictional environment they make us ask, and in the end change. This game could have ended with josh’s happy ending, but I find that the more painful endings reach deeper, and perhaps show more meaning. Thank you for your time and efforts.

Until Dawn and Mental Health